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[1.x+] Community Resource Pack


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Done on purpose, it's how Spare Parts work. And why we give a bunch of EVA transfer options for it :) Basically you still have to visit your station every few years.

That may change but it would not be through modification of part properties, it would be through other mechanics.

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  RoverDude said:
Done on purpose, it's how Spare Parts work. And why we give a bunch of EVA transfer options for it :) Basically you still have to visit your station every few years.

That may change but it would not be through modification of part properties, it would be through other mechanics.

Okay cool, thanks sir :D

But hmm, he tried EVA transfers too but it wouldn't let him grab it out of the module either. N1tch tried all sorts of ways to get it out :(

So you need to transfer SpareParts via EVA via the rightclick menu Transfer, correct?

So what if it wouldn't allow him to grab it? was he maybe missing something or something bugged maybe?

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So firstly thanks to Scerion for asking the questions and RoverDude once again for the excellent answers. I'm going to watch the video you mention now and basically figure out if I can get to the ship in 19 days to save them (or possibly once again accept their inevitable doom at my hands).

However this learning experience has been great and means I should be at least more prepared to plan for the Duna Space station / base in the future :)

EDIT - Turns out I've watched that video before but sadly the information went straight over my head. I totally understand where I'm going wrong now. Once again thanks for all the help and going to have a play with it all on Wednesday nights stream.


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No worries :) Hopefully I can catch your show though it's in the afternoon for me.

Just background - SpareParts (along with EnrichedUranium and some others) are that way because they come from other mods, and it made more sense to work with them vs. asking people to change stuff. Sharing is good.

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Hi rover, want to replace my repairParts in MissionController with the SpareParts in the community resources. One thing I did notice is that spareparts can't be transferred, since this would fundamental mean I have to completely rewrite how to transfer the parts (I took a look at Dangit) is their a simple way to do this without to much replacing my existing code? The basic idea was to get to using the same parts as everything else. And looks like it more larger job then I though.

I see how dangit does it, but really don't want to copy his method at this point. Not sure how to handle this one.

Hmmm on other hand I can make kert work with my mod I guess.


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Hey Malkuth - I had the same concern. There were two choices - ask Ippo to change his code, or change mine, so I chose the latter, just because it felt the most neighborly. btw - Kert is a really nice mod, I just owe Marce some generic part bags (maybe a toolbox model or something) he can bundle.

I think if your mod is also doing repair type stuff, EVA makes the most sense (KERT helps with this). If you go that route and need a model let me know

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  RoverDude said:
Hey Malkuth - I had the same concern. There were two choices - ask Ippo to change his code, or change mine, so I chose the latter, just because it felt the most neighborly. btw - Kert is a really nice mod, I just owe Marce some generic part bags (maybe a toolbox model or something) he can bundle.

I think if your mod is also doing repair type stuff, EVA makes the most sense (KERT helps with this). If you go that route and need a model let me know

I actually came up with a pretty good compromise, I added SpareParts as an optional resource that will work just as well as repairParts. That way I don't have to redo to much code. Changed some other things around, so if someone is using dangit, then can use spareParts to do MC2 repair contract if they wish. Kert will make the transfers that much easier for SpareParts.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:

I'd like to be compliant with standards, so I'll be using liquid hydrogen as defined here, but my Skylon also needs liquid oxygen, and I don't see it on your list. I take it no other mod uses it? What do I do?

Add it in a separate resource config (I do the same thing for the MKS bits as most of them are not here).

Also do me a favor and post where you land for that resource config as there's a strong possibility I'll be using LiquidOxygen in an upcoming mod, at which point if both yours and mine use it, it qualifies to be added into CRP.

(Side note - more for Paul, I think standardization on Liquid vs Lqd makes the most sense).

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
I had a look at the config for LiquidHydrogen, and the density value is different than real values in either of the units. How does that work?

You can't just take actual fuel densities and put them in KSP without normalizing all the volume units which are terribly inconsistent in stock. That's for RealFuels to do, not CRP.

To derive a KSPish value for LH2, I assumed that LiquidFuel is Kerosene, and worked from there.

LH2 density: 70 kg/m

Kerosene density ~800 kg/m3

That's a ratio of 0.0875, stock LiquidFuel has a density of 0.005, so applying the ratio we get 0.0004375. Rounded to 0.0004 for nicer numbers. So it's correct in a relative sense only, you'll need RF to get properly scientific numbers.

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Pretty much what nertea said. An example, both EL and (by extension) MKS/OKS and CRP use 5 liters per unit for ore and metal. So the values correspond appropriately to their real-world counterparts. Hydrogen (from Universal Storage) and the TAC resources are 1L per unit. And things just get weirder from there.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Are you saying that there is no standard ratio used for everything?

Nope, there is not. Would be nice if there was, but that's not the scope of CRP (because standardization of densities is one of the many viet nams of KSP).

Rather, the scope is to make sure we don't repeatedly stomp on each other's resources, and ensure we don't end up with ten different ways of saying Hydrogen.

So the mods that introduce a resource (like EL for Ore and Metal, TAC-LS for Oxygen and Water, DangIt for SpareParts, NFT for LiquidHydrogen, EnrichedUranium, etc.) continue to curate it. If there's a conflict, the modders hash it out and come to an agreement.

Net effect is that some stuff is 1L, some is 4.5, some is 5. Same as it would be without CRP around.

The flip side is that when I made nukes for FTT, I used the same resources as NFT so we have interop. Same with using the same resources as TAC-LS (and ECLSS switched over last I checked to also be in line with this), and same with KSPI-L. So the players win.

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The density calculation is simple enough. How do you value the resources?

It looks like your LiquidHydrogen and Hydrogen ratios are not the same for price and density.


I've added this thread to the links compilation. Hopefully you'll see some more traffic. Just for the sake of clarity the names in ORS and ORSX are the same? Also is there a thread for ORSX? I can only find the original ORS.

edit 2

Where can I find an example of a rocket that uses LiquidHydrogen? I need to configure fuel consumption.

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I believe that I used a similar method with the costs, but instead got RL prices for LH2 and Kerosene, and did ratios that way. I seem to remember the result sucking and decreasing the price a wee bit.

There are probably many liquid hydrogen rockets in packs associated with RealFuels or Realism Overhaul. Sorry, I don't have any offhand, all of mine are electric and the ratio establishment is different there.

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@Nertea - I thought your nukes used LiquidHydrogen? Or am I incorrect?

@Cpt. Kipard - ORS-X has no thread at the moment, it's just the fork that I use and the DLL used for SCANSat and Cyrik's resource overlay (note that ORS and ORS-X are not compatible by design - keeps mutual stomping a non-issue). Granted ORSX will be deprecated once the planetary side of Regolith is done. ORS-X was basically an emergency fork to keep my mods rolling forward.

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