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Kethane Station Discussion


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I'm afraid I can't allow certain people to use other mods, because when it all comes down to it the mods I allow are just the ones I have installed. And at the moment I'm trying to keep as few part mods as I possibly can in order to reduce lag in an all ready unbelievably laggy and buggy series. Sorry, but you're just going to have to make do with the rules I've already set out :/

Well it never hurts to ask, Sadly the Lack Laster Lab AKA LLL parts are not getting the attention I feel they need so I do try to push them when I can. If I May what part mod do you have installed so that I can look and see if they might be able to fit in with my plans? Also I Like to use the LLL to help keep part count down since a lot of the hull pieces are larger then most the stock ones.

I'll try to make a frigate with the stock parts and see how horrible it is.

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Hi !

i try to build a "Battle Cruisser " like , the famous ship from SC1&2 ! Not finish yet and not armored yet too . Just thinking about what kind of weapon must i put on it .





If you have any suggessions .

Edited by ZLM-Master
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Those looks amazing, can't wait to use them in the series :D. But first you're going to have to add the ship files, there's not much I can do with the persistence other than look at the ships. You might also want to put everything in a zip file and upload that instead as you do have quite a few files.

Ok, I'll try to get a few save files ready this weekend, maybe even with a new ship! (I'll make a post saying when everything is updated). You might want to change this in the original post.

- When submitting you'll need to be as neat as possible. Have a clear title for your company/manufacturer and every ship along with it's category; include a few pictures or an imgur album of the ship in action, provide a description and stats like delta-v and T/W ratio. Feel free to host the ship file(s) where you want. If you have the persistence file with the ship(s) already where you want it (and nothing else), that would be great.

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Hi guys,

Here's my personnal armed version of the battlecruiser from SC1&2 (No mod, no "cheat", perfectly flyable)

First half in SAB


Full BC with open missile bay orbiting kerbin




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Hi guys,

Here's my personnal armed version of the battlecruiser from SC1&2 (No mod, no "cheat", perfectly flyable)

First half in SAB


Full BC with open missile bay orbiting kerbin


Wow, that's quite big. :)

I'd love to work alongside it with HKA... but if it goes to GMI, it'd be fun to combat. :P

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Table of Contents

1: Corporation Description & History

2: Ground Support - Vehicles

3: Ground Support - Aircraft

Corporation Description & History

Cyten Aerospace Industries [pronounced sci-ten] is a global aeronautics and defense technology corporation dedicated to the construction of air and space defense systems. Initially a small aircraft company, Cyten has grown over the past half century to include divisions dedicated to advanced military aircraft, spaceplanes, satellites and missiles. Military procurement generated immense amounts of profit, and the start of Kethane operations peaked corporate interest in developing mining ships. Money was transferred to research & development for a fleet of heavy cargo SSTOs capable of flying to Duna and establishing a Kethane outpost and returning. However, these dreams were shattered when GMI's Cerberus station went online. Revenue began dropping rapidly. The sudden loss of the space domain meant all Cyten satellites were shut down and all spaceplanes were grounded indefinitely. An executive decision has been made to enter the Kethane Wars in order to secure the future of the company. The new era of space warfare can make or break the corporation, with stakes high as success leads to untold profits, and failure leads to the collapse of Cyten altogether.


Cyten Aerospace Industries is sided with HKA in the war, because it believes that GMI is a dangerous company which must be stopped before they completely monopolize the space corporate sector.


Ground Support - Vehicles


Cyten's executives know that in order to achieve superiority in space, the ground war must be won as well. Therefore, Cyten Aerospace has deployed advanced armored vehicles developed and tested before the shift to deep space operations. While the corporation specializes in air and space systems, combined arms can never be ignored, and the amount of boots on the ground can affect the tide of the war.



AV-25A2 Vikus Infantry Fighting Vehicle




The AV-25A2 "Vikus" is an eight-wheeled armored fighting vehicle able to travel over any terrain, with the capability to carry a squad of six kerbals in the back. The Vikus is heavily armored, with testing showing it can take up to three direct hits to the front before it’s disabled, and it also boasts an armament of a 30mm autocannon and twin .50 caliber machine guns for infantry fire support. Following the Vikus' deadly tendency to flip at high speeds, Cyten engineers went to work designing an improved model. Thus, the Vikus-A2 was born. The Mark 2 model adds higher reliability without compromising the standard model's combat prowess. Remodeled armor was added to the front for increased protection, a rotating infrared targeting camera allows for greater situational awareness, and new smoke deployers can keep the Vikus and surrounding infantry concealed from incoming enemy fire. Furthermore, the Vikus' center of mass has been significantly lowered, keeping it from being highly prone to tilting at high speeds. To prevent a catastrophic wipeout, the aerodynamics have been tweaked; now the Vikus has a constant downward force pushing the wheels to the ground, preventing the wheels from rising during sharp turns. The most important change, however, is the new wheel system. Earlier Vikus models had basic, unreliable suspension which often broke tires during off-road travel. Now, the Vikus can handle even the largest jumps with ease. These new additions keep the Vikus as one of the deadliest vehicles on the modern battlefield.





Ground Support - Aircraft

In order to support the air superiority and ground personnel support, Cyten Aerospace has ordered the deployment of various military aircraft from their production line, effective immediately. Battle-tested in small conflicts around Kerbin, these aircraft are piloted by veteran Cyten test pilots who are all to eager to switch back from testing the new generation of aircraft to conducting combat sorties.


F-73 Aquila Multirole Fighter



The F-73 “Aquila" is a twin-engine multirole fighter aircraft with a very high degree of three-dimensional maneuverability. Utilizing a swept wing blending into the fuselage and leading edge canard foreplanes, the Aquila excels at post-stall maneuvering, and can perform stunts thought impossible by many. Its powerful engines allow the Aquila to reach speeds in excess of 350 m/s at sea level and 800 m/s at altitude, while carrying a full fuel and ammunition load. The Aquila is capable of executing 15 G turns at three times the speed of sound, and is completely controllable after stalling, making it an exceptional aircraft for dogfighting. For both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions, the Aquila can carry an impressive payload of weaponry on any of its ten hardpoints. The aircraft's blend of speed, agility, and firepower will easily make it an important aspect of the HKA Coalition air forces.






F-51E Garuda Strike Fighter


The F-51E "Garuda" is a two-seat, twin engine strike fighter designed to carry an immense payload of weapons through long-range missions without the need of refueling. It is part of the latest generation in Cyten fighter aircraft, including numerous experimental upgrades to improve performance. The primary upgrade is the canards located in front of the main wing; these extra foreplanes provide enhanced maneuverability at all speeds, allowing the Garuda to maneuver on the same scale as dedicated dogfighters, even while it carries an air to ground payload. For ground attack missions, the Garuda is capable of holding over six tons of ordnance. For air superiority missions, it can carry a deadly payload of over a dozen assorted air-to-air missiles. With its sheer amount of firepower, the Garuda easily creates the main force of Cyten strike packages.





FV-08B Corsair VTOL Fighter 


The FV-08B “Corsair” is a single-seat multirole fighter, with a trait not shared with many other aircraft: it can take off and land vertically, even with a heavy weapons load. The Corsair can achieve a vertical takeoff by employing two powerful engines located directly beneath the center of mass, pushing the Corsair upward with sheer force. This VTOL capability gives the Corsair to operate from practically anywhere, even carriers. It comes equipped with a 30mm chain gun located underneath the nose, which the Corsair can effectively use to support ground forces as it hovers in place. Additionally, the Corsair does not sacrifice any air-to-air performance for the ground attack mission, and it can hold its own against even the most formidable adversaries. These qualities have made the Corsair a well-respected name in the communities of various marine branches across Kerbin.




A-310 Hearthaeven Heavy Attack Gunship




The A-310 "Hearthaeven" is a heavily armed, long endurance attack aircraft, sporting a wide array of specialized air-to-ground ordnance. Rather than carrying an arsenal of missiles, bombs, and other munitions, the Hearthaeven employs a deadly arsenal of ballistic weapons on its port side: two 105mm howitzers, one 30mm autocannon, and two 20mm gatling guns. During an attack, the Hearthaeven can execute a left-wing pylon turn, flying a large circle around the target, allowing it to fire for far longer than a conventional aircraft's strafing attacks. Using the infrared camera on the side, Hearthaeven gunners can effectively tear even the hardest enemy armor to shreds. To defend itself, the Hearthaeven comes equipped with two sets of four flare dispensers located on various parts of the fuselage, creating a distinct "angel wing" appearance, as well as four chaff dispensers and an on-board electronic weapons suite. The Hearthaeven's capability to target an opponent for a long duration with pinpoint accuracy will make it an invaluable asset for all allied units on the ground.






E-676 SkyEye Airborne Warning And Control System


The E-676 "SkyEye" is a large airborne early warning and command center. The main feature of the SkyEye is its powerful radar, able to detect and monitor all targets within a 20 kilometer radius. With that radar, the AWACS provides the all-weather surveillance, command, control, and communications that are paramount to Cyten and HKA air commanders. When used in conjunction with an aerial strike package or a ground task force, the SkyEye can can be positioned at the edge of the enemy's air defense network, to provide real-time targeting data and threat updates. The passenger compartment can hold 42 operators, and is filled to the brim with computers that can detect and track enemy units at all altitudes, as well as radio equipment capable of communicating with all friendly forces on any frequency. For complete situational awareness, a SkyEye is a necessary addition to any major operation. 


Edited by Mobius
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Wow, incredible presentation !

let me guess, arkraptor, arkraven...arkbird?


Excellent observation! I do plan on making another spacecraft called the Arkbird, but I'm not sure what should get that honorable title. Maybe a large cargo SSTO, like MrOverfloaters?

Maybe I can submit my SR-71 replica, which currently holds Arkbird as its codename. I don't know how it would fit into the series though. Maybe a cinematic involving a high-altitude spy mission over GMI's headquarters.

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just wondering but how is the split between the HKA and GMI, AND I was wondering if a single company can supply both sides with different ships and ship classes? For example; The Mass Key shipyards Provides HKA a few tanks, and then supply the GMI some Ground attack aircraft, then supplies HKA with some AA Craft. Kinda like playing both sides but never truly picking a side.

Also I have been messing around with some Stock missiles and I am surprised at how easy they are to assembly, I have make what I call a 3 stage decoupler missile that if fired on kerban with hack gravity it is under powered flight for 3km reaching some 400m/s. I've also been testing some I-beam missiles also. I might submit something here, or I might just stay out of this one as I have, or supply in black market sales to both side if allowed. I mean my company is a shipyard after all and just makes craft to the highest bidder.

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Could we have a neutral station in Kerbin orbit that refuels both GMI and HKA ships?




That isn't a bad idea, if one side has a ship docked to the station then the other side would hesitate to attack as they would likely lose a valuable refueling point.

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just wondering but how is the split between the HKA and GMI, AND I was wondering if a single company can supply both sides with different ships and ship classes? For example; The Mass Key shipyards Provides HKA a few tanks, and then supply the GMI some Ground attack aircraft, then supplies HKA with some AA Craft. Kinda like playing both sides but never truly picking a side.

Also I have been messing around with some Stock missiles and I am surprised at how easy they are to assembly, I have make what I call a 3 stage decoupler missile that if fired on kerban with hack gravity it is under powered flight for 3km reaching some 400m/s. I've also been testing some I-beam missiles also. I might submit something here, or I might just stay out of this one as I have, or supply in black market sales to both side if allowed. I mean my company is a shipyard after all and just makes craft to the highest bidder.

A manufacturer can supply both HKA and GMI at the same time but it would be a little weird. It makes more sense for them to supply only the highest bidder, otherwise the opposite forces won't exactly be kind to the manufacturer once they try to sell their ships to them. Good to hear you're having some luck with stock missiles :)

Could we have a neutral station in Kerbin orbit that refuels both GMI and HKA ships?





A neutral station is a cool idea but I can't help feeling that there's just too much hostility between HKA and GMI for them to make a decision like that.


I'm subscribed to Denis. So yeah, I've seen it - and I could certainly give it a go. I'll ask him for the configs when I have the time.

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