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Kethane Station Discussion


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This may seem ironic considering my earlier post about ship designations, but I really think that, as far as munitions go, I think it would be best to allow people to come up with their own names for their own munitions. However, as far as classifying munitions, the method I use is simple. If it's guided, it's a missile, if it's not, it's a torpedo.

On another note, my aircraft are almost ready to release. However, I won't be able to come on at all Sunday, so it won't be until Monday until I am able update my aircraft. However, I can tell you right off the bat that at least two of my aircraft are going to be retired, mostly due to the changes to the aero model. I will also be upgrading some of them as well (Those will be marked by having a "B" variant modifier added into their name).

Also, HatBat, I had another thought. If you are going to do videos showcasing the different vehicles submitted here, I think that it would be kind of cool to actually have the people who designed them come on and speak about them. *winkwinknudgenudge*

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MLI: Major Launch Industries. Basically a bunch of kerbals designing and launching most things needed by the contractor, and sending them to do missions. technically a company.

Allegiance: Sends civilian transport ships (kerbal containing things, resource tankers but not miners, etc.) to both (If that is allowed) supplies military aid only to HKA, along with a few miner ships.

Ships, and extra pictures:

V-1 Straightup: Actually a platform for VTOL fighters to be built on. flyable, but takes some learning. takes of vertically. as in It has to be pointing up to work

XAC-X Skyflyer: The loadout moves a lot. it currently carries two cruise missiles along with it's standard cannon armament. handles fairly well for a plane of that size. I think. also transport for 4 kerbals, and a cargo bay.

XKF-01 Space Fighter: essentially a fighter-bomber on launch. utilises a single (probably incorrectly assembled) dean torpedo. also comes with wings. in order to dock to any carrier, you use the mini docking ports that the torpedo launched from. or the claw.


Edited by megatiger78
Added Ship descriptions
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2 things: what is KIS, and I think I might modify this thing I made a while ago:


also do we still need kethane? stock has resources now.

KIS is Kerbal Inventory System, and it's made by the same guys that made Kerbal Attachment System, and in fact, you are now required to download KIS in order to get KAS to work. Also, no more Kethane. Go watch the last episode.

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KIS is Kerbal Inventory System, and it's made by the same guys that made Kerbal Attachment System, and in fact, you are now required to download KIS in order to get KAS to work. Also, no more Kethane. Go watch the last episode.

Actually, since then they've updated it to work with 1.0. So I'll be returning to it when I can, as I do actually prefer it. If only there was a way to combine the scanning and extracting of kethane with the on-surface detection stuff and 'estimated locations' of the stock resources.

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where do I find the custom logo parts? which tab?

For custom logos, plop the folders into the Parts folder in the screen before the GameData directory, if the files aren't in a folder, just make one. If this is done properly, the parts should appear in the Science tab.

Does that help?

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For custom logos, plop the folders into the Parts folder in the screen before the GameData directory, if the files aren't in a folder, just make one. If this is done properly, the parts should appear in the Science tab.

Does that help?

yes. about to try it at writing.

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I really hope one of the next episodes will have ground forces showcased. My tanks really need blood. And if any of your kerbals needs a form of high tech land transportation you should check out my Uni-wheel (A crude replica of the grievous unicycle from star wars)

Both links are in my sig.

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I really hope one of the next episodes will have ground forces showcased. My tanks really need blood. And if any of your kerbals needs a form of high tech land transportation you should check out my Uni-wheel (A crude replica of the grievous unicycle from star wars)

Both links are in my sig.

Try setting it up against a Maelstrom by Kraken Industries :D

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I really hope one of the next episodes will have ground forces showcased. My tanks really need blood. And if any of your kerbals needs a form of high tech land transportation you should check out my Uni-wheel (A crude replica of the grievous unicycle from star wars)

Both links are in my sig.

Yes, my sub wants to destroy your tanks, too. Actually, my sub probably would lose in a fair fight, it's missles are poorly designed, and it's armor is nonexistent.

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Try setting it up against a Maelstrom by Kraken Industries :D

The maelstrom is the tank I had tested it against most in it's development. Fully capable of decimating a maelstrom. Still mine is only more of a medium tank and isn't expected to have amazing longevity.

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Hello everyone! The new batch of Cyten aircraft is ready!

I created three new aircraft to go with the new aerodynamics model, along with a modified version of my SR-71. I also changed the description of Cyten, to go better with the events of Episode 22 and to explain how a space corporation has their own fighter squadrons. Anyways, the new aircraft are:

F-15 ACTIVE: The F-15 STOL/MTD and its evolution the ACTIVE were technology demonstrators based off of the F-15 Eagle. They had front canards (like the Su-37) and experimental 2D thrust vectoring for increased maneuverability. Technology created for the ACTIVE went on for use in the Strike Eagle.

F-16XL: The F-16XL was a modified F-16 with a cranked-arrow delta wing like the Draken. The delta wing configuration allowed more carrying capability without sacrificing maneuverability. The F-16XL went into a competition for the next US strike fighter but lost to the Strike Eagle.

AV-8B / Harrier Gr. 9: The Harrier is a series of multirole aircraft capable of taking off and landing vertically. The first generation flew in the late '60s and current gen Harriers are still flown around the world today.

SR-71: The Blackbird is love, the Blackbird is life. It originally flew in 1966 and retired in 1998. It went at speeds and altitudes never thought possible in another aircraft until the mid '80s, and it was the first plane to incorporate crude stealth technology. Over the course of its service career, thousands of missiles were fired at it, and none of them hit.


The download and more pictures can be found here! Enjoy! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91795-Military-Series-Ship-Submissions?p=1515400#post1515400

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If it's guided, it's a missile, if it's not, it's a torpedo.

thats basically what I use.

except if its 0.625 and unguided its a rocket. If its 1.25m or bigger and unguided its a torpedo.

if its any size and guided its a missile.

And anything that isnt self-propelled is generally considered a railgun

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I do apologize that it's taking me so long to get my stuff updated, but things got very hectic irl, i got a new computer, and then almost everything got deleted, but hopefully I will be able to release my newest aircraft today. In the meantime, I want to go over some of the changes to the Union Dynamics company catalog.


Before I get into anything else, I want to go over some of the terminology I will be using. When I say something is retired, that means that I am removing it from my catalog and have no intention of reintroducing it later on. If I remove something from the catalog but plan on bringing it back in later on after some reworking, I will refer to it as pulled. Ok? Good, let's begin.

To start us off, the sad news. Due to an incident whereupon the properties of Kerbin's atmosphere suddenly and inexplicably changed, things were very briefly thrown into chaos. Fortunately, very few of our products were affected, but a few were. First of all, the A-2 Inverse and the B-2 StormBreaker are both being retired from the catalog. The A-2 is being retired because of severe stability issues when turning at low altitudes. The B-2 is being retired because of several issues, mostly that, before the incident the B-2 was already very prone to having bombs explode inside the bomb bay and the incident only worsened the problem. Sad to see these two go, but we have to let them go. Also, for the mean-time, we will also be pulling the C-1 SkyLifter and the CS-1 Kalvin. The former will be discussed near the end and the latter is experiencing severe issues with the launcher due to the aforementioned incident.

Next up, several aircraft currently in the catalog are going to be replaced with newer version. Some of these newer versions are simply the old versions with some of the new parts added on, and some of them are complete and total overhauls, starting from the ground up. So, these new versions are the A-1B, the B-1B, the B-3B Configurations 1 and 2, the F-1B, the F-2B, the F-3B, and the OR-1B. The A-1B is a complete overhaul of the A-1A, but the most important change is a significant increase to it's offensive armament. If you want to see how much ordinance you can carry on an aircraft, look no further. Most everything else is simply new parts and small tweaks. However, I really want to draw some attention to the B-3B for just a moment. The original B-3A SkyFortress was a complete and utter monstrosity of an aircraft. At 646 parts, it was a constant contest to see which would crash first; the aircraft or the game. The B-3B is a completely different animal. The Configuration 1, with the B-3A's original payload of 180 Mk.82 500lb bombs, now comes in at only 554 parts, a 92-part reduction. And the Configuration 2 goes even further. With a payload of 48 Mk.20 Cluster Bombs the part count is further reduced to 412, a whopping 234-part reduction from the B-3A. How 'bout them apples?!

And finally, the good stuff. In the next update, we will be bringing in several new and exciting aircraft for all your military needs. First up, we have a new ground attack aircraft, the A-3 Venom. While the A-1 ThunderHammer is slow and methodical, the A-3 Venom is fast, albeit not as heavily armed. Secondly, we have two brand new transport aircraft, the C-2 Executive and the C-3 SkyBus. The C-2 Executive is just what the name implies. It is a small VIP transport that is meant to transport personnel from base to base in small jumps. The C-3 SkyBus is a large transport aircraft that was originally meant to be sold to airlines, but recent events shifted the focus of the project. It is capable of carrying 48 passengers for very long uninterrupted periods. Next, we have the E-1 SkyEye and the E-2 Growler. The E-1 SkyEye is an Airborne Warning and Command System (AWACS) and the E-2 is a dedicated Electronic Warfare Aircraft for jamming/intercepting/disrupting enemy communications and radar. Then we have two new recon aircraft, the OR-3 Gemini, a long range observation aircraft and by far the most unusual aircraft we've ever produced as it has 2 cockpits and 3 fuselages, and the OR-4 StarBlazer, a high-speed, high altitude spyplane that travels at speeds in excess of Mach 3. We'll also be adding in a true flying-wing style stealth bomber, the B-4 DarkStriker. And finally, we have two brand new fighter aircraft, the F/A-4 Excalibur and the F-5 Mustang (both pictured above). The F/A-4 is a multi-role fighter that is equipped to handle both air and ground targets, and the F-5 Mustang is a high-performance air superiority fighter with a mean streak. We hope that, when introduced, they come to serve as a backbone for your military forces.

Now, you may have noticed that I have not talked about our most well-known products. Well then, those will be updated soon enough. The next update for the roster after this one will focus on our armored vehicles, as well as an update for the C-1 SkyLifter.

That's all for now, until next time, may the skies be clear and the winds be favorable!

Tuba Kerman.

I just noticed that in the time it took me to type out this novel of a post that I could have actually gone ahead and updated everything. ...oops...

Edited by datubaman
I forgot something
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Like the new ep. Yes I just got around to watching it :P . Anyway my craft looks like it still handles as well as it did befor the patches, though the takeoff is a bit slower. Probable going to add more stuff to the lore tomorrowish.

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I Made a truck a little while ago and it is able it fit a lot of cargo and/or kerbals. It does not have any mods so it is a blank canvas where you can put BD armory stuff and weaponized rovers.




Download Links:

http://www./download/2r...+trailer.craft <-----The Trailer

http://www./download/3d...tower%29.craft <-------The Truck W/Hitch

http://www./download/q2...ed+truck.craft <-----The Regular Truck

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Union Dynamics would like to announce that we have updated our catalog. And so, with this update, we are changing our status from Manufacturer to Company. For a list of the changes made in this update, see our last post.

For those wondering about our armored vehicles, those will be taken care of in our next update.

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Like the new ep. Yes I just got around to watching it :P . Anyway my craft looks like it still handles as well as it did befor the patches, though the takeoff is a bit slower. Probable going to add more stuff to the lore tomorrowish.

Thanks Briansun, and good to hear your planes are in working order.

can we still submit?

Of course :)

Union Dynamics would like to announce that we have updated our catalog. And so, with this update, we are changing our status from Manufacturer to Company. For a list of the changes made in this update, see our last post.

For those wondering about our armored vehicles, those will be taken care of in our next update.

Wow, the new aircraft are absolutely beautiful :D. Quick heads up though, in the near future I'm most likely going to change up how companies work.

Looks great, it will certainly come in handy in the next episode :)

NOTE: Sorry if I've been missing a few posts recently, in the last few weeks this thread has really heated up, while so has planning the next episode (it's going to be a big one). Very hard to keep track of what's going on here xD

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Thanks Briansun, and good to hear your planes are in working order.

Of course :)

Wow, the new aircraft are absolutely beautiful :D. Quick heads up though, in the near future I'm most likely going to change up how companies work.

Looks great, it will certainly come in handy in the next episode :)

NOTE: Sorry if I've been missing a few posts recently, in the last few weeks this thread has really heated up, while so has planning the next episode (it's going to be a big one). Very hard to keep track of what's going on here xD

Yay, now I finally get to see our hard-earned submissions get to blow out of the big black. With style.

Please hurry, as Elysium's doing one episode a month of WWK, Macey's still working on his premiere, and no one else is doing a narrative KSP military series. But don't ut corners. I will do a Taken ​speech on you, if you cut corners.

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