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Kethane Station Discussion


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Here is all the aircraft I have made so far.

These craft are not meant to be perfect replicas but are they are inspired by

F-86 Saber
















and from Ace Combat Zero ADFX-01 Morgan (remember based on)


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Well, the new aerodynamics model may help my dropship design work better. I guess that's good. Also, all of my aircraft have been tested to be FAR capable, so thankfully I don't have to update them.

If anyone's wondering, I've still been working on more ships for Cyten, but the release of GTAV and my math class suddenly morphing into a trigonometry class has taken up most of my time.

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I've already PMed HatBat with the up-to-date DL info for these craft...


The MU SX-13 Lancer, a small yet tough assault frigate.


The MU SX-3 Ingressor MK3, a mini-battlecruiser/pocket destroyer armed to the teeth with anti-capital ship weapons.


And last but not least, the SX-00 Spectre reconnaissance corvette. (The Helios is an SX-00 donated to HKA).

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Alright, quick little tidbit here. Have you looked at adding Kerbal Inventory System to the list of acceptable mods? It's made by the same people who made KAS It adds quite a bit to the game. Plus it will be required to use KAS in future updates.

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  datubaman said:
Alright, quick little tidbit here. Have you looked at adding Kerbal Inventory System to the list of acceptable mods? It's made by the same people who made KAS It adds quite a bit to the game. Plus it will be required to use KAS in future updates.

Yep, just started using it a couple of days ago. Very cool little mod.

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*Roleplay mode engaged*

We at Union Dynamics would like to know how many assets of ours were lost at KSC so we can set you up with some replacements. We've had reports that two of our units engaged the enemy aircraft but were destroyed.

Also, we should be coming out with some new units within the next few days

*Roleplay mode disengaged*

Also, have you ever looked into using the Kerbal Konstructs and the Kerbin Side mods?

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  Red, the Engineer said:
When will the next episode be up?

I'm glad you asked, originally I had planned to release it a week or two after episode 21, but what with the release of 1.0 I've had to delay it by about week while I fix the save game a little and update all the mods, It hasn't helped that I've needed to start over every time one of these hotfixes is released. Anyway, I think I'm just about done now, making the final tweaks today. Expect the new episode about two weeks from now, perhaps a little more if it come to it :)

  datubaman said:
*Roleplay mode engaged*

We at Union Dynamics would like to know how many assets of ours were lost at KSC so we can set you up with some replacements. We've had reports that two of our units engaged the enemy aircraft but were destroyed.

Also, we should be coming out with some new units within the next few days

*Roleplay mode disengaged*

Also, have you ever looked into using the Kerbal Konstructs and the Kerbin Side mods?

*Roleplay mode engaged*

HKA can indeed confirm the loss of both an M8 Shenandoah and a M9 Wabash, fallen while defending the KSC, replacements would be very much appreciated as our campaign to retake the KSC goes underway.

*Roleplay mode disengaged*

I've considered both mods and even had Kerbin side installed for a few weeks, but at the moment I'm on something of a crusade to uninstall unnecessary mods. So I'm afraid they had to go, perhaps I'll install them some time in the future if needs be.

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Id love to see Kerbin Side used in Kethane Station. One of the extra bases in the arctic or something could be the GMI headquarters. Then a Cyten strike package could give their regards :D

Also, an air battle over Kerbin City would be pretty cool. What do you think?

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  Mobius said:
Id love to see Kerbin Side used in Kethane Station. One of the extra bases in the arctic or something could be the GMI headquarters. Then a Cyten strike package could give their regards :D

Also, an air battle over Kerbin City would be pretty cool. What do you think?

I'm not sure It'd fit in to the RP very comfortably to have HKA and GMI battle in a city :/. Extra bases sounds cool though, perhaps if enough people want it then I'll do it.

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  HatBat said:
I'm not sure It'd fit in to the RP very comfortably to have HKA and GMI battle in a city :/. Extra bases sounds cool though, perhaps if enough people want it then I'll do it.

Good be a good idea for people who didn't submit many craft or only atmospheric ones

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Also, for another order of business. I'm currently drawing up plans for some capital ships. However, looking at the Spooky Classification System, I noticed a huge problem with it that I just couldn't leave unaddressed. So, I am going to explain what the problem is and what I'm doing to correct it.

The big problem with the Spooky Classification System is that it isn't descriptive enough. The purpose of having a designation system is to give an idea as to what sort of characteristics that ship has, and what its role is in the fleet. The Spooky Classification system bases its designations off of the vehicle's mass, which by itself isn't enough to give any idea as to what each ship is supposed to do. And while certain types of ships certainly do lend themselves to having greater masses than other ships, that isn't why they are designated as such. A battleship isn't designated as a battleship because of it's size, but because it is meant to slug it out with other ships. And to do that, it needs to have big guns and heavy armor, which then results in a big ship with more mass. The mass comes with the type, but it does not define it. The ship type tells us what the ship can do, not how big it is.

There are a few other problems with it that stem from this. Namely that it manages to have both too many and too few ship types. For having only one descriptor that defines each ship type there are waaaay too many ship types in the Spooky Classification System. It's basically splitting hairs. Also, there is no variety in those ship types, because of the same thing. Only having one descriptor for ship types limits what kind of ships you can have. Also, it's way too strict, not giving players room to experiment with different designs.

So, now that I have stated my reasoning, it's time that I gave you my replacement. I call it the Advanced Ship Designation System. Instead of giving distinct mass ranges, this system gives a set of basic features and characteristics for people use as guidelines when designing and categorizing their ships. It's also intended to be specific enough to give an idea of what it's supposed to do, but vague enough to allow for experimentation. So, without further ado, Ladies and gentlemen, I present...

The Advanced Ship Designation System

Note that this set is preliminary and will be expanded upon in the future.


Destroyers are escort ships meant to protect bigger capital ships from enemy fighter squadrons and other destroyers. They have very little in the form of anti-ship armament, but have plenty of anti-fighter missiles. They're also capable of performing reconnaissance missions, search and rescue, and escort duties. They must also be very quick and maneuverable so as to be able to quickly cut off incoming fighter attacks, so armor should be just light enough to protect it from debris. They must also be able to travel to other planets and fight there without any aid whatsoever.

Destroyer Escort

Destroyer Escorts are smaller than Destroyers. They are meant purely to assist Destroyers in engaging enemy fighters and have almost no anti-ship armament of their own, though that doesn't mean they can't carry any. Like Destroyers, Destroyer Escorts should be fast and maneuverable, capable of moving quickly to engage incoming fighter squadrons. They can also be used for the same missions as a Destroyer can Also must be capable of unassisted interplanetary travel.


Cruisers are the most versatile, flexible, and diverse of all ship types. More heavily armed and armored than Destroyers, but more maneuverable than Battleships, they are the backbone of any navy. They usually have a somewhat balanced mix of anti-fighter weaponry and anti-ship weaponry and are usually capable of filling multiple roles at once. They can assist the Battleships in engaging enemy ships or assist the destroyers in fending off enemy fighters. They can perform usually any type of mission, depending on the design. Must be capable of unaided interplanetary travel.


The big boys with the big guns and the big armor. Battleships are meant to do one thing and one thing only: slug it out with enemy ships. They carry the biggest weapons in the fleet and have the most armor. They usually have very little as far as anti-fighter weaponry, being dependent on nearby escort ships such as Destroyers and Destroyer Escorts. They also aren't particularly mobile. However, their armor is usually sufficient against most hits it will take. May also sometimes carry a small contingent of fighters or landing/boarding craft. Must be capable of unaided interplanetary travel.


Often times the heart of the fleet, Carriers provide fighter support for the rest of the ships, both defensively and offensively. Like Cruisers, Carriers can be very diverse in design. The key feature of a Carrier is that it has no offensive anti-ship armament of its own. It attacks entirely through the fighters it carries. The missions it is capable of carrying out depends greatly on the design of the carrier. Must be capable of unaided planetary travel.


Monitors are interesting. They are designed to patrol and defend the area within a planet's orbit. They are not capable of unaided interplanetary travel, but they don't need to be. They are best used to defend space stations, satellites, or just keep tabs on enemy movements. As such, they should be well balanced in speed, armor, and firepower.

Again, this is a work in progress, and more entries will be made shortly.

And finally, sorry Spooky!

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so when BDarmory comes out, i will update my crafts. i also realized i forgot to PM hat with a DL link :confused: so when i get around to it i'll do that. unless you can directly use my old crafts, that would work too.

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so when BDarmory comes out, i will update my crafts. i also realized i forgot to PM hat with a DL link :confused: so when i get around to it i'll do that. unless you can directly use my old crafts, that would work too.

its been out

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  datubaman said:
I'm currently drawing up plans for some capital ships. However, looking at the Spooky Classification System, I noticed a huge problem with it that I just couldn't leave unaddressed. So, I am going to explain what the problem is and what I'm doing to correct it.

Must say that's an awesome system, the amount of effort you go to for stuff like that is tremendous. For now I'm going to link that in the OP, though it's worth mentioning I'm perhaps a little iffy about some of the classifications. Personally I've always gone by one, rather simplistic system for the Kethane Station, for as long as I can remember.

Destroyers: A ship designed with nothing in mind other than to kill and not be killed, there's room for additional features but there's an obvious priority, i.e. the Aegis.

Frigates: These are destroyers at heart; However they tend to be considerably smaller, having both less armour and weaponry. Giving them a considerable advantage in terms of speed. These ships usually end of doing a considerable amount of leg work in a battle.

Fighters: I really have no word to differentiate these from their smaller brethren, so advice would be appreciated. Fighters are very much the next step down from frigates, although usually still capable of interplanetary travel, fighters often have little or no armour, are smaller still, and concentrate solely on speed and aggression; Using light yet powerful weapons: they are a serious threat. I.e. the Buzzard, or Macey Dean's 'Isprit'. These craft are special in that they sometimes have atmospheric capabilities, however they are primarily for use in space. They're also what I might use in place of what you're calling a monitor.

Carrier Fighters: The smallest of the bunch, these are the grunt of the fleet. They're incredibly compact and only able to complete small transfers for themselves: so normally transported by carriers. With little to no armour and a particularly limited supply of ammunition (to be reloaded by their carrier). They are what you might call... disposable, but it's important to note that carrier fighters are actually where a lot of the battle is fought, partly due to their large number and speed. Making them invaluable in terms of risk:reward, i.e. the Raptor. These also happen to be what I might use in place of a monitor.

Carriers: Often kept back from the front of the battle, a carrier lacks serious armour and it's primary goal is to transport fighter's and ammo - although there's nothing stopping it from using that ammo if needs be, i.e. the Fortress.

Battlecruisers: Again, essentially a destroyer, but with one quite drastic twist: it is able to carry one or two fighters of it's own. At the expense of not quite as powerful weaponry as it might normally have, but not always. These also happen to end up being the largest in the fleet, depending on what you need to bring along in your carrier. (The best example of this in my series is the Dreadnaught, although SuperHappySquid's

makes for a better fit).

Can't help noticing that people have yet to make a proper classifications system for atmospheric craft, might be an idea. Anyway, I do indeed realize that my system is so general and basic that it leaves to the side the actual idea of specifically classifying ships like yours and Spooky's systems do. Hence the reason yours is quite a lot better xD

Note to everyone: Over the months I've made several small changes to the OP, I don't recall most of them but it might be worth checking back to see if they've culminated in to anything that could affect your submission. Thanks.

Edited by HatBat
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Well there are about 7 different basic types of atmospheric craft that I can think of.



Manned/unmanned Scout




For ship naming I generally go by this

Three/four letter abbreviation - V for airbreathing or X for space. V for non combat, X for combat, or Z for "ground crew". Revision number.

Edited by briansun1
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Completed this today, it's some sort of retro funk beat. I don't usually like heavily electronic music but perhaps it could be used as an up-beat outro in the credits of an episode? Quick note, you're probably going to need to double your volume to hear it - it came out a little quiet for one reason or another. Anyway, did it while playing a few missions in my new 1.0 install: just to make sure everything is functioning properly. I've also just finished writing the detailed script for the new episode with everything I'm going to need to make a hopefully, quite interesting commentary. I can't help feel the first half of the latest KS Remastered episode was a little unnatural.

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I want to continue pumping out craft for Cyten, but I've been working till 11 on a school project for the past four days :(

The struggle is real

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