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[1.1.2] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.5.8


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  svs1998 said:
yeahh!!! thank you KospY!!!
  DeAnti said:
oh YEA! good work man
  HighSpeedSteel said:
great news, thanks to all developers :)

Thanks ! :)

Some people saw it, KAS 0.5 is released !

Changelog :


  • Updated for KSP 1.0.2
  • Integrated KIS (KIS is now mandatory)
  • Updated port and winch to use KIS "mount" behaviour for attaching hooks on winches
  • Parts models update : Connector port, Stack and radial winch, magnet and grappling hook
  • New part : harpoon
  • Connector port can now be used for linking pipes
  • Struts is now a lot stronger
  • Disable pause menu when canceling a strut/pipe link (using escape key)
  • Updated module 'KASModuleContainer' to move content to KIS storage system if detected
  • Module manager is no more needed
  • Removed modules depreciated by KIS : KASAddonPointer, KASAddonAddModule, KASModuleGrab, KASModulePartBay, KASModuleTimedBomb.
  • Removed parts : Container Type A & B and bay, Stack connector port, Hook Support, Pipe end point and Horizontal & Vertical radial winch

Hope you enjoy it !

Edited by KospY
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  Snarfster said:
Ehm. Could be me, but when I have 0.50 installed no space ship parts are available. (None at all, not even stock).

removed it, and the parts are back.

KAS need KIS to work. Did you install it ?

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me to, not even PotatoRoid part can be found, sometimes game doest even load to Space Center, just hangs in space. When new save (sandbox) is started, no parts are shown in VAB...

EDIT: OK, KIS version is the one to blame. I had KIS 1.1.2 installed via CKAN. Downloaded KIS 1.1.4 and installed manually, everything OK now. Game loads, parts are visible, including PotatoRoid :)

One small disadvantage - one ship exploded right after it has loaded. But, what's perfect, right? :) Doesn't have to be caused by KAS or KIS, I am toooo lazy not to start a fresh save.

Edited by HighSpeedSteel
solution found
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Heya, I'm experiencing a bug where during startup, the game freezes loading the part Cport1 - looks like the connector port. I thought it might be a problem with ATM trying to compress the texture, so I removed ATM, still having this issue. Anyone else experiencing this. Can't post a log as the game hasn't started, instead freezes and needs to have the process killed.


EDIT: Solved by installing new release of KIS (to-day's release). However, I am noticing part attachment problems as described by posters lower down.

Edited by Iasus
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  Woodstar said:
The Harpoon will not attach to the radial wench, but it will attach to the inline wench.

Edit: none of the attachment connect to it for that matter.

I am having the same issue

Also thanks for the update, its nice to have this mod updated

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  Woodstar said:
The Harpoon will not attach to the radial wench, but it will attach to the inline wench.

Edit: none of the attachment connect to it for that matter.

Im having the same issue. To elaborate on the problem, it wont work in VAB. Attaching a Harpoon or any other Hook via the Kerbal Iventory in EVA works flawless.

Steps to recreate the problem:

1. New install of Kerbal Space Program v1.0.2.842

2. Put KIS v.1.1.4 and KAS v.0.5.0 into the GameData Folder

3. Lunch KSP and start a new career

4. Go into the VAB and select any Structure and attach a winch to it

5. Try to attach a Harpoon to the just added winch

6. ...

@KospY Love the mod thanks for the update small problems wont keep me away from it.

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  Harvoification said:
Same problem!

EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot to install KIS. Do this, and all will be well.

Odd thing is, I have KIS installed. :(

- - - Updated - - -

  KospY said:
I think you didn't use the last version of KIS (1.1.4)

That must be it. I had 1.1.2

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  Woodstar said:
The Harpoon will not attach to the radial wench, but it will attach to the inline wench.

Edit: none of the attachment connect to it for that matter.

I made a mistake on the attach rules...

It's not "attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0" but "attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0" in the part.cfg of the winch.

I will upload a fix.

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  KospY said:
I made a mistake on the attach rules...

It's not "attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0" but "attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0" in the part.cfg of the winch.

I will upload a fix.

Great, I'll just change them in the config and rearchive with winrar for personal use. +Rep

EDIT: One question, Wheres my whale? LOL :D

Edited by Woodstar
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Kospy, dumb question. But at work so can't research much. Wording about KIS is a little confusing. Is KIS as a standalone not needed as it is integrated into KAS?

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