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[1.12.x] Freight Transport Technologies [v0.6.0]


How do you feel about the VTOL engines? (Vote for both)  

389 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about the VTOL engines? (Vote for both)

    • Propfan: Just right!
    • Propfan: OMG! Overpowered!
    • LFO Thrusters: Too weak
    • LFO Thrusters: Just right!
    • LFO Thrusters: OMG! Overpowered!

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2 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Nope, sizing is correct.  It refers to the cluster diameter.

No idea on your nullref, need a lot more context.

Im sorry what did you need? I posted my logs. I am running a MBP Late 2014. I am running the most recent version of KSP. All of the mods are up to date as far as I know. I have 8gb of ram. This is everything specific I know about my computer. Let me know if you need anything else. 


These are all of the Mods I am running. HG9QAtQ.png


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10 hours ago, sp1989 said:

Im sorry what did you need? I posted my logs. I am running a MBP Late 2014. I am running the most recent version of KSP. All of the mods are up to date as far as I know. I have 8gb of ram. This is everything specific I know about my computer. Let me know if you need anything else. 

These are all of the Mods I am running. 

This "here is my info, plz figure it out" approach might work for paid support by a company, and even some modders - but the majority of modders (and especially RoverDude) is strapped for time.

If you have an issue, and you want it to be solved effectively, you need to:

  1. Make a backup of your save
  2. Make a backup of your mods
  3. Exactly note the steps that you need to do, in order to get the the NullRefs. Is it just one condition or is it multiple? (From your logs, it looks like 2 cases)
  4. Try to minimize the number of steps that you need to do to get the NullRef. Note the simplest reproduction steps
  5. Now remove Mods one by one, until the problem no longer occurs. Find the minimum amount of mods where the the problem still occurs (If you are reasonably sure that it's one particular mods fault, you can shortcut this by deleting all other mods leaving only that mod installed)
  6. Prepare a savefile that reproduces this issue and has no parts from mods other than the one that causes the problem
  7. Post the savefile, your minimal reproduction steps, the list of mods and your logs on the forum and/or on GitHub

If this seems like a lot of work - that's because it is. It is work that a modder would have to do themselves, which would take time away from their modding (and we wanna keep our modders modding, don't we? :wink: ). The less work they have to do, and the easier it is to reproduce your issue, the more likely it is that it gets fixed soon.

This is especially true for RoverDude's mods. Trust me on this one :wink:

Edited by Kobymaru
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14 hours ago, RoverDude said:

You are likely doing it wrong.

It's quite likely I'm just not giving it enough EC.

My craft (it's a test craft) consists of 2 Gigantor solar arrays, a Probodobodyne Stayputnik and, of course, a propfan. It is daytime, and it reads as getting 100% input.

14 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Show a picture of your craft.

If it'll upload... There we go! It's in this spoiler (so I don't clutter up the thread):



The Honeybadger cockpit isn't connected (note the decoupler) so all it's trying to lift is the solar panels and stayputnik. And itself.


EDIT: Also, the sound effect crackles in my wireless headphones, likely due to my headphones' amplification.

EDIT 2: When placing them, should I put the arrows pointing up or down?

EDIT 3: Ok, so pointing large ducted fans down seems to lift quite a bit (and provide all the RCS I'll ever need!)

Edited by TDplay
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This is my first time playing with the honeybadger items and I'm running into the same issue as TDPlay with the VTOL Atmospheric Engines providing no lift. If I replace them with the LFO or ducted engines, they work fine. But I get no lift from the atmospheric engines. I do have a wide assortment of other mods installed, so I'll attempt to troubleshoot where the interaction might be.

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Screenshot in the spoiler. I'm continuing to remove mods to see if I can locate the interaction. I've tried lightening the load, more power, and I did also try to flip them upside down just to make sure I wasn't using them wrong, but neither direction worked.




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Dump From AVC:


KSP: 1.2.2 (Unix) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Linux 4.2 Ubuntu 15.10 64bit
000_AT_Utils - 1.4.2
USI Tools - 0.8.16
Community Category Kit - 1.2.2
Community Resource Pack - 0.6.6
ConfigurableContainers -
Firespitter - 7.5.1
GroundConstruction -
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.2
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.4.3
KSP-AVC Plugin -
USI Core - 0.3.9
Asteroid Recycling Tech - 0.9.8
USI Exploration Pack - 0.7.3
Freight Transport Tech - 0.6.7
Karbonite - 0.8.7
Konstruction - 0.1.11
USI-LS - 0.5.23
MKS - 0.50.17
Malemute Rover - 0.2.7
NuclearRockets - 0.3.8
Sounding Rockets - 0.5.8
USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.5.4

Dump from ls:


000_AT_Utils            Firespitter              ModuleManager.ConfigCache
000_USITools            GroundConstruction       ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
AsteroidDay             KAS                      ModuleManager.Physics
CommunityCategoryKit    KIS                      ModuleManager.TechTree
CommunityResourcePack   KSP-AVC                  Squad
ConfigurableContainers  ModuleManager.2.7.5.dll  UmbraSpaceIndustries

The honeybadger control modules have 4k internal batteries each and the reactor keeps them topped off fine for spin-up and seeing that nothing lifts off. The original ship was much larger, but I pared it down to bare bones for testing (and as I removed mods). I think it might be time for a fresh install for me as I'm running out of mods to remove.

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12 hours ago, RoverDude said:

are the rotors upside down

Which way is it meant to go, anyway? I, too, tried both ways, nothing happened. I also tried reversing the thrust, no effect. I keep wondering "are they just slamming me into the ground?":confused:

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Let's take a look...


		name = ModuleEnginesFX
		thrustVectorTransformName = ThrustTransform
		minThrust = 0
		maxThrust = 250
		heatProduction = 50
		exhaustDamage = False
		ignitionThreshold = 0.1
		useEngineResponseTime = True
		engineAccelerationSpeed = 1.00
		engineDecelerationSpeed = 1.00
		useVelocityCurve = True
		fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
			name = ElectricCharge
			ratio = 15
			DrawGauge = True
			name = IntakeAtm
			ratio = 1
			ignoreForIsp = True		
			DrawGauge = True
			key = 0 150 0 0 
		// Jet params
		atmChangeFlow = True
		useVelCurve = True
		useAtmCurve = True
		machLimit = 0.75
		machHeatMult = 6.0
			key = 0 1 0 -0.125804
			key = 0.35 0.96 0 0
			key = 1.05 1.2 0.5409369 0.5409369
			key = 1.67 1.7 0 0
			key = 2.15 1.1 -3.49991 -3.49991
			key = 2.3 0.5 -3.164169 -3.164169
			key = 2.5 0 0.004306508 0
			key = 0 0 0 0
			key = 0.1 0.1 1.276916 1.276916
			key = 0.297 0.35 1.304143 1.304143
			key = 0.538 0.59 0.8485174 0.8485174
			key = 1 1 0.8554117 0


This is your code for the Honeybadger VTOL Atmospheric engine's thrust module. It looks perfectly fine to me (I do basic modding myself). Sifting through the other modules in that .cfg file...


	MODULE  //---- top blades
		name = FSplanePropellerSpinner
		propellerName = RotoTop
		rotationSpeed = -90
		thrustRPM = -300
		windmillRPM = 0.1
		windmillMinAirspeed = 30
		spinUpTime = 3.5
		useRotorDiscSwap = 1
		rotorDiscName = PropBlurTop
		rotorDiscFadeInStart = 0.95
		rotorDiscSpeed = -25	
		blade1 = TopBlades		

	MODULE  //---- bottom blades
		name = FSplanePropellerSpinner
		propellerName = RotoBottom
		rotationSpeed = 88
		thrustRPM = 300
		windmillRPM = 0.1
		windmillMinAirspeed = 30
		spinUpTime = 3.5
		useRotorDiscSwap = 1
		rotorDiscName = PropBlurBot
		rotorDiscFadeInStart = 0.95
		rotorDiscSpeed = 26	
		blade2 = BottomBlades
	MODULE  //---- Spinner Cap. needed to continue spinning after rotor discs swap in.
		name = FSplanePropellerSpinner
		propellerName = PropCapBot
		rotationSpeed = 250
		thrustRPM = 200
		windmillRPM = 0.1
		windmillMinAirspeed = 30
		spinUpTime = 4
	MODULE  //---- Spinner Cap. needed to continue spinning after rotor discs swap in.
		name = FSplanePropellerSpinner
		propellerName = PropCapTop
		rotationSpeed = -250
		thrustRPM = -200
		windmillRPM = 0.1
		windmillMinAirspeed = 30
		spinUpTime = 4		
		name = ModuleResourceIntake
		resourceName = IntakeAtm
		checkForOxygen = False
		area = 0.01
		intakeTransformName = Intake

		name = IntakeAtm
		amount = 4.5
		maxAmount = 4.5
		isTweakable = false
		hideFlow = true
	sound_vent_medium = engage
	sound_jet_low = running
	sound_jet_deep = power
	sound_vent_soft = disengage
	sound_explosion_low = flameout

		name = ModuleRCS
		thrusterTransformName = RCSThruster
		thrusterPower = 2.5

			name = ElectricCharge
			ratio = 15
			name = IntakeAtm
			ratio = 1

			key = 0 337.5
			key = 1 450
		 name = FSengineSounds
		 engage = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/KaPropFan_Start
		 disengage = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/KaPropFan_Stop
		 flameout = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/KaPropFan_Stop
		 power = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/KaPropFan_Running
		 powerPitchBase = 1
		 thrustAddedToPitch = 0.8
		 powerFadeInSpeed = 0.0218
		 powerFadeInDelay = 15
		 powerLowerThreshold = 0.0
		 runningVolume = 1
		 powerVolume = 1.5
		 engageVolume = 1
		 disengageVolume = 1
		 flameoutVolume = 1.5
		 randomStartDelay = 1.0 //for playing engines slightly out of sync

	fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout

		name = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform
		defaultTTname = thrustTransform
		isReversed= false


I don't see how any of those could affect it. Sorry, I can't be of any help, RoverDude. Me and PhilM are probably doing something wrong, but we have no idea what.

Ok, let's see in game...



When the game shows this (CoT at the SPH floor), I think it means there's no CoT (which in turn means no thrust). So there's the problem!

Edited by TDplay
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6 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Ok - that specific model is bugged.  The other ducted fans look to be working, so leave the inline one be till the next update.

OK, thanks RoverDude! Other than that not working fan, excellent mod by the way!

Edited by TDplay
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