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Kethane Station Discussion


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My first venture into the unknown territory of warfare, this is what my came up with. I called it "Warpig".

Comes in two distinct types, a un-armoured troop carrier and a 'Katyusha' rocket launcher.

Both of them are equally lousy.

Troop Carrier


Holds 4 kerbals, unarmoured, slow and fragile. Lousy fuel economy, poor driver visibility and outright engineering failures.

However, its sturdy as concrete.

Rocket Launcher


Only holds 4 rockets which cannot be aimed or fly straight. The launch platform is exposed and nobody even knows where the launch button is located on the missing instrument panel.

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My ship(s)...The Nouvelle-class Battlecruiser, a leader of fleets.http://www./download/7iw3ul7375ik8j7/Nouvelle-class_Battlecruiser.craft

A battlecruiser with double and triple layered armor protecting her core, engines armored with plate, and the first high velocity 1.25 m missiles of the fleet!

She has 6 High Velocity High Mass missiles as her secondary armament, and rcs missiles to deal with fighters as a tertiary armament. Her armor can take up to 3 High Velocity High Mass missiles without warping or damage to the internals, and she has 5,637 m/s of delta-v.

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She has 723 parts, enough logistics to command a fleet, and is 115 tons in total. Propelled by twin LV-N atomic motors, she is a slow beast with her ion engines so that she can reach anywhere with an extra fuel tanker.

And here:

The Posterus was created as an alternative to the Nouveau for use in space combat. It has 8000 or so m/s of delta v, weighs between 63 and 65 tons depending on version. It carries 6 high velocity missiles that are capable of crippling most ships that are less than 100 tons in one or two shots. It also has 2 NERVA engines and 4 Ion Engines. It is double armored in the sides, and on top it has one layer of structural plate. The ship is very well armored and armed for its weight, and is soon to be tested in the Naval Battle Club.It is also completely stock.And, she is 305 parts.

Imgur link here:http://imgur.com/a/wDlW7#0


Both of these ships are for HKA.

Edited by Alphasus
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  HatBat said:
Thanks very much for the tank man, looks great. Spot on with GMI, as for HKA... well: I've tried not to break the immersion up to this point. It stands for 'HatBat's Kerbal Adventure' which was the original name of my save before I started using it for the Kethane Station. Perhaps somebody will have to come up with a more interesting meaning :)

Hatbat's Kerbin Advancement (HKA) Industries. A company created to advance Kerbin's Scientific knowledge as well as expand the populace into Space. A Corporate rivaly started when the GMI CEO began to envy HKA's scientific advancements and discoveries. He then began to put spies into HKA which quickly grew in rank causing many of the disasters that have happened such at the Mun Wagon incident as well as the Disastrous battle of Kerbin.

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I got two tanks and one truck from the United Nations of Kermnia and one from the Republic of Krecklandia, however all of the vechiles except for the truck were used by both sides in the War between the two because the Republics Excellent Spy Agency Focused on the Kermnians Advanced tank program. Ill post them is a second.





Il put images in a sec





Edited by Rath
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  Rath said:
I got two tanks and one truck from the United Nations of Kermnia and one from the Republic of Krecklandia, however all of the vechiles except for the truck were used by both sides in the War between the two because the Republics Excellent Spy Agency Focused on the Kermnians Advanced tank program. Ill post them is a second.





Il put images in a sec





Unfortunately, I must point out that Kerbal Foundries isn't an acceptable mod. Nice tanks, but only acceptable if you replace those tracks with stock wheels.

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Thanks for all your name suggestions guys, and the recent submissions. I think I like the sound of 'HatBat's Kethane and Armaments' or 'Hatbat's Kerbin Advancement' though it would be cool if somebody could make one like these though with something replacing 'HatBat', as I might actually use it in the series. In which being immersive is key. Episode 23 is coming along beautifully, which I know I've been saying a lot but it should only be about a week now. If it was a normal episode it would have been finished a long time ago but it's just been such a huge endeavour. In the mean time you can check out the trailer for a multiplayer combat strategy series I'm doing with Vaos Human called 'Research and Development'. It's looking very exciting.

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SO hatbat, looking for any new ships (i only do stock though).


I have a new corvette and i finished a SSTL that has payload capacity (the 1st ever post 0.90 SSTO to get to laythe, land, and return with a weapons loadout). I will upload them to the usual place once im finished with final touches.

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  Sharkman Briton said:
Can't wait for the next Kethane Station, though I wish HatBat uploaded a bit between episodes, because it ends up like this: Video! *Months later* Another Video!

I'm not talking moar work on KS, just kind of update videos and the like.

That would be nice, it'd be cool to see some activity between vids.

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