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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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  On 5/2/2017 at 8:54 PM, NSEP said:

I have KSP 1.1.3 installed, and KCT version (lol), and MagiCore version 1.1.2. Looks like i am one update behind, maybe thats the problem.


Try KCT 1.3.4 but I don't expect it'll fix the problem. The log would help. That bar is the build list, except an error occurred and so it failed to draw properly. Unfortunately there are about a thousand possibilities for why that happened. The log should (hopefully) tell me which thing went wrong.

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  On 5/2/2017 at 9:04 PM, magico13 said:

Try KCT 1.3.4 but I don't expect it'll fix the problem. The log would help. That bar is the build list, except an error occurred and so it failed to draw properly. Unfortunately there are about a thousand possibilities for why that happened. The log should (hopefully) tell me which thing went wrong.


Ok, where can i find the log? Thanks for the help

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  On 5/2/2017 at 9:10 PM, NSEP said:

Ok, where can i find the log? Thanks for the help


I linked it earlier, but here it is again. About half way down that post should have the location for each OS. Assuming you're on Windows, it'd be in the KSP_Data or KSP_x64_Data folder (those are in the KSP folder, next to GameData) and is called output_log.txt.


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  On 5/2/2017 at 9:17 PM, magico13 said:

I linked it earlier, but here it is again. About half way down that post should have the location for each OS. Assuming you're on Windows, it'd be in the KSP_Data or KSP_x64_Data folder (those are in the KSP folder, next to GameData) and is called output_log.txt.



The Log file is sadly too big for my PC to upload fast enough. I cannot upload it now since its midnight and im supposed to be sleeping now. And my internet is very slow. Maybe i will come back later. 

Please note that i forget things easily. So i might not come back later.

Thanks alot for your help, awesome mod too :wink:

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  On 5/2/2017 at 9:26 PM, NSEP said:

The Log file is sadly too big for my PC to upload fast enough


You can make it a .zip file and that should make it much smaller. Another thing you can do (in addition to zipping the file) is to start up the game, load the save, try to open the window, and then close the game. The log shouldn't be too big at that point and it should contain enough info. A worst case scenario is that you could open the log file and search for an exception involving KCT_GUI.DrawBuildListWindow() and copy a bunch of text before and after it and just post it here on the forum in spoiler tags.

If you do forget to check back, hopefully the problem just goes away on it's own, as that sometimes happens :P


Unrelated edit: Wow. I just did a few small updates to the OP and read through the entire changelog again. One, that was a weird trip down memory lane. Two, this mod has come so far from where it started, entirely thanks to the community really, but it's so freaking cobbled together that it makes me sad. And three, it's been almost a year since the last official update... Oops...

Edited by magico13
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  On 5/3/2017 at 12:21 AM, magico13 said:

And three, it's been almost a year since the last official update... Oops...


Naw, don't worry.  Once again, I am happy to report no issues* with the dev build.... I guess going off of the dll it is build 1.2.3?  Probably out of date, but who cares... it works..... within expected parameters.


*well, maybe one issue with Werner (Wherner?) Checker Continued, but I haven't had the time to test these two mods in my vanilla install yet... I have been meaning to for the last 2 months or so....  But who needs a reminder to install parachutes anyways, right?

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Ok well here is my problem:

Problem:Kct is acting as it not installed

Mods:Ares exploretion,B9 parts,Chaterrer,gpp with all its optinal mods,raster prop monitor,insterstellar mod,texture replacer and many more

Reproduction steps:

I load ksp wait 10 minits for it to load i enter my save and i find no new mod installed

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  On 5/6/2017 at 7:32 PM, KerbolExplorer said:

Problem:Kct is acting as it not installed


Delete any MagiCore or KerbalConstructionTime folders in your GameData folder. Then take this .zip file and merge the GameData folder with your GameData folder. Make sure you're running KSP 1.2.2. If that doesn't work then read through the thread that @TheRagingIrishman linked and grab the log file for me to look at. Without the log I can't help any more.

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  On 5/6/2017 at 8:15 PM, magico13 said:

Delete any MagiCore or KerbalConstructionTime folders in your GameData folder. Then take this .zip file and merge the GameData folder with your GameData folder. Make sure you're running KSP 1.2.2. If that doesn't work then read through the thread that @TheRagingIrishman linked and grab the log file for me to look at. Without the log I can't help any more.


Going to see if it works tomorow:wink:

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  On 5/6/2017 at 8:17 PM, KerbolExplorer said:

Going to see if it works tomorow:wink:


I can vouch this works. Well at least I have it installed and running so far.

Thank the maker as I just can't play KSP without this seemingly fair play mod.

I have no idea where you keep that zip file usually but thanks for adding it in post ...  I have just up dated from 1.0.5 to 2.2.2  ... and I really needed KCT. it helps my own narrative in the game.

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  On 4/27/2017 at 7:38 PM, magico13 said:

I think I can get the length of a day out of KSP rather than checking for the Kerbin Time setting and using a hardcoded value. Cool thing is that it's a MagiCore change so KCT shouldn't need to change for it to work. Unfortunately some recent breaking changes made to MagiCore means new versions aren't backwards compatible with KCT 1.3.4, but it is compatible with the dev builds of KCT. I can backport the change if that's needed. I have to see if what I'm thinking actually works in the first place.


On the topic of KCT and time, Im using your 'Editor Time' modlet, but noticed that while time continues in the VAB, KCT doesn't. This kinda screws up the ETA predictions from KCT depending on how much time i spend in the VAB/SPH. Is there potential to make these mods compatible? Perhaps an option for KCT to have the build times run down while in the VAB/SPH?

Edit: Just seen that once I leave the VAB/SPH, KCT auto-updates the build times to account for time spent in the VAB. Forget I said anything.

Edited by Qwarkk
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  On 5/17/2017 at 2:31 PM, Kardea said:

Does anyone have a link to the Getting Started guide? The one linked on page 1 of the thread goes to a broken DropBox link...


It should still be in the download, but it's also available here: https://github.com/magico13/KCT/blob/master/GameData/KerbalConstructionTime/KCT Guide.pdf


Keep in mind that it hasn't been updated in a while. Simulations aren't in the dev versions for 1.2.2. The part inventory was also split off into a separate mod called ScrapYard. If you're still on KSP 1.1.3 then things will be closer to the guide.

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  On 5/17/2017 at 2:54 PM, magico13 said:

It should still be in the download, but it's also available here: https://github.com/magico13/KCT/blob/master/GameData/KerbalConstructionTime/KCT Guide.pdf


Thanks! Completely unrelated: I just installed the 1.2.2 Dev version and the UI functions, but the actual functionality of KCT is completely broken. When I go to the VAB/SPH to build a rocket, the "Build Time" listed is 0 days, 0 hours for any vehicle and clicking the Launch button does nothing at all, so I literally can't build or launch anything at the moment. Is this a known issue? I can update the bug tracker if needed..

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Excellent mod.  Getting use to the constraints of build times.  Quick question.  What's the current fix / work around for having a recovered spaceplane spawn standing on its tail?  I tried to ease it down, but it went timber and crunched.  I could hack gravity, but I'm worried what that might do to other stuff I have parked around KSC.

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