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Kethane Station Discussion


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  HatBat said:
Some nice ships have been submitted, as for me I've been working round the clock on finishing the VFX for the new episode: each shot that contains some sort of complex special effect is taking about an hour each, and they're in the majority of shots unfortunately. I've taken a break for today to work on this, I've only done the first part but it's a not bad knock off of an 'Explosions in the Sky' song.

Sounds great. Ive just been so busy with school work and I have been playing lots of War thunder. I might try to come back soon. Im sure once you release season 2 I will have motivation to play again

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If anyone has ever wondered what 90,000 pounds of bombs looks like.


By the way...um...I kinda went a tad bit over the part count limit...how much is that gonna affect your decision to use it or not?

Edited by datubaman
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  • 3 weeks later...
  datubaman said:
By the way...um...I kinda went a tad bit over the part count limit...how much is that gonna affect your decision to use it or not?

As much as I don't like it, unfortunately part count is a big factor: as the whole reason behind the ships is to eventually pit them out against several other ships of equal size. So ideally the part counts should be nice and low. Which sometimes forces me not to use craft I otherwise would have.

  DysonGaming said:
I do have a question regarding large space-faring vessels. Is it okay to use InfernalRobotics to make rotating rail guns? If not then I can work around it.


I'm afraid infernal robotics isn't allowed. The mod list really is definitive, good luck with work around.

  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
Say, would you be interested in a submarine? It probably wouldn't be able to dive.

I've never been sure on whether or not I need water-going vessels for this series but see what you can do :)

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  HatBat said:
Wow, I really like the look of the interiors :)

About that...

When it's in the water the water level is about where it is on a real sub (i.e. halfway up the crew compartment) so it looks like this when in the water:


So it needs to be filmed on dry land.(Unless it's sinking)


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I have updated the Union Dynamics catalog again.

Added the A-2, B-3, OR-1, OR-2, M6E1, M6E2, M11E1, Mk.1 105mm M102, CS-1, FX-1, and KDS-1

Redesignated the MQ-1 and MQ-2 as the MRQ-1 and the RQ-2, respectively.

Fixed an issue with the A-1's countermeasures not deploying properly.

Added Burn Together to all vehicles. All vehicles now have BT Modules, with some exceptions.

I will also state that, though the B-3 massively exceeds the part count limit, I submitted it anyways simply because I feel it is way too awesome not to submit it. You have no idea how proud I am of that aircraft.

Edited by datubaman
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Assuming you gusy are still interested, i have some capital ships im working on (all are 100% bone stock, and are designed to fight stock weapons, but they can still take some BDArmory hist too without complete obliteration). AKSTechnologies will (once i finish making my fleet) be joining the battle (side to be determined when ships done).

Cheack my main page for some stuff im actually doing. I can both provide 3rd and 4th generation ships.

I also am working on a flagship with a dedicated internal with a command deck, internally deployed weapons, rest area, sleeping area (small bunk beds modeled in here with seats for kerbals), and a docking bay with opening bay. Im mainly making this ship for cinematic purposes (it has some armor but mostly wings, and weak vs weapons), so it wont necessarily be a super ultra combat vessel.

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Trinity Corporation was, at the beginning, a small scientific company. after being bought by the C7 Aerospace Defense Divisoin at the start of the Kold War, Trinity Corp. was sent to work at building military vehicles. Now, with some of the latest innovations in defensive, offensive, and aerial military vehicles, They have (by proxy via C7,) allied themself with HKA. however, due to Trinity being a public company, many units have, through dummy companies, been sold to GMI, or its allies.

(meaning these can be used on both sides.)

now onto the actual vehicles so far.


(Practical Use Multitask Assortment)

"What in sam hill is a puma?"

"uh, you mean like the shoe company?"

"no, i mean like a puma. like the big cat."

"you're makin' that up."

"i'm telling you, it's a real animal!"

"Simmons, i want you to poison Grif's next meal."

"yes sir."


Puma Frame Main Battle Tank design 001


This is a multi-use Main Battle Tank for a multitude of operations. It can be used on an offensive or defensive front.


Puma Frame Armored Personnel Carrier design 001


This is an Armored Personnel Carrier to be used to transport troops into combat.


Puma Frame Cruise Missile Launcher design 001


This is a Cruise Missile laumch vehicle with 6 missiles, used for long range warfare.


Puma Frame Tank Destroyer design 001

This is a Tank Destroyer usable in ambushes against other armored vehicles. these usually come with some support vehicles as they are not able to defend themselves very well.

M.O.O.S.E. Frame

M.O.O.S.E.-T Truck

Multi-use Operatorless On-site Special Equipment - Transportation


This is a transport vehicle with a twist- it is unmanned! sporting room for absolutely nothing in its container, it is a "very" useful tool!

M.O.O.S.E.-T Container


This is a container for the M.O.O.S.E.-T Transport vehicle. it can't really hold much but it can be used for RP.


Kerbal Transporter


This is an armed transport vehicle, with a .50 cal gun on the top for defense.

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Episode 21 is Finished!

And so season two begins!

I really am sorry that I took so long to release this, I understand how frustrating it is. I felt a lot of pressure to deliver and I suppose it just lead me to keep the series on hold for a while. The plan from here is to work on and release the series regularly, with a slight step back from time consuming one-off special effects/cinematics and to use a recurring yet high quality formula that will enable me to tell the story consistently. I've also made the first episode from a collection of remasterings of the old KS episodes, I'll be releasing that tomorrow. I hope you guys can forgive me, now I just want people to enjoy watching the series again, and of course: submitting ships in their plenty.


- The second half of this video isn't quite as awesome as I hoped it would be due to my special effects software breaking. I'm afraid I had to make do with slightly more minimalistic techniques.

- A while ago I said I was going to be making most of the music for the series myself, which I've somewhat accomplished. As of now there are quite a few tracks ready to use, however I only ended up using the main theme in this video. It seems my creative process just doesn't lend well to scoring a video rather than making video for a piece of music.

- Unfortunately the copyright on the music I used instead may mean the video is blocked in your country, I'll see if I can find a way to fix this soon.

- Congratulations to those lucky few who got to see the video before I uploaded the corrected version: that is why you double check for typos. You never know where or when they will strike. These are the comments that were smited along with the video: http://notepad.cc/share/tAtJP4CpAg

- This is Kethane Station's true form, pretty ugly right? http://i.imgur.com/J3eNtdD.png

- plz nomin8 this 4 an Oscar-B award thx

Edited by HatBat
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  HatBat said:

Episode 21 is Finished!

And so season two begins!


I really am sorry that I took so long to release this, I understand how frustrating it is. I felt a lot of pressure to deliver and I suppose it just lead me to keep the series on hold for a while. The plan from here is to work on and release the series regularly, with a slight step back from time consuming one-off special effects/cinematics and to use a recurring yet high quality formula that will enable me to tell the story consistently. I've also made the first episode from a collection of remasterings of the old KS episodes, I'll be releasing that tomorrow. I hope you guys can forgive me, now I just want people to enjoy watching the series again, and of course: submitting ships in their plenty.


- The second half of this video isn't quite as awesome as I hoped it would be due to my special effects software breaking. I'm afraid I had to make do with slightly more minimalistic techniques.

- A while ago I said I was going to be making most of the music for the series myself, which I've somewhat accomplished. As of now there are quite a few tracks ready to use, however I only ended up using the main theme in this video. It seems my creative process just doesn't lend well to scoring a video rather than making video for a piece of music.

- Unfortunately the copyright on the music I used instead may mean the video is blocked in your country, I'll see if I can find a way to fix this soon.

Slow clap builds up to a thunderous applause.

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I'm on fire here guys,

yet another video to announce. Ironically it's a video from 0.19... uploaded on the day 1.0 was released. Anyway, this time it's the first episode of what I'm hoping will be a series of remasterings of the earlier episodes. Remember I'm looking for opinions on how to best produce the show, ie: What tense I should use, should I focus it on RP, should it be more informative about my experience with the game.

Edited by HatBat
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Whats your plan for the future and 1.0? NERVA's now only use liquid fuel and well... a lot has changed in general (mining, new aero model, etc). I'm assuming your probually going to finish your current series with a previous save before jumping into anything with the new update so should we submit new craft from 1.0 for future use?

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  DerpenWolf said:
What's your plan for the future and 1.0? NERVA's now only use liquid fuel and well... a lot has changed in general (mining, new aero model, etc). I'm assuming your probably going to finish your current series with a previous save before jumping into anything with the new update so should we submit new craft from 1.0 for future use?

I still haven't figured out how I'm going to smoothen out the switch between 0.90 and 1.0. For now your best bet is probably to submit craft for 1.0.

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  HatBat said:
I still haven't figured out how I'm going to smoothen out the switch between 0.90 and 1.0. For now your best bet is probably to submit craft for 1.0.

Problem is Im still waiting for BD armory to update. once that happens I can start adding 1.0 crafts.

As for space fleet…I haven't started yet.

- - - Updated - - -

  Red, the Engineer said:
Whose ships will you use? If you could find the time, could you release a list of who and what ships were accepted?

this +1 vote

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Welp, almost already have 2 new 1.0 ships nearly ready for release! Going to probually finish up some bigger ships before putting up anything but for now have some pictures!

Got a nice SSTO fighter that can drop its jet engines to shed weight (and potentially hold more fuel in their place) and has a nice range upon reaching orbit, front bit could use some tweaking though.


And a flying wing bomber that will be needing a BD armory pass when the mod gets updated


Got a few other concepts/updates in the works but hopefully I can get a nice little 1.0 updated fleet up soon!

Also another random question, will kethane station remain kethane as we now have stock resources?

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  Red, the Engineer said:
Whose ships will you use? If you could find the time, could you release a list of who and what ships were accepted?

Well, due to the way I'm using submissions that isn't really possible. As of now I've bookmarked 53 submissions (that's whole posts, not individual ships) (minus the email submissions, going to sort them out today) that I'd like to use in the series. Whether or not I actually use them depends on what I need and when: for instance at the moment I'm selecting which ones from those 53 submissions were contacted by the Albion to help take back the KSC. Later down the line I might decide I want to bring in two new companies: I'll select them from the 53 as well. So, at the moment listing the ships featured per episode in the credits is probably the best way of doing it. Note that the submissions never close, and I'll always be adding submissions I like to that 53.

  DerpenWolf said:
Also another random question, will kethane station remain kethane as we now have stock resources?

That's a tricky one, it would be a bit silly to rename the series even if I did stop using Kethane, so I know I'm not doing that. However I'm not really sure if I'm going to stop using it, I actually quite like Kethane; Perhaps more than the stock resources. Yet the benefits of using a stock system over a mod that is technically now redundant are obviously pretty substantial. Then there's the question of finding a way to fit it all in to the RP of the series, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

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