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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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Happened again (you can see the effect here in the form of a rocket that didn't lift-off but fell over, yes I added a few mods extra now - but it's still the same thing that happened earlier):


Seems to be kerbal engineering redux that is playing up..

Should I take this to the KER people? - It's still a problem that literary only occurs during simulations, and then only when I start a simulation while in the vab/sph editor I kept the ker window open. Yet no ker module/engineer is on the craft. (And this seem to be reproducable)

Edited by paul23
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Like I said before, it has nothing to do with the craft itself. Make sure the Kerbal Engineer window is not behind the mouse cursor when you press the simulate button. If you do that then you won't have this happen. What's happening is that Engineer thinks the mouse cursor is still over its window, but then the scene changes and they stop checking, so the lock gets stuck on. If you move the cursor off the window then it will clear the lock, then press the simulate button (bit don't put the cursor back over the KER window, aka, move the window out of the way)

But yes, this is a bug in engineer (that doesn't come up in normal gameplay). They need to make sure they clear the input lock on scene change as well as when the mouse cursor leaves the window's Rect object.

It's like being told to unlock a door when someone comes up to it, but then you walk away. Now nobody's there to unlock it (so nobody can get in), so what they need to do is just unlock it when they walk away.

Edit: I reported it on the KER github, so it will hopefully be fixed in the next update. Until then, just make sure your cursor isn't over the KER window when you start a simulation.

Edited by magico13
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I have KER and am not having any issues with it, paul23 make sure you have the latest build of all your mods, that way there should be less trouble

I just confirmed the issue. The problem, and solution, are exactly what I thought (and have laid out in previous posts). KER has a lock that's getting stuck on, and not having the KER window under the cursor makes the problem not appear. Until the KER devs put out a new release that removes that lock correctly, it's up to the players to not keep making the mistake of placing the window at that location. If it keeps happening, it's user error, because the cause and a ridiculously simple workaround have been determined.

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That's the one. You won't see a change until you restart KSP (possibly just changing the scene works too [enter the VAB/SPH/Tracking Station/Main Menu]). Once it switches over you won't see the button in the top right toolbar anymore. I believe most, if not all, mods with the option to choose which toolbar to use require minimally a scene change to activate, since toolbar buttons are added through events and/or on scene start, and those only happen once per game scene.

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How do I earn upgrades? Not purchase, but earn them. I seem to get some sometimes, I can't for the life of my figure out why :o

Each time you start a new research node in R&D you get an upgrade point.

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Ran into the following bugs in KCT. this is on 1.0.4, using KCT version 1.2.2, installed via CKAN

1. I'm working on a ship in the editor. I change the name and save it, then go into a simulation. When I end the simulation, the name is the old name.

2. In a simulation, I was going to the Mun. I had achieved a Mun interception, then had to add some more time. The orbit changed, and I had lost the interception (orbit got much smaller).

Both of these are repeatable. Let me know if you need more info.


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Ran into the following bugs in KCT. this is on 1.0.4, using KCT version 1.2.2, installed via CKAN

1. I'm working on a ship in the editor. I change the name and save it, then go into a simulation. When I end the simulation, the name is the old name.

2. In a simulation, I was going to the Mun. I had achieved a Mun interception, then had to add some more time. The orbit changed, and I had lost the interception (orbit got much smaller).

Both of these are repeatable. Let me know if you need more info.


I actually commented this earlier and Magico13 is actually going to change the time warp because when the message pops up for more time and your time warping it pauses the game but it breaks physics due to it being time warp 0, magico will change it to time warp 1

a way around it is to have free simulation and make it time appropriate, so if your going to the moon give your self 10 days in simulation...

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Can anyone tell me where the simulator backup is saved? I just lost about a week's worth of play because I accidentally hit the lousy quickload key and loaded a save from a week ago. I got to thinking while I was at work today that the KCT simulation probably worked by creating a backup of the save, which is apparently exactly how it works. Now I'm wondering if I can find that backup, perhaps I could restore my career to at least close to where I was. Aggravating, as I was in the middle of a Mun landing mission, and the damn quicksave was way back before my first manned orbit! There really should be some kind of confirmation dialog on quickloads.

I'm going to try S.A.V.E. now, but the damage is already done. I've tried searching my computer for all .sfs files and it finds a few "KCT_Backup.sfs" but none are for the current save. Otherwise, I am not finding anything. Is the backup written to RAM or something?

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Not sure if this has been asked before or is in the OP, but what does the Researching do in the R&D upgrades? Is it speeding up entry costs or lowering them?

I forget which one is which some times, but DEVEL. is development, so how fast it takes to research nodes in the science area, whilst the research or the other option is for receiving a certain amount of science every time a craft is built!

I am not sure which ones which, but one is for gathering science off builds and the other is for faster part nodes in the science tree

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Not sure if this has been asked before or is in the OP, but what does the Researching do in the R&D upgrades? Is it speeding up entry costs or lowering them?

It's covered in the getting started guide, which is linked in the OP, but otherwise isn't anywhere obvious. "Research" gives you science for completing vessels. It represents the hands-on experience of your engineers building the craft and getting some insight on how to build better parts in the future. It's also totally optional.

"Development" represents the teams of dedicated researchers whose job it is to do nothing but come up with new parts, which translates in game as taking less time to unlock tech nodes. It's less optional, since normal gameplay will require you to put some points into it or else you'll have very, very long wait times.

Can anyone tell me where the simulator backup is saved? I just lost about a week's worth of play because I accidentally hit the lousy quickload key and loaded a save from a week ago. I got to thinking while I was at work today that the KCT simulation probably worked by creating a backup of the save, which is apparently exactly how it works. Now I'm wondering if I can find that backup, perhaps I could restore my career to at least close to where I was. Aggravating, as I was in the middle of a Mun landing mission, and the damn quicksave was way back before my first manned orbit! There really should be some kind of confirmation dialog on quickloads.

I'm going to try S.A.V.E. now, but the damage is already done. I've tried searching my computer for all .sfs files and it finds a few "KCT_Backup.sfs" but none are for the current save. Otherwise, I am not finding anything. Is the backup written to RAM or something?

Unfortunately for you the backups are only kept as long as they're needed. They're deleted as soon as they're loaded up :/

I know you're planning on using S.A.V.E., but I'll also link you to the modlet I wrote called Dated QuickSaves, which makes a backup when you quicksave and puts the in-game date in the filename (or anything else you want, like the real date or the active craft's name).

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lol... 1.0.5 is out? Hahahahahaha... It seem that I missed an important new. Seem to miss something, no this 1.0.4

got a lot of KSP.log spam:

[EXC 22:19:11.095] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ShipConstruction.GetPartCosts (.ConfigNode partNode, .AvailablePart aP, System.Single& dryCost, System.Single& fuelCost)^M
KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.GetPartCostFromNode (.ConfigNode part, Boolean includeFuel)^M
KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.GetTotalVesselCost (.ConfigNode vessel, Boolean includeFuel)^M
KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel.GetTotalCost ()^M
KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_MathParsing.ParseReconditioningFormula (KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel vessel, Boolean isReconditioning)^M
KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Recon_Rollout..ctor (KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel vessel, RolloutReconType type, System.String id, System.String launchSite)^M
KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_GUI.DrawBuildListWindow (Int32 windowID)^M
UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID)^M
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[ERR 22:19:11.096] GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced)

PS: hihihihi... I realy missed some big news!

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lol... 1.0.5 is out? Hahahahahaha... It seem that I missed an important new. Seem to miss something, no this 1.0.4

You have a corrupt ship. Usually from removing a mod that has parts. Either add the mod back in and scrap the vessel, or we can do some save file surgery to remove the corrupt ship. I've got a planned fix, but nothing written yet for it, so the 1.0.5 update that I'm putting out won't fix that yet, sorry :(

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You have a corrupt ship. Usually from removing a mod that has parts. Either add the mod back in and scrap the vessel, or we can do some save file surgery to remove the corrupt ship. I've got a planned fix, but nothing written yet for it, so the 1.0.5 update that I'm putting out won't fix that yet, sorry :(

Ohh that could be... I think I haven have an idea

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Note for everyone: New release (1.2.3) to fix any issues with 1.0.5. It's just a recompile of the current release, so no bug fixes or new features. Now that 1.0.5 is out I'll be more active and will try to get a new update out soon.

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Noticed something with 64bit (I realise 64 probably isn't supported!). With KCT installed I can't recover any vessels... I get the recovery screen, get all my science and cash back etc, but afterwards the ship is still just sitting there! Had to remove KCT as I had a ship on the launchpad and no way to remove it. Bug went when I removed KCT.

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