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Sentinel Heavy Industries: B 223-B "Scythe" Strategic Bomber

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The B 223-B 'Scythe' is the newest Strategic Weapons Delivery Platform, or SWDP to roll off the line at Sentinel Heavy Industries main production facility. The 'Bravo' series of this aircraft boasts improved fuel capacity and consumption, improved stability both in-atmo and out-atmo situations. The hull has been coated with heat shielding and the craft comes pre-fit with the ability to attach an OLV or Orbital Launch Vehicle.

Mods used: Pure C7, Both Packs.

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Our apologies, Ranye.

I would suggest two more engines - similiar to the ones you have already, intake and all, just have another one directly on the side of the main hull

So instead of:

Fuselage - Wing - Engine Hull - Wing,

You turn it into:

Fuselage- Engine Hull - Wing - Engine Hull - Wing.

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