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Kethane Station Discussion


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Ha ha! I've no idea whether this will make it into the show or not. But here it is! The RISE Long Range Patrol Fighter or Kasimov Type I! RISE's premier fighter carries 2400 rounds of 50 Caliber ammunition, 1 kerbal, 850 units of electricity, 1 50 Caliber Chin-gun, 2 of Bahumato's exo-atmospheric missiles, and over 200 units of Mono-propellant! It's fully functional and with over 3.2 kilometers of DV, it certantly fulfills long range! They typically operate in squads of 2 or 3. It also fulfills all of the requirements for the Heavy Fighter class. Enjoy!


'Cruise' Mode


'Intercept' Mode

Craft File : PM me.

Edited by Red, the Engineer
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It's mainly due to the giant dual 2.5 m LFO tanks, which give it EXTREME RANGE.

Or at least that's the plan...

Lol, that's what my old strident class was like...

Just make sure not to go too overkill on the armor. That's why my old ships were usually so part-heavy.

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Lol, that's what my old strident class was like...

Just make sure not to go too overkill on the armor. That's why my old ships were usually so part-heavy.

Actually, my i-beam missile spam system is a huge chunk of the partcount in many of my ships, due to eachiI-beam having six separator rockets acting as propulsion. Magnify that by a factor of 26-30, and that's a ton of tiny rocket engines. :P

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Actually, my i-beam missile spam system is a huge chunk of the partcount in many of my ships, due to eachiI-beam having six separator rockets acting as propulsion. Magnify that by a factor of 26-30, and that's a ton of tiny rocket engines. :P

Macross rocket barrages... they're beautiful. 'sheds tears'

:) :)

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Ha ha! I've no idea whether this will make it into the show or not. But here it is! The RISE Long Range Patrol Fighter or Kasimov Type I! RISE's premier fighter carries 2400 rounds of 50 Caliber ammunition, 1 kerbal, 850 units of electricity, 1 50 Caliber Chin-gun, 2 of Bahumato's exo-atmospheric missiles, and over 200 units of Mono-propellant! It's fully functional and with over 3.2 kilometers of DV, it certantly fulfills long range! They typically operate in squads of 2 or 3. It also fulfills all of the requirements for the Heavy Fighter class. Enjoy!


'Cruise' Mode


'Intercept' Mode

Craft File : PM me.

Did you make sure to check the listed mods? I am pretty sure that the only rockets allowed on exoatmo fighters are the Hydra 70 rockets. And I have never seen those wings or cockpit, did you get those from one of the listed mods? or are they .25? Make sure to check the OP rules. Oh and BTW, you are supposed to put the .craft file on the post, you do realize HatBat is not going to ask you for it? He just goes along and dowloads and looks and then decides if he wants to put them into the story arc? Can you imagine if he had to ask each and everyone who has a ship to send a PM? Because right now you are just advertising and this is a submissions thread, not "look at my cool ship guys! if you want it, PM me!" It is rude to just swagger on here and post a ship that does not even comply with the rules and then ask for people to PM you to get it. You are wasting HatBat's time by derailing this thread with your adverts for a ship he wont use. He puts effort into checking each new post on the thread and responding to our requests and ideas. Please either just modify the craft to comply with the rules, put the .craft file on the original post, so he can save his time and actually look at your ship.

Edited by 2SPOOKY4U
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Alright. I'll modify my craft. The cockpits the .25 version of the stock Mk 1 Pod. The wings are B9 that are just flipped. This only about my tenth post. I don't know how to post a .craft file. I know how to email it, hence the PM me. I can understand where you're coming from. But was it nescessary to be rude?

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Alright. I'll modify my craft. The cockpits the .25 version of the stock Mk 1 Pod. The wings are B9 that are just flipped. This only about my tenth post. I don't know how to post a .craft file. I know how to email it, hence the PM me. I can understand where you're coming from. But was it nescessary to be rude?

It is logical to assume that any person wanting to make an impact on the thread and hence the YouTube channel would read the Original Post, my information on this is limited but from what I gathered, the save file that the show is recorded on is still in the previous version therefor you should also rebuild the ship in the previous version. Also B9 is not allowed on any class of craft. But you would know this if you had read the first page. Please do not tell me that you did not have time to read it, as you have constructed your ships to a level which should considered to be very nice and worthy of being in the series. Besides, you should have just emailed HatBat the .craft file directly. Or, you could have just asked, I would be more than willing to tell you how to post a .craft file, in fact I will. There is a free service called "Mediafire" Here is the link: https://www./ simply highlight the text with your mouse and right click, if you are using Chrome, then you will have an option to "Go to". Select this option.

I have not been rude nor patronizing, it is only logical to assume that you have read the original post as you clearly state in post #678 in the second sentence that you do not know if this will be in the show, but clearly you hope that your submission will be in it, therefor it is logical that you want to make a hopefully positive impact on this thread and HatBat's YouTube channel, hence it is only natural to logically assume that you have read the original post, but clearly you have not. Any person that would want to make said impact would logically read the original post. It is unclear to me why you do not satisfy the parameters as you clearly want to make a positive impact. However it does not matter, the problem is now rectified as you know possess the required information to turn your post into a submission of quality, one worthy of praise. This will be my last submission on this topic, if you have any questions about contributing a submission, please do not hesitate to ask me or the other members on this thread.

Welcome to the forum, Red, the Engineer.

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Here's a ship for you...

The Drekevak XIV

DOWNLOAD: https://www./?570nrm0pf3jb3m4

Weight: 104 Tonnes

Part count: 497

The Drekevak XIV was built by Zokesian Shipyards during the year 13328 (November 24th 2013). She featured a quantum leap in armor protection, and for years the armor was unpenetratable by even Probe-Tek, Voyager Labs, and DAEcorp weaponry. She possesses a long barrel which can easily be fitted with numerous different weapons, abeit "smart" (guided) or "dumb" (Direct fire). She was meant to enter combat unmanned, but has a cockpit for ferrying/rescue. She sports two long range nuclear engines, One Aerospike for speed at a slight cost to efficiency, and two large radials to provide war emergency power.

It is nearly 1000 kerbal years later (Date 14286), the armor has lost its invulnerability, due to the introduction of "Shredder" missiles, but remains in active frontline duty in many parts of the solar system, including still in Frontline Service in the Zokesian Navy, and its design has been exported to 75 different nations/institutions. Since the XIV, there have been 12 more Drekevak designs, but the most successful ones are carbon copies of the XIV's amazing armor.

The XIV-I carried 2 "Helos" missiles, which are very much dated. The export version (which is the one in the link) Has 4 sate of the art Quad-Engined AP missiles, which are strong enough to break through most armor and are standard carried on Modern Zokesian Ships. She also carries 2 Straight shot "HV" minimissiles on the sides, to take out fighters, although these have been proven to be very difficult to aim due to the Drek's size and slow SAS control.


So zeke….who will you be allying with

HKA, GMI, or the highest bidder?

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Did you make sure to check the listed mods? I am pretty sure that the only rockets allowed on exoatmo fighters are the Hydra 70 rockets. And I have never seen those wings or cockpit, did you get those from one of the listed mods? or are they .25? Make sure to check the OP rules. Oh and BTW, you are supposed to put the .craft file on the post, you do realize HatBat is not going to ask you for it? He just goes along and dowloads and looks and then decides if he wants to put them into the story arc? Can you imagine if he had to ask each and everyone who has a ship to send a PM? Because right now you are just advertising and this is a submissions thread, not "look at my cool ship guys! if you want it, PM me!" It is rude to just swagger on here and post a ship that does not even comply with the rules and then ask for people to PM you to get it. You are wasting HatBat's time by derailing this thread with your adverts for a ship he wont use. He puts effort into checking each new post on the thread and responding to our requests and ideas. Please either just modify the craft to comply with the rules, put the .craft file on the original post, so he can save his time and actually look at your ship.
Alright. I'll modify my craft. The cockpits the .25 version of the stock Mk 1 Pod. The wings are B9 that are just flipped. This only about my tenth post. I don't know how to post a .craft file. I know how to email it, hence the PM me. I can understand where you're coming from. But was it nescessary to be rude?
It is logical to assume that any person wanting to make an impact on the thread and hence the YouTube channel would read the Original Post, my information on this is limited but from what I gathered, the save file that the show is recorded on is still in the previous version therefor you should also rebuild the ship in the previous version. Also B9 is not allowed on any class of craft. But you would know this if you had read the first page. Please do not tell me that you did not have time to read it, as you have constructed your ships to a level which should considered to be very nice and worthy of being in the series. Besides, you should have just emailed HatBat the .craft file directly. Or, you could have just asked, I would be more than willing to tell you how to post a .craft file, in fact I will. There is a free service called "Mediafire" Here is the link: https://www./ simply highlight the text with your mouse and right click, if you are using Chrome, then you will have an option to "Go to". Select this option.

I have not been rude nor patronizing, it is only logical to assume that you have read the original post as you clearly state in post #678 in the second sentence that you do not know if this will be in the show, but clearly you hope that your submission will be in it, therefor it is logical that you want to make a hopefully positive impact on this thread and HatBat's YouTube channel, hence it is only natural to logically assume that you have read the original post, but clearly you have not. Any person that would want to make said impact would logically read the original post. It is unclear to me why you do not satisfy the parameters as you clearly want to make a positive impact. However it does not matter, the problem is now rectified as you know possess the required information to turn your post into a submission of quality, one worthy of praise. This will be my last submission on this topic, if you have any questions about contributing a submission, please do not hesitate to ask me or the other members on this thread.

Welcome to the forum, Red, the Engineer.

You do have a tendency do be a bit snappy Spooky but what you said was entirely accurate, although believe it or not I'm already filming 0.25 xD

Anyway, hope that didn't put you off creating any future submissions red - but it's true, making sure you understand the rules is very important when submitting. I have no doubt you'll create some great ships :)

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FINALLY. While .25 is downloading I may as well mention the ark initiative is entering phase two. All ships are under review and any which do not meet requirements are being phased out, starting with the tern-b/d. Sparrows will take over low altitude and close range engagements and Vultures will be sent further afield and will also serve a light bomber role by carrying light bomb racks. Kites will be rebuilt from the ground up.

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FINALLY. While .25 is downloading I may as well mention the ark initiative is entering phase two. All ships are under review and any which do not meet requirements are being phased out, starting with the tern-b/d. Sparrows will take over low altitude and close range engagements and Vultures will be sent further afield and will also serve a light bomber role by carrying light bomb racks. Kites will be rebuilt from the ground up.
Well, I coudve sworn that B9 was allowed on fighters. Oh well. I have read the first post I may have just misread it. Stock redesign should be done today.
Well I got two exams today (Commence Vomit) but afterwards I ll finish cleaning stuff up and try to start posting my updated crafts

Try is the key word though

Can't wait guys, I've got a lot to look forward to now :D

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While I do know very well how the submissions are supposed to work, Dropbox (my DL hosting service of choice) is acting up a bit right now due to high traffic, so I'll have to put this up while I can.

Meet the MU SX-10 Osman.


The SX-10 line is an ultra-heavy capital ship design, featuring state-of-the-art MU H.A.R.D. hull-plating, massive LFO reserves for long-range campaigns, and unrelenting firepower.



5x AP SRB (unguided, can be swapped for alt. 1.25 meter muntions)

26x GPI Missile (General Purpose I-beam Missile, unguided)


Crew Accommodations:

1x MK2 2-man pod (bridge)

2x Lander Can (1-man each)

6x Chairs

(Lander cans and chairs are in the lower passenger/infantry deck)



Mass: 155 tons (roughly)

Parts: 800 (roughly, and with full ammo load)

//Action Groups://

1- LV-Ns (Engines)

2- //EMPTY//

3- SRB shot 1 (from main gun)

4- SRB shot 2 (from main gun)

5- SRB shot 3 (from main gun)

6- Exterior I-beams (1)

7- Exterior I-beams (2)

All other weapons are fired via staging.



This is all-stock, BTW.

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