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Everything posted by Leemon1

  1. Hi everyone -- setting up a Mun base, and the bouncing landing legs are driving me slightly more crazy than I already am. I've tweaked the settings in my persistent.sfs file and reloaded over and over to find a suitable value for a stable craft. I've searched but have been unable to find a mod that will allow one to tweak these variables outside of the VAB/SPH. Before I write something, does one already exist? Specifically, the variables are springTweakable and damperTweakable for the landing legs. Many thanks, Lee
  2. I checked again, and though they occur throughout the game load, the errors do not appear during gameplay. Sorry for the false alarm about that. Lee
  3. Yes, Trajectories v1.6.1, even if only Trajectories is installed as an add-on, generates constant NRE errors when the game loads and during gameplay. KSP v1.1.2 (x64). Lee
  4. It seems that version 1.6.1 is still creating constant NRE errors in the Steam, Windows 64 bit version of KSP. Here are some samples: Lee
  5. Thank you for the 1.1 compile, but it does not work for me (Windows 64 bit). The toolbar buttons do nothing when I click them, and the RasterPropMonitor displays in the MK1 capsule lock up when I click the VesselView button. In the KSP log file, I am getting constant NullReferenceExceptions from VesselView: RasterPropMonitor (the latest 0.25.1 hotfix 28297b) is loaded and working properly. Lee
  6. I provided a code snippet to Sarbian that adds the ability to slide the navball left and right. He is taking a look at it for possible inclusion in the mod. Lee
  7. This is awesome! A quick question. In looking at the code, it seems that the plugin changes the color of ANY part that has a material with the string "light" in its name. Is that true, or is this somehow strictly limited to the Kerbal battery? If not, you may run into conflicts with other parts mods that happen to have that string in their material name. Thanks much for the mod, Lee
  8. You are not using an Anchor, right? The Anchor provides some weight, but does not affix itself to the surface. I grabbed a grappling hook and used "attach" to hook it to the Munar surface. When I attached the line from my winch (plug docked) and attempted to take off, the grappling hook held firm. I could not pull it from the surface no matter what I tried. The results were hilarious but I did not record it. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :-) My ship finally exploded and only the winch and the grappliing hook were still left.
  9. I updated the code to provide tweakable yellow and red warning levels. The new version, which is compatible with 0.24.x, has been posted to the Curse site and I updated the original post. I hope that some of you are enjoying my mod. It was a fun learning exercise to create it.
  10. Roverdude, did you determine whether the Evacuate function should be working? I can't get it to do anything in .24 (32 bit version). Thanks again.
  11. I can't seem to get the Evacuate function to work for some reason in 0.24. I am running the 32 bit version and I do have a few mods that may be interfering. All I should have to do is assign the Evacuate function to an action group key, correct? It doesn't do anything when I press the button. Other functions (decouple, disconnect, etc.) work fine and I can get the Kerbal to enter the pod manually. Thanks for releasing this for us to play with.
  12. Hi all -- I just started messing with the new release, and one of the first things I noticed is that the Illuminator lights now seem very overpowered. I have a few on one of my ground vehicles and when I turn them on it's like staring into the sun. Is the new light glare and over-bloom a bug or a feature? What do you all think; like it, hate it? I am not on the hate side but I think ground detail is really washed out now so I hope they reduce the light intensity to previous levels at some point. Lee
  13. I've released my first mod for KSP; a visual meter that will show you how much electric charge you have remaining on your vessel. The meter has adjustable warning levels, to let you know when your power is getting low. Update - I uploaded a new version that is compatible with KSP version 1.1 pre-Release http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/223817-electric-charge-meter Here is a Youtube video of a prototype version: Enjoy! Leemon1
  14. I've released the first version of this meter at: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/?p=30965 Enjoy!
  15. Hi Folks! Be gentle because this is my first KSP mod, first 3D model, first Youtube video and first C# program. The Charge Meter mod gives you a visual indicator of how much electrical charge remains in your vessel. An indicator light shows Green when the remaining electrical charge is > 50%, yellow until it gets down to 10% remaining and then flashing red until the power is drained. The percentages can be changed in the part.cfg file. The meter is designed so you can view the indicator lights from both sides. Hopefully it won't be too resource intensive because it uses a single sphere that is moved and recolored for the "light" instead of an actual light source. I can't publish it until I receive permission from BigNose because it uses code snippets from his Aviation Lights mod but here is a sample video for comments and suggestions. Hail Kerbin! Leemon1
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