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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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I did have it installed but I uninstalled it when I found out that it may be part of the problem. The error still occurs after I uninstalled it, the bug seems to be coming from B9 itself.

That's bizarre - the B9 control surfaces are set up the same way as the stock ones. B9 doesn't officially support stock aero, but the CFGs are set up to make it work. Is the problem that the control surfaces aren't physically deflecting, or that they are providing no torque, or both?

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They don't do anything. They're quite literally just decorations at this point, They don't perform the "flip" animation up/down side/side, nor do they work aerodynamically. The Stock control surfaces do work however so I have no doubt it's coming from B9.

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I'm not sure FAR supports having splitting control surfaces that act like rudders the way real flying wings do it, basically on the trailing edge are a double set of control surfaces on both sides that join together to make a fairly sharp rear edge or split to act like an airbrake.

Can see the rudder in action on the wing here:


Pretty sure they also help with pitch, both the combined angle and combined spread used so to speak.

Could use the compressed air nozzles like our drone examples.

Quite interesting study in how my B9 HL SSTOSPs to launch OKS modules to my station has progressed:




Realized by the last one that I came back nearly half full of fuel and oxidizer, cut the fuel load drastically and thus could get away with a smaller overall plane with the same payload capacity.

Full album here: http://imgur.com/a/0OHkE#0

You know I thought about doing a split eleron thing for air breaks.... It's not a bad idea to use them as Rudders although.... that said overtime the plane tries to adjust its Yaw to go straight with SAS on wouldn't it Create a lot of Aerodynamic problems? Because those a rudder just gives little Dabs when you push on the pedals and the actual Vertical stab just always is there creating the same drag keeping your yaw In check... Big slow Surfaces on the wings that rise would act like a giant air break and would cause me to loose airspeed when ever the plan adjusts it's yaw no? Id have to experiment with it but it could work.

I'm just not sure about the drag factor.It's designed to be a fighter so it's got to be fast and agile. so that means Greater than 1 to 1 TWR idealy about 1.15 or so. I'm Experimenting with Forward swept wings.... but I don't know if I will keep them we will see.

Edited by Dermeister
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They don't perform the "flip" animation up/down side/side, nor do they work aerodynamically.

Are you sure that they are set to respond to some input axis in the right-click dialog? Stock control surfaces respond to all three by default, but I don't know about B9 surfaces (never tried them without FAR).

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So, I need your help guys. After MANY attempts I just can't get this mod to work properly. I've tried everything I know to do.

I'm running into a missing parts problem. I'm talking a lot of missing parts. I have not seen anything on the thread about this. A few on curse have addressed this but that's it. I know it's not just me.

Needless to say this is extremely frustrating.

None of the HX pieces

There are a few cockpits. Including the S3 which is apparently, "unfinished and removed."

Only a hand full of the structural pieces. Most of the parts I do get are all in aerodynamics. Wings, pieces, elevators ect..


Attempt 1:


Game version: 0.25 32 bit

Mod version: 5.2.6

Additional Mods: 0


Game loads up about half way, can see all the B9 parts load, "Module Manager" pops up and says it's applying patches usually 171-173. I can also see they are all B9 parts.

Get to VAB no parts SPH.. no parts..


Attempt 2:

-- Fresh Install---

Game version: 24.2 32 bit

Mod version: 5.2.6

Additional mods:0


At loading screen I instantly get a message saying that Firespitter and something else are incompatible.

Game loads, same result as the first attempt.


Attempt 3:

-- Fresh install--

Game Version: .25 x64

Mod version: 5.2.6

Additional mods: 0


Same as first attempt.


Attempt 4:

-- Fresh Install--

Game Version: .25 32 bit

Mod Version: 5.2.6

Additional mods:


-Texture Manager


Same as first result


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KSP forums search engine is dumb. Indeed, you probably searched for "Aerospace", because it ignores words less than 4 letters long, making it, in short, bloody useless. "Titles only" mode is the only way to use it.

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So, I need your help guys. After MANY attempts I just can't get this mod to work properly. I've tried everything I know to do.

I'm running into a missing parts problem. I'm talking a lot of missing parts. I have not seen anything on the thread about this. A few on curse have addressed this but that's it. I know it's not just me.

Sounds like you're installing it wrong, you need to install B9 to the correct folder, the B9 download contains a GameData folder, extract to the KSP folder, not GameData, nesting GameData doesn't work.

@Ren8428: KSPx64 on windows is completely unsupported by us, it's much too unstable to bother supporting, KSPx64 can fall on it's face on it's own with no intervention or help from us, trying to bugfix it is pretty pointless at this point, hopefully it improves in time, though frankly it shouldn't be needed, KSP dumps all game assets into ram on startup instead of loading them as needed and then unloading them when not needed like most games do, if KSP had a sensible asset management system it wouldn't need 3GB+ ram and a start-up time sufficient to go brew coffee with mods.

Edited by K3|Chris
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...KSP dumps all game assets into ram on startup instead of loading them as needed and then unloading them when not needed like most games do, if KSP had a sensible asset management system it wouldn't need 3GB+ ram and a start-up time sufficient to go brew coffee with mods.

*gulp* Well... that sufficiently answered the question I had when coming here. I was wondering why my game kept locking up on boot when trying to add B9 ontop of my existing install with KSPInterstellar...

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Here's the fix for those whose KSP freezes when loading B9's command modules (e.g. HL_Aero_Cockpit)

You must have the Squad folder in GameData that comes with a fresh install of KSP.

Otherwise, any part with "name = ModuleRCS" will hang.

(extra tags to make this more easily searchable: freeze, load, stall, load, hang)

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I just took a mission to EVE with stock air intakes (MX-G50 Radial Air Intake) and (R1A Compressed Air Thrust Nozzle)

there is plenty of air, but they won't run. I thought I should point this out as something that should be addressed at some point.

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I think abrr2000 was referring to the fact that the compressed air nozzles should work without oxygen since they run on electricity. Unfortunately the way KSP is set up, oxygen is checked for at the intake rather than at the engine, so in order to get the behavior you'd expect for normal jet engines you have to have all intakes reject non-oxygenated air. I think there are plugins which address this in order to create nuclear-thermal jets and the like ... probably KSPI if I had to guess.

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When i go into the SPH and the VAB, all of the parts have doubles in the part list.

Also with procedural wings, the game will not load if i have the folder "procedural_ControlSurface_SH_4m" in the procedural dynamics folder.

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i can't select sub-parts, it won't give the menu.

i treid:

fresh install

install firespitter

install Tal's cargo solutions

this is my output file:

[SIZE=1]Initialize engine version: 4.3.4f1 (e444f76e01cd)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Version: Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dum.dll][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Vendor: NVIDIA[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] VRAM: 977 MB (via DXGI)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Caps: Shader=30 DepthRT=1 NativeDepth=1 NativeShadow=1 DF16=0 INTZ=1 RAWZ=0 NULL=1 RESZ=0 SlowINTZ=0[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Platform assembly: E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Loading E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Platform assembly: E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Loading E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Platform assembly: E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Loading E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]- Completed reload, in 0.035 seconds[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]<RI> Initializing input.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]<RI> Input initialized.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 3840x1080 at 0,0[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Platform assembly: E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\System.dll (this message is harmless)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Platform assembly: E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\System.Xml.dll (this message is harmless)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Platform assembly: E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\Mono.Security.dll (this message is harmless)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Is steam? False[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Local BuildID: 276[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Platform assembly: E:\KSPLauncher\KSPLauncher\Launcher_Data\Managed\System.Core.dll (this message is harmless)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]SettingsPath: E:/KSPLauncher/KSPLauncher/Launcher_Data\../settings.cfg[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]BakPath: E:/KSPLauncher/KSPLauncher/Launcher_Data\settings.cfg.bak[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Backup exists[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]It exists[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hi, from check patcher,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Checking patcher at [URL]https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/dp/patcher/index.php[/URL][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]ExecPath = E:/KSPLauncher/KSPLauncher/Launcher_Data\../KSP_x64.exe[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]E5150 path: E:/KSPLauncher/KSPLauncher/Launcher_Data\E5150.cfg.bak[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Loading Settings...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Last BuildID: 278[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][Updater] Server reports that Patcher has MD5 of 2de496fe5b6e2f26eff5f816fde5c8be[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][Updater] Our own copy of E:/KSPLauncher/KSPLauncher/Launcher_Data/../Patcher.exe has MD5 of 2de496fe5b6e2f26eff5f816fde5c8be[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1](Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]UnloadTime: 0.486897 ms[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0 / Dirty serialized files: 0)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Unloading 32 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 955.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Total: 3.517857 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.062484 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.029883 ms MarkObjects: 2.540439 ms DeleteObjects: 0.147910 ms)

i would really like to build ships with HX, please help?[/SIZE]

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