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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, -0.639, 0.0, 0.0, [b]1.0[/b], 1

First, "Me Dumb"... LoL...

Second, THANKS... I was sure I had tried that, but obviously I hadn't ... It works perfect...

Next question, the HW21 heavy wing... What would need to be done to get it working again.

Thanks blowfish for your help again. I appreciate it..


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No Far, No Near at this time, only the stock aero model in 1.02

My planes using this wing, jump off of the runway at about 500g and poof...

Fun to watch (first few times) but real hard on my pilots..


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I'm pretty sure I see what's wrong with it but I want to be more systematic about fixes than just posting in this thread. I've PM'ed the authors for explicit permission for a crowdsourced maintenance port - if I get a yes I'll fork the git repository and we can work from there.

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No Far, No Near at this time, only the stock aero model in 1.02

My planes using this wing, jump off of the runway at about 500g and poof...

Fun to watch (first few times) but real hard on my pilots..



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You don't really have to do that at all. B9 lists FAR as a requirement for the mod to work and I doubt Bac9 is going to change his stance when it comes to that. With NuFAR everything would work by default because it takes care of all the necessary work. If something is shielded from the air stream it is shielded from the air stream, no need for config edits of any kind on that front.

FAR was not a requirement, it was "strongly recommended" due to the weight of B9 parts and the existing aerodynamics not properly providing enough lift. The new stock system is more than sufficient; I'd put it on par with NEAR in terms of aerodynamic accuracy; not quite as harsh as FAR, but still rooted in realism.

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Well there are various ways you could make B9 not so RAM heavy and reduce the part list. Before I knew bac9 was MIA I was hoping for procedural parts doing that you could cut the RAM requirements by 3/5th at least.

As you wouldn't have to have models for each of the different sized cargo bays, wings, fuselages etc.

Dw I don't expect a maintenance port of B9 to overhaul B9 Aerospace to that degree but it would have been nice, but B9 doesn't really fit the cartoonish athletic of KSP so it will never happen anyway.

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Just make NuFAR and Deadly re-entry a pre-requisite people will be better off for it anyways. XD

Do that and you may as well call the game "NASA Space Program" instead. There is a point where too much realism lessens the fun; better to keep that as an optional mod for those that want that much realism.

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Some news for your all.

Work is underway to update the old configs and plugins (all thanks go to blowfish here), and on my side I'm completely redoing MK2 parts. Since Porkjet introduced his vastly superior cross section, this was long overdue, and with changes to stock and FAR aerodynamics making all old aircraft unstable anyway, it makes sense to completely ditch specific shapes and types of old B9 MK2 and come up with an entirely new set of parts that will play better with Porkjet pieces, will give you more options to build stuff, and will look far better than old stuff ever did. And as usual, it's all extremely optimized, with everything depicted in the following screenshots using just two texture atlases. Here is the album of some new MK2 parts (click on thumbnail to open):


No specific dates yet, though, remaining work is enormous and I have a nasty habit of having a job, so we can't be sure when stuff will be done.

Edited by bac9
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some news for your all.

Work is underway to update the old configs and plugins (all thanks go to blowfish here), and on my side i'm completely redoing mk2 parts. Since porkjet introduced his vastly superior cross section, this was long overdue, and with changes to stock and far aerodynamics making all old aircraft unstable anyway, it makes sense to completely ditch specific shapes and types of old b9 mk2 and come up with an entirely new set of parts that will play better with porkjet pieces, will give you more options to build stuff, and will look far better than old stuff ever did. And as usual, it's all extremely optimized, with everything depicting in the following screenshots using just two texture atlases. Here is the album of some new mk2 parts (click on thumbnail to open):


no specific dates yet, though, remaining work is enormous and i have a nasty habit of having a job, so we can't be sure when stuff will be done.

dear leaping monkeys those look glorious!

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And credit to V8jester and M4ck for their contributions to the compatibility port. If any one else is interested in contributing to the compatibility port, you can find it at https://bitbucket.org/blowfishpro/b9-aerospace. It is far from done of course. I've created a compatibility checklist in the repository, copied below for convenience. If you're interested in helping with the compatibility push, either send me the changed files of submit a pull request on bitbucket (preferred, but I understand that not everyone knows how to use Git). I know for a fact that I won't have huge amounts of time in the coming weeks to work on this, but I'll make updates as time allows.


B9 1.0.2 Compatibility Checklist

May not be complete

Already Done

  • Stack node adjustments by V8jester and M4ck
  • Most textures converted to DDS
  • CrossFeedEnabler, Firespitter, JSI, KM_Gimbal, SmokeScreen updates

To do

  • Recompile KineTechAnimation and Virgin Kalactic which have not been updated
  • Convert remaining textures to DDS (missed by DDS4KSP)
  • Re-entry thermals
  • Jet engine configs
    • velCurve defines thrust vs mach
    • atmCurve defines thrust vs density
    • tempMachLimit and machHeatMultiplier set mach limits on engine operation

    [*]Cargo bays need new module for 1.0 aero

    [*]All wings need adjustment for 1.0 aero (FAR should still be fine)

    [*]Unknown if bizarre drag behavior still applies to intakes in stock aero

    [*]bulkhead profiles

    [*]See if ResGen is still necessary for compressed air thrusters

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No specific dates yet, though, remaining work is enormous and I have a nasty habit of having a job, so we can't be sure when stuff will be done.

FWIW, you might want to consider linking to this post from post #1 (and in some sort of eye-grabbing garish font color)...

..and genuinely thanks for all the work.

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I know it's kind of a bit of a .... move to ask.. but can we have a Cargo bay that is similar in profile to the old Mk.iv cargo bay of touhou torpedo's design perhaps a bit more B9 styled? since transporting rovers via HL/Mk.3 fuselage parts seem to limit the size signifigantly.

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Some news for your all.

Work is underway to update the old configs and plugins (all thanks go to blowfish here), and on my side I'm completely redoing MK2 parts. Since Porkjet introduced his vastly superior cross section, this was long overdue, and with changes to stock and FAR aerodynamics making all old aircraft unstable anyway, it makes sense to completely ditch specific shapes and types of old B9 MK2 and come up with an entirely new set of parts that will play better with Porkjet pieces, will give you more options to build stuff, and will look far better than old stuff ever did. And as usual, it's all extremely optimized, with everything depicted in the following screenshots using just two texture atlases. Here is the album of some new MK2 parts (click on thumbnail to open):


No specific dates yet, though, remaining work is enormous and I have a nasty habit of having a job, so we can't be sure when stuff will be done.

Sweet smoky barbecued baby jebus, that looks magnificent

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I know it's kind of a bit of a .... move to ask.. but can we have a Cargo bay that is similar in profile to the old Mk.iv cargo bay of touhou torpedo's design perhaps a bit more B9 styled? since transporting rovers via HL/Mk.3 fuselage parts seem to limit the size signifigantly.

i second that motion.

If I read this correctly TT has given premission to modify his parts: "MK4 Fuselage Developers Kit"

Edited by Mighty1
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those look great Bac9. Any word on if the next update will have a command bridge or pilotable space for the huge station/capital ship parts?

Nope, sorry, cockpits with IVA are the most insanely time consuming parts to create and I don't really have an interest in sinking that enormous time into creating a very niche cockpit for HX part set. If I'll have some, I'll probably spend it updating more used cockpits, like MK2 one or S3 one.

I know it's kind of a bit of a .... move to ask.. but can we have a Cargo bay that is similar in profile to the old Mk.iv cargo bay of touhou torpedo's design perhaps a bit more B9 styled? since transporting rovers via HL/Mk.3 fuselage parts seem to limit the size signifigantly.

There are better big spaceplane sets out there, specifically OPT, so I'd prefer not to touch any new cross sections this time around. And I don't think MK4 is a good versatile cross section either, ideally it should be something completely symmetric to cut down adapter modeling time and allow the stacking of payload bays in any orientation.

Edited by bac9
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