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[1.1.2] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.5.8


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  Lumaan said:
Getting this in my log:

[LOG 23:47:31.961] Load(Model): KAS/Parts/cPort2/portStack1

[ERR 23:47:31.964] Texture 'KAS/Parts/cPort2/winch_N' not found!

Yea that's a common, harmless error I see a lot in my log as well for various models from various mods. Can't tell you why it's there but I haven't noticed anything wrong because of it

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  Bomoo said:
Could I request some alternatives to downloading from curse? For the folks who don't use it for whatever reason.

I second this request: a KerbalStuff or GitHub download option would be much appreciated. Also, KAS is a great mod; thanks to all who have contributed.

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Hi KospY, great to have you back!

I have a feature request. Currently if a kerbal is carrying something with resources, the only way to transfer those resources is by opening each right click menu and manually transferring between the two.

Is it possible to have resources flow like they do on a craft?

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  KospY said:
I can't load the file. It seem there is some others mods used on that craft (I found for exemple the TweakScale mod). Can you reproduce the problem with only KAS ?

Same results. Extend ladder then go EVA. Kerbal slides down until touching the ladder. Get onto the ladder and he'll slide to the first rung. Go down again and he keeps on sliding.

No 'force push' apparent from placing a mobility enhancer onto the upper docking port, though it could be hard to see due to constantly having to climb up due to the backsliding. Placing a roundified mono tank onto the upper rockomax tank produces a pretty hard shove down the ladder. (I suspect Jeb of greasing the ladder side rails.)


Vanilla KSP except for KAS, latest MechJeb dev build, latest hyperedit, toolbar, module manager 2.2.1 with this script to add MechJeb

name = MechJebCore
MechJebLocalSettings {
MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = flightControl }
MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = flightControl }
MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }
MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = fieldScience }
MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }
MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }
MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }
MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }

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Has anyone tried making a docking port attachable/grab-able?

My thinking is this. I have a station science space station and the main parts are rather heavy 2.5m parts. Ideally I would send up the modules in a few launches and dock using sr. docking ports... However I don't have them unlocked.

So I launched the modules anyway and now have been wondering if I could fly up a docking port to attach via EVA once I do unlock the Sr Port.

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Question: I'm running into what might not be a problem at all, but I'd like to be sure. I want to use winches to attach base modules to the Munar surface. My "problem" is that when I test the strength of the connection by using my rockets, the grappling hooks/endpoint rip right off the ground with almost no resistance. Is this expected, or should I be doing this a different way?

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Are there any mods or packs to increase the number of parts that can be "grabbable"? I'd love to be able to assemble stuff off of stored probe cores and maybe some small fuel tanks to go with those small engines. More choices of batteries, structural parts and, well, everything would be great too. Docking ports? Is it as simple as making a module manager config file?

I apologize if this is something well known, I've spent a long time searching but three letter terms like "KAS" and "KSP" make searching difficult :(

I *love* this mod, it's made for a lot of extremely fun missions (assemble a rover on the mun! rescue this satellite! refill that stupid lander that broke it's docking port!), especially since I've disabled f5 and reverting... :D

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You are not using an Anchor, right? The Anchor provides some weight, but does not affix itself to the surface. I grabbed a grappling hook and used "attach" to hook it to the Munar surface. When I attached the line from my winch (plug docked) and attempted to take off, the grappling hook held firm. I could not pull it from the surface no matter what I tried. The results were hilarious but I did not record it. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :-) My ship finally exploded and only the winch and the grappliing hook were still left.

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  disoculated said:
Are there any mods or packs to increase the number of parts that can be "grabbable"? I'd love to be able to assemble stuff off of stored probe cores and maybe some small fuel tanks to go with those small engines. More choices of batteries, structural parts and, well, everything would be great too. Docking ports? Is it as simple as making a module manager config file?

Yep, it's a simple MM config file. Thankfully, someone's already done the hard work for you here.

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Hey all, Love, Love, LOVE KAS; it's been one of my "must-have" mods pretty much since I started playing.

I wonder if KospY, Majiir or any others here can assist with a simple plugin I'm trying to write to extend the part storage capabilities of the KAS containers to an inline "part bin" which I'm making.

I have the .cfg setup to allow part storage, and I would like to combine this functionality with a pair of animated doors which I've added to the model. As it stands now, I have two separate buttons in the right-click menu, one which activates the animation and another which opens the standard container GUI. If possible, I'd like to combine the functions in some manner, either:

a) lock out the EVA-access when the doors are closed


B) activate the door animation whenever the container contents are accessed on EVA (and then reverse the animation when the storage GUI is closed)

This is just a learning exercise for me so I've no intention of violating any licensing by releasing the part, the model is fugly anyway so I couldn't bear for people to see it; I just am trying to learn the basics of plugin writing and thought this was a decent place to start. I've also created a thread about this in the development forum (see here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93445-Beginning-mod-maker-and-developer-requesting-assistance-on-first-plugin-code) so feel free to respond there and avoid cluttering up this thread.

Anyway, even if no assistance is forthcoming on this I just wanted to say great work and thanks again for the awesome mod!

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Am I using pipes wrong? Every time I try to connect two ships in orbit, to transfer spare fuel, they just wobble and wobble until all their pieces have gone crazy (not sure if it's actually breaking them or just stretching everything).

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  Xgkkp said:
Am I using pipes wrong? Every time I try to connect two ships in orbit, to transfer spare fuel, they just wobble and wobble until all their pieces have gone crazy (not sure if it's actually breaking them or just stretching everything).

Have you turned of SAS on the ships you're connecting? It sounds like this may be your problem, not an issue with the mod itself, try connecting again but first get relative velocity as close to zero as possible, let the ships stabilize with SAS, then turn SAS off before you connect the pipes.

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  Leemon1 said:
You are not using an Anchor, right? The Anchor provides some weight, but does not affix itself to the surface. I grabbed a grappling hook and used "attach" to hook it to the Munar surface. When I attached the line from my winch (plug docked) and attempted to take off, the grappling hook held firm. I could not pull it from the surface no matter what I tried. The results were hilarious but I did not record it. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :-) My ship finally exploded and only the winch and the grappliing hook were still left.

Nope, using a grappling hook. It just seems...weak. It occurs to me I haven't updated to 0.4.8 yet, still on the previous one. I'll update and see if that helps.

Oh, does it stay connected to the surface when you use retract? I may have tried to retract it first.

EDIT: And used the "Eject" option to shoot it into the surface. Maybe having a Kerbal attach it first would work better.

Edited by johnqevil
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<crosses fingers> updating to KAS 4.8 with a starship in orbit with KAS parts...please dont go boom!

hoping this fixes all my parts being locked in their boxes...lol glad i found this out before starship left kerbin ;)

Thanks for all the work on KAS, this is surely a classic must have mod.

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Gotta say this mod really adds a lot of gameplay to the game. Got a question though; I've got two vessels parked just several meters from each other on Minmus. I'm using two Radial Connector Ports and my goal is to transfer fuel / RCS from one vessel to the other. However, I can't get it to work and see messages like "there is nothing to plug". What steps should I take ... ?

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  Bekiekutmoar said:
Gotta say this mod really adds a lot of gameplay to the game. Got a question though; I've got two vessels parked just several meters from each other on Minmus. I'm using two Radial Connector Ports and my goal is to transfer fuel / RCS from one vessel to the other. However, I can't get it to work and see messages like "there is nothing to plug". What steps should I take ... ?
A winch end connects to a radial (or stack) connector port, you'd need a winch on one ship and connect the winch end with a Kerbal in EVA to the connector port on the other, then you could winch the ships together, or switch to docked and they'll be one ship, or transfer resources through the winch cable. Edited by Darren9
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  Darren9 said:
A winch end connects to a radial (or stack) connector port, you'd need a winch on one ship and connect the winch end with a Kerbal in EVA to the connector port on the other, then you could winch the ships together, or switch to docked and they'll be one ship, or transfer resources through the winch cable.

Ah, crap. Looks like I need another delivery from Kerbin. Thanks for the answer ... !

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I've just installed this mod and I'm really looking forward to using it to improve the Station Science station I'm currently building around Minimus! To be able to adjust the inclination of the station without the terrifying death wobble is gonna be really great.

Today while I was building the rocket to deliver the next part (the first 2 of 6 solar arrays) it occurred to me that it would be really cool if there was a way for a part to be added that could tether a kerbal to the station on EVA. I was imagining another winch type part with like a 50m(ish) small cable which would be grabbable or connect in some other way(not sure if he could hold the cable and still be able to grab other parts while holding it) so that the kerbal could safely EVA around the station and add parts or perform maintenance (or in my case also board the external command seat of the service tractor) without the risk of flying off into his own orbit if he were to overestimate his EVA propellant. I'm sure the idea has been suggested before(doesn't seem that original) but I figured I would throw it out there.

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  al.bebop said:
Hey all, Love, Love, LOVE KAS; it's been one of my "must-have" mods pretty much since I started playing.

I wonder if KospY, Majiir or any others here can assist with a simple plugin I'm trying to write to extend the part storage capabilities of the KAS containers to an inline "part bin" which I'm making.

I have the .cfg setup to allow part storage, and I would like to combine this functionality with a pair of animated doors which I've added to the model. As it stands now, I have two separate buttons in the right-click menu, one which activates the animation and another which opens the standard container GUI. If possible, I'd like to combine the functions in some manner, either:

a) lock out the EVA-access when the doors are closed


B) activate the door animation whenever the container contents are accessed on EVA (and then reverse the animation when the storage GUI is closed)

This is just a learning exercise for me so I've no intention of violating any licensing by releasing the part, the model is fugly anyway so I couldn't bear for people to see it; I just am trying to learn the basics of plugin writing and thought this was a decent place to start. I've also created a thread about this in the development forum (see here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93445-Beginning-mod-maker-and-developer-requesting-assistance-on-first-plugin-code) so feel free to respond there and avoid cluttering up this thread.

Anyway, even if no assistance is forthcoming on this I just wanted to say great work and thanks again for the awesome mod!

Opening and closing animations are on my todo list. I think it will work like the option b.

I will surely add a parameter to the part module so modders will be able to add their own opening / closing animations to containers.

However, I'm lacking models with animation for testing. If you are ok, you can send me your part so I will try so see how it can be done when I will be able to work again on the mod.

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  KospY said:
Opening and closing animations are on my todo list. I think it will work like the option b.

I will surely add a parameter to the part module so modders will be able to add their own opening / closing animations to containers.

However, I'm lacking models with animation for testing. If you are ok, you can send me your part so I will try so see how it can be done when I will be able to work again on the mod.

KospY - if you ever need models, ping me :) I'd happily donate some

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I'm having the same problem a previous poster was/is having. The winches have no ejection force. Pressing eject simply releases the winch without any discernible force, and so the grappling hook will not attach to anything. Is there a fix for this? Anyone else having a similar problem?

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