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That Moment When...


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That moment when...

... your Duna lander runs out of fuel during descent and you notice that you obviously had no symmetry activated as you build that fuel line to the small fuel tanks with the landing gear attached...

... you make a perfect intercept with Moho (Pe only 18 km or so), plan your retrograde burn and than notice that you have an insanely orbital velocity of 9 km/s and even if you had engough dV your burn would only be completed at about 5 minutes AFTER leaving Mohos SOI. At least I had about 15 seconds to do the science in low orbit...

... you return from Duna after a near perfect mission (this time with a working fuel line) your CM glides down on its parachute, only kilometres from the KSC, with a nice velocity of 3 m/s, hits the ground and explodes. (WHY??!!!)

... you land after a successful parachute test contract, just want to hit "Recover", and your craft is hit (and destroyed) by the discarded booster stage...

... you discover that MechJeb has been drinking lately. I used the ascend guidiance (I had no nerve after the first 5 modules of my space station) and then MJ sets up a 23.000 m/s circulazation burn in anti-normal direction. WTF?

... you mange to land a plane at the inland KSC (after n-th tries), you will extend the ladder and everything explodes...

... you think it is a smart idea to send an atmospheric analysis from your probe on descend to Eve (so that you can do the analysis again in low atmo) and then discover that this needs an insanley amout of 4000 electric charge (with only 200 availible on the craft and 3 Ox-STATs)...

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That moment when...

... you make a perfect intercept with Moho (Pe only 18 km or so), plan your retrograde burn and than notice that you have an insanely orbital velocity of 9 km/s and even if you had engough dV your burn would only be completed at about 5 minutes AFTER leaving Mohos SOI. At least I had about 15 seconds to do the science in low orbit...

I swear this is why going to moho scares the pants off of me. Getting there? no problem! lifting off and coming home? piece of cake! Insertion burn? Oh that should be eas...HOW MUCH DELTA-V?!

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That moment when you decouple your first stage of onion staging.

Or is it only me, whose heart skips a beat when after decouple there is a very slight lag? I already think that the whole thing is gonna blow to thousand smithereens. The seconds go by, and I suddenly realise it is flying as intended. Finally it is like a WOOO-HOOO!

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That moment when, out of habit, you shift-tab to respond to a steam message only to be reminded that you should use RIGHT shift when playing ksp (or at least pause first). This is the foundation of my interstellar exploration program.

That moment when you get your first Hell Kraken and wonder if your KSP install needs an exorcism.

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That moment when, After a 2 hour flight in a peaceful jet powered biplane at 90m/s.. you remember this isnt MS Flight simulator - and things generally explode, fall to bits and prove fatal in a jarring display of lights, colours, explosions and sadness with a sloppy landing..

That moment when you send a rescue plane - Only for the same to happen again... resulting in multiple kerbals now standing around in a field of spare parts minus one fallen comrade... again being reminded this is Kerbal Space Program in all its glory.. :)

That moment when you built a rover that turned into an overland space train then grew into a full ecosystem of tankers, shunters, locomotives. passenger cars.. 5 days later.. over 50 kerbals lost in multiple passenger train crashes, testing and revisions.. all with one goal of trying to reach original downed biplane crash.. and yet even more kerbals standing in the dark surrounded by a field of parts than ever before...

That moment when KSP turns into Kerbal Overland Train Program, rockets are forgotten about as a thing of the past, planes seen as something forbidden....

and........you start to care about the trains enough to spend 2 hours recharging a battery electric shunter locomotive using the jet turbine alternator of a mainline sister locomotive rather than just load another one...


That moment when you spend half a day recovering a illfated train with another train, including more recharging stranded trailercars with power units well into the night,



sending out more missions to recover stranded trains, Getting emotional when an overheated turbine fails a train..


caring enough to actually drive the locomotive light engine back to KSC to get a replacement..



leaving the illfated locomotive parked at KSC not having the heart to simply remove it.. leaving it in the yard

THE MOMENT - when you realize KSP is the best damn thing you ever brought :D

and forgot about the biplane long ago... still waiting for rescue

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Here's another two from yours truly, not really about KSP itself but two funny experience RELATED to it:

That moment when you accidentally say Jool instead of Jupiter in a sentence, then back up further into THAT ditch by saying "What? Anyway, I heard New Horizon's arriving to Eeloo soon."

That moment when you're just browsing the web and suddenly run out of battery (I'm using a laptop, DEAL WITH IT)... because a copy of KSP was open in the background, right behind Firefox.

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...and the first thing you think is "Forgot to deploy solar panels again."

[victorianGentleman]Thank you sir, you have just read my mind accurately. Come, come, we shalt head to the Science Labs for testing.[/victorianGentleman]

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That feeling you get when you plan a Jool penta-mission, build the ship, launch it perfectly, set up a perfect encounter, get to your first target for deploying your first satellite (Tylo in this case), get a circularized polar orbit, start collecting science, and.....realize that you forgot to add communication equipment. On every. single. satellite.


Things like that make me want to write a Grandma Kerbal mod. She'd pop up and say things like "Remember to deploy your solar panels before time warp!", "Unless you like confetti at your launches, tuck those solar panels in!", "That probe isn't going to do much without an antenna!", and "Lithobraking is bad for your kerbals. Are you sure you don't need chutes on that lander?"

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That moment when you land on Tylo and get tons of science, fly back up into orbit to dock with the return vessel, and then decouple the lander without transferring the science to the return vessel. You fly back to Kerbin and wonder why you didn't get any science on this mission....

True story.

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That moment when you warp months ahead to reach an optimal launch window for your probe you just put in orbit, and you realize too late you never opened your solar panels.

So much this.

Related: Launching your huge manned ship into orbit only to find out that you forgot to attach parachutes to bring your kerbals back safely.

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That moment when you warp months ahead to reach an optimal launch window for your probe you just put in orbit, and you realize too late you never opened your solar panels.

That moment when you forgot to put solar panels on your ship.

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That moment when you build a vehicle in sandbox and it works fine, copy it over to career mode and the entire rocket falls apart as soon as you detach your first stage.

That moment when you try a rocket two times without a Kerbal on board and it works fine than you add the Kerbals and it explodes halfway in ascend.

Related: Launching your huge manned ship into orbit only to find out that you forgot to attach parachutes to bring your kerbals back safely.

Related: When you launch your rescue vessel and notice only at the rendevous that Jeb sneaked back in the pod and you are now short one seat.

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When you launch your rescue vessel and notice only at the rendevous that Jeb sneaked back in the pod and you are now short one seat.

He did that once when I was sending a rescue to bring back my kerbals from EVE orbit. I deorbited him over Eve and brought him down on the beach, where he stood for the rest of the the game until the next version came out and I started a new save.

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