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[1.1.2] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.5.8


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First off, great work on the release of KIS guys!

I've posted here however as my query's more relevant: I've noticed that the models and textures are VERY stockalike in KIS, which in my opinion is fantastic. Can we ever hope for a polish over of the KAS parts, so that when the two mods are used together, as I expect they will be intended to, they look in check both between themselves and stock?

Awesome job, regardless. :D

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  Commissioner Tadpole said:
I have a question. I'm a KIS user, and I want KAS only for the fuel hoses that KIS lacks. Do I just install the "Parts" folder(and that with only the "pipe1" folder), or I need to keep more things in?

  1. Install complete KAS
  2. Delete "MM_Science.cfg" and "MM_Squad.cfg" from KAS root folder
  3. Open "settings.cfg" in the KAS root folder and change "grabPartKey = g" to something like "grabPartKey = p"
  4. (Delete any folders you don't like from KAS/Parts folder)

That should do the trick.

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If anyone wants to have storage capabilty on every part with a crew capacity, I made this MM config.

The storage capability is 15*crew, so the Mk1 pod will have 15 slots, the mk2 lander, 30 and so on...

//Adds 15 storage slots for every kerbal on the part.
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 15
@maxSize *= #$/CrewCapacity$

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I'm really sorry, if it been asked before, but:

Why KAS do not use either of two toolbars available to show some sort of "show/hide winch gui" button?

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HELP!! I have been using KAS fine for months now. when all of a sudden today I cannot grab any stock parts, please can someone help with this, It is most frustrating and I really would like to be able to move things again

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Hello, I have a problem. I decided to try around my winch system, BUT I can not seem to be able to control them. I am hitting P, but the window is not showing.

Please help! Winches have core part for my future project.

Edited by Mapoko
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  DocMop said:
As far as I recall, you have to fly the vehicle where the winch is attached to to control it.

So I switch to the platform with [] and then hit P ?

Let me try.

EDIT: Thank you ! (stupid of me)

Edited by Mapoko
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  Chiken1880 said:
What is the total part count of the mod? Is it memory-hogging?

There are only 16 parts in KAS. But we'll rework the mod to improve performances :

- I planned to merge the four winches into only 2 (a stack one and an vertical/horizontal one with better models).

- I'd also like to merge the connector ports into one part as they serve the same purpose.

- Containers and container mount will be removed as the inventory system will be managed with KIS (I'll add more container types later in KIS).

- Some new parts with new unique purpose should be added.

- In KAS some part actually use 512 textures but I improved my texturing skills and i'm sure I can have even better render with smaller textures (KIS container texture is only 256 for instance :) )

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  winn75 said:
There are only 16 parts in KAS. But we'll rework the mod to improve performances :

- I planned to merge the four winches into only 2 (a stack one and an vertical/horizontal one with better models).

- I'd also like to merge the connector ports into one part as they serve the same purpose.

- Containers and container mount will be removed as the inventory system will be managed with KIS (I'll add more container types later in KIS).

- Some new parts with new unique purpose should be added.

- In KAS some part actually use 512 textures but I improved my texturing skills and i'm sure I can have even better render with smaller textures (KIS container texture is only 256 for instance :) )

Winn75 and KospY, thanks to your mod I was able to build a nice cable crane. KAS lines are great for keeping IR parts 'in shape' ;)

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I'm using KAS 0.4.10, and the fuel pipes are giving me grief. I've tried on several occasions to use them to connect two vehicles for fuel transfer. Unless one of them is quite small (like a single seat lander) then they both begin to oscillate wildly until one is ripped apart. SAS is disabled on both prior to linking... on my most recent attempt I even went so far as to manually disable all reaction wheels. Relative velocity is dropped to below .1 m/s (as close to zero as humanly possible). One of the main reasons I've used KAS is for this fuel pipe. What am I missing here... is this broken? The physics of it don't make much sense, is this a problem with KSP .90? In the absence of external forces, all oscillations eventually cease... they don't get worse. It's as if some external magical force is attacking... is this the legendary kraken?

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  impyre said:
I'm using KAS 0.4.10, and the fuel pipes are giving me grief. I've tried on several occasions to use them to connect two vehicles for fuel transfer. Unless one of them is quite small (like a single seat lander) then they both begin to oscillate wildly until one is ripped apart. SAS is disabled on both prior to linking... on my most recent attempt I even went so far as to manually disable all reaction wheels. Relative velocity is dropped to below .1 m/s (as close to zero as humanly possible). One of the main reasons I've used KAS is for this fuel pipe. What am I missing here... is this broken? The physics of it don't make much sense, is this a problem with KSP .90? In the absence of external forces, all oscillations eventually cease... they don't get worse. It's as if some external magical force is attacking... is this the legendary kraken?

I have the same issue which is presumably associated withe the movement of the mass when you pump the fuel through the pipe.

I decided if I could get that close for a rendezvous then I might as well add docking ports to the ships to allow for fuel transfers.

The mini docking ports also work well a seperators without ejection force :cool:

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I do use fuel lines sometime to transfer fuel in orbit, but I always strut the ships together first. Fuel lines are just not rigid enough, in real life or in game, and weird movement is to be expected.

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If I understand correctly, it sounds like KAS will see some major optimization as well as the migration of certain features to KIS. This is excellent news.

I do, however, have a (long-standing) request that would probably make more sense for KAS, and I was wondering if the KAS team would be interesting in exploring this idea further:

Problem Context

I make space station modules and parts, and I'm planning on making my own truss system. Now, most add-on authors design their trusses so that they are pre-assembled in the VAB/SPH, and flown to orbit in one piece using ungainly pancake lifters; however, I'd like to impart some realism into my add-ons, and my intention is to allow orbital EVA assembly of short truss segments.

I am aware of / have used KAS's existing attachment feature to attach properly-configured parts to each other while in the flight scene. My concern is that, especially for the truss system I'm planning, surface attachment is very finicky and inaccurate.

The Proposal

I'd like to see KAS allow node-snapping stack attachment between parts while in EVA, in a manner similar to the VAB/SPH editor scene.

So, um, what would be required to make this feature a reality?

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  sumghai said:
If I understand correctly, it sounds like KAS will see some major optimization as well as the migration of certain features to KIS. This is excellent news.

I do, however, have a (long-standing) request that would probably make more sense for KAS, and I was wondering if the KAS team would be interesting in exploring this idea further:

Problem Context

I make space station modules and parts, and I'm planning on making my own truss system. Now, most add-on authors design their trusses so that they are pre-assembled in the VAB/SPH, and flown to orbit in one piece using ungainly pancake lifters; however, I'd like to impart some realism into my add-ons, and my intention is to allow orbital EVA assembly of short truss segments.

I am aware of / have used KAS's existing attachment feature to attach properly-configured parts to each other while in the flight scene. My concern is that, especially for the truss system I'm planning, surface attachment is very finicky and inaccurate.

The Proposal

I'd like to see KAS allow node-snapping stack attachment between parts while in EVA, in a manner similar to the VAB/SPH editor scene.

So, um, what would be required to make this feature a reality?

Hey Sumhai,

not sure if this will help, but have you considered how you "store" KAS containers on their mounting racks? I ask because I think the part store feature snaps parts to nodes. I used it to make sure inflatble parts lined up on base units in Multipurpose Colony Modules. Or will that feature be going away with the new revision?

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  Angel-125 said:
not sure if this will help, but have you considered how you "store" KAS containers on their mounting racks? I ask because I think the part store feature snaps parts to nodes. I used it to make sure inflatble parts lined up on base units in Multipurpose Colony Modules. Or will that feature be going away with the new revision?

I'm aware of that method - ASET's PRC rover system uses that.

My concern with that approach is that, from a hierarchical perspective, each subsequent truss segment would be a "child" of its predecessor. I'm not sure how such a system would handle the destruction of intermediate segments (would parts lower down in the KAS hierarchy simply disappear?)

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  sumghai said:
If I understand correctly, it sounds like KAS will see some major optimization as well as the migration of certain features to KIS. This is excellent news.

I do, however, have a (long-standing) request that would probably make more sense for KAS, and I was wondering if the KAS team would be interesting in exploring this idea further:

Problem Context

I make space station modules and parts, and I'm planning on making my own truss system. Now, most add-on authors design their trusses so that they are pre-assembled in the VAB/SPH, and flown to orbit in one piece using ungainly pancake lifters; however, I'd like to impart some realism into my add-ons, and my intention is to allow orbital EVA assembly of short truss segments.

I am aware of / have used KAS's existing attachment feature to attach properly-configured parts to each other while in the flight scene. My concern is that, especially for the truss system I'm planning, surface attachment is very finicky and inaccurate.

The Proposal

I'd like to see KAS allow node-snapping stack attachment between parts while in EVA, in a manner similar to the VAB/SPH editor scene.

So, um, what would be required to make this feature a reality?

As I understand it the grab function is going to be removed from KAS. Node snapping is a planned feature for KIS.

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  ExplorerKlatt said:
As I understand it the grab function is going to be removed from KAS. Node snapping is a planned feature for KIS.

You're quite right - silly, silly sumghai!

  KospY said:


  • Carrying container with a kerbal (similar to KAS)
  • 2.5m and 3.75m containers + mounts for bigger parts.
  • Inline containers for IVA containers content transfer.
  • Stack attach with snap
  • Container renaming
  • Items improvements
  • New items
  • And more...

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