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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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Ven- is the engine in the second image new or is it a new model for a stock part? I'm glad that you've chosen to keep the ARM pack parts true to life (or to the SLS in this case). I'm also glad that you kept the KR-L2 a high expansion-ratio type upper stage design. What did you use for references? I particularly enjoy the new cupola module, the design has lots of character and interesting geometry that seems lacking from some of your earlier space station parts. Very well done!

I also think I prefer the stock grey for the Mk1 Landercan. It is the same matte steel color as the stayputnik core and so evokes a more primitive level of space technology; a Soviet LK to the Mk2 's NASA LEM.

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Does this mod supports Connected Living Spaces? I ran into a problem that CLS doesn't recognize the PPD-2 Can as habitable or passable. So is that a bug?

Actually, I've already asked this question here, but looks like it is buried under ongoing conversation.

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Criticism, no matter how it is phrased is constructive in some way. It may not be in the way that they intended, but it still ends up with an improved product by the end.

The worst type of criticism is the one that goes unsaid. Like saying that you have issues with certain parts, but will talk about them another time... twice.:mad:

Okey dokey:

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There may be more, but that's all I could find.

For now.

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What part's are having problems?

The RCS thruster issue could be caused by the load order of the cfg's, but they shouldn't be doing that... I'll look into it.

Unfortunately, It isn't possible to remove any specific part because the parts share from several large texture maps, and removing that map removes it for all the parts that use it. However, in the next update, I'll be putting the extra parts cfg files in a separate folder for easy removal. Hopefully that will help with that problem.

For now, you'll need to edit the cfg's manually (deleting whole entries as necessary).

And to those who wonder about my absence, here's what I've been working on :


I think the size (mb) of the mod is getting smaller...

I must say, I'm taking a break until 1.0 is out, but when you'll release those I'll have to go in game just to check those sweet polys

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Hello Ven, may I ask a small question?

I'm currently using version 1.7.2, and I find that when placing a fuel tank under a Mk1 Command Pod, the fairing does not generate in the gap between the two parts automaticly like they did in the earlier version (1.6B maybe?). Do you know why? Please.


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Hello Ven, may I ask a small question?

I'm currently using version 1.7.2, and I find that when placing a fuel tank under a Mk1 Command Pod, the fairing does not generate in the gap between the two parts automaticly like they did in the earlier version (1.6B maybe?). Do you know why? Please.


I think it was removed for mod compatibility reasons. IIRC they caused problems with FAR.

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My only point of contention is the Clamp-O-Tron models, as I use Sumghai's SDHI mod. The 1.25 COT has a modified texture and model for parachutes, and is the only part in my mod library that does so. Is there anyway to replace all but the Clamp-O-Tron models? Can I run the pruner.bat, and then replace the overwritten files with the old models and textures?

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I've been having some issue grabbing parts after I take them out of the catalog. Specifically, the solar panels, and the docking ports. Also, the conflict with SDHI make this mode difficult to use at times. As nice as the integrated heat shield is, anyone who cares about heat shields will have DRE installed, or use the SDHI heat shield.

Also, like sharpspoonful said, the docking collars are actually worse than the stock ones in the long run. They're bulkier, and the lights look awkward. However, let it be known that everything else, especially the engine models, are darned fantastic. Squad needs to step up their texturing and modeling game, because the community is kicking butt at it. I rarely use stock parts anymore really because they're all so ugly compared to mods like this revamp, Lack's SXT, RLA, and Tantares. Don't mean to crap on Squad, but there some some parts that desperately need complete, save-breaking revisions.

Edited by curtquarquesso
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Some thoughts on the turbojet, with regards to the movable petals:

Unless I have something installed wrong they don't actually move by default. The petal animation could probably be merged into the heat animation to get them to actually move, or alternately this patch works in the presence of BDAnimationModules:

name = AnimatedThrust
ThrustAnimationName = ThrustAnimation
disableGimbalToggle = true

I'd also recommend offsetting the inner and outer petals so that there are no visual gaps when they are open. Maybe also adjust the animation tracks so that the inner and outer rings are touching or nearly touching in the open position (which based on the actual jets I've seen is what happens).

Anyway keep up the good work :)

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As an adendum to my previous statement, I'd like to point out that changing the shape and size of the 3 most used parts (the mk. 1, the mk. 1-2, and the clamp-o-trons specifically) makes the revamped parts incompatible with a lot of other stock-dependant mods. If there was a good way to pick and choose your gorgeous parts I'd use this mod. But as it stands, it's neigh impossible to do so.

edit: i'll posted pictures when I get home to better illustrated what I'm getting at.

Edited by sharpspoonful
silly phone, spelling and formatting is for computers!
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There is a docking problem with ven's docking port and the autodocking of mechjeb. Using the new docking parts, they will miss a docking node and mechjeb tries to dock them aligning them wrong with 90 degrees. Removing these parts makes it work fine.

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There is a docking problem with ven's docking port and the autodocking of mechjeb. Using the new docking parts, they will miss a docking node and mechjeb tries to dock them aligning them wrong with 90 degrees. Removing these parts makes it work fine.

Unfortunately its a known issue. It has something to do with the model's transforms.

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The mod shouldn't cost you too much memory especially considering how it "replaces stock". IIRC it works by simply labeling stock as something unnecessary to load on game launch, and will only load the Revamped parts.

That's quite a neat trick, how does the mod accomplish that?

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I had to modify the batch file. It couldn't find the file paths. But replacing shortened paths with full ones in notepad does the job.

What are the shortened paths? I've got it open in notepad but I have no idea what the paths need to be.

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