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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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Very, very inspiring retexture/remodel pack. I like it! Except for some flaws...

1) Many structural parts (all I-beams for example) appear NOT TEXTURED when you do not use ModuleManager or forget about "Part Revamp-MM.cfg". That's very strange, as you provide both model and texture files for those parts. They SHOULD show a texture without any MM fiddling.

2) Pod Mk1-2 - ladder is not aerodynamical as stock one was (just by the looks - as FAR/NEAR will neglect non-collider subparts, I believe).

3) MK1 Cockpit - you have modelled a very nice air intakes, but right now they are useless as the part still don't have the ModuleResourceIntake module.

4) Mainsail Engine - pipe that looks like main fuel feeder (in center) is too thin and too short for that role and does not reach tank. By closer looking I see that actual fuel feeder in your model is suited on side and is coupled with extra pressure vent... But then this small pipe in center is just useless and confusing.

5) Aerospike. Stock model was better (IMHO). Also flame plume should not be emitted from the spike edge (stock Aerospike have the same error). Use fxOffset to move FX a bit up and make the plume actually engulf the spike as it works IRL.

6) RT-10 - solid boosters NEVER have several nozzles, as I know, because solid fuel stack burn inside-out and have a single exhaust channel. Make several channels in the same fuel stack and when they meet one another - KABOOM!!! One body frame - one fuel stack - one nozzle. 4 nozzled solid booster will look like 4 boosters welded together. Example is either in FASA or in RfTS pack- a 3-stage construction of 11-3-1 Sergeant mini solid rockets.

7) BasicJet - Spike is quite a strange subpart for low-speed jet. It's more likely to see one on TURBOjet IRL. But I have to admit, emissives look much better with it than without. What is really annoying - it's a PINK "beware" lines. Use some other color, PLEEEEAZE? Warnings should be red or black&yellow.

8) Jumbo64 Tank - a very... questionable retexture... It looks like a giant spool of poisonously orange tow. Even stock "carrot" was better IMHO.

9) TurboJet - The single really awful part in pack. awful in both colors. Especially the emissive. And what was the reason of changing nozzle from questionably realistic to this... weirdness? I thought it was to simulate a working vectored thrust nozzzle by using ConstrainLookAt modules, but no, it still follows gimbal as one part.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Hm-m-m... You're right. It actually exists(existed?) in USA rocketry. Early Minuteman solid motors with four gimballed nozzles - complicated and unreliable but allowing a roll control in addition to yaw and pitch of standard single nozzle design.

Anyway it's not the case of RT-10 that have no gimbal. :P

Solid boosters are what they are - a 'gunpowder barrels', providing insane amount of thrust in short time. Single huge nozzle with diameter of booster itself is what you expect for such thing.


Edited by Dr. Jet
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Fantastic revamp, Venn. I'd love to see SQUAD pick this up actually, I think it's a much smoother art style and goes quite nicely with the style of the KSC buildings, and I like that consistency. You've also done a great job on spotting redundancies and niches, brilliant job.

I do however agree with the boattails mentioned earlier though, just so we don't have a flat area by our engines. Many thanks man, appreciate your work :D

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There are more uses for multi and/or controlled port solid propellant motors than you may realize.

NASA Orion Launch Abort System Attitude Control Test

The point is while in general the typical use of a solid propellant motor involves a single exhaust port, which can be locked, have gimballing, or even use liquid injection thrust vectoring, it is by no means the only way to utilize the mechanics.

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I cannot for the love of God figure out how to install this mod. I am taking the Squad folder included and replacing it with the original Squad folder and I get no parts. I have tried everything and still I end up with no parts included within my game save. :mad: Please help me install this I would rather enjoy it, as it looks very well done :D

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  kujuman said:
Haven't tested, but it will probably be fine (at least the tanks and engines).

Thanks. I'll try it out.

Edit: It doesn't seem to be working at all. There's only 2 or 3 parts with their models changed.

Edit 2: Is there any way Ven could repost the 0.24.2 version? Is there any demand for it besides me? The folder structure for .25 is totally different.

Edited by Black Science Man
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  Xmander said:
I cannot for the love of God figure out how to install this mod. I am taking the Squad folder included and replacing it with the original Squad folder and I get no parts. I have tried everything and still I end up with no parts included within my game save. :mad: Please help me install this I would rather enjoy it, as it looks very well done :D

Go to Revamp1.5.zip/revamp1.5/gamedata And then drag ALL of the contents of this folder into you gamedata file.

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@blackscienceman: the folder names changed between versions .24 and .25. You'll have to manually sort the files. The MM configs should be fine.

@for everyone else asking about the tannks butts, I have great news:

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The only problems are fairings, since they'll leave a gap, but ven could extend them up a tiny bit, or provide some cilinders with nodes inside of various sizes to be used as interstage and some cconfigs with fairings off like KW rocketry.

Jokes aside, this can do the trick until ven decides to redo the others adaptors (2.5>1.25*2,3,4) or also provide "skeletal" versions with differents ring size on the top and the bottom.

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Between the lighted docking ports and the fact that I've been using MRS Stockalike with its cleaner textures, I'm giving this a serious go.

Are the textures in DDS format already or will I need to convert them if I want to use this with DDSLoader?

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  Dr. Jet said:
Very, very inspiring retexture/remodel pack. I like it! Except for some flaws...

1) Many structural parts (all I-beams for example) appear NOT TEXTURED when you do not use ModuleManager or forget about "Part Revamp-MM.cfg". That's very strange, as you provide both model and texture files for those parts. They SHOULD show a texture without any MM fiddling.

I Use MODEL{} to designate a single texture across several parts, In the stock game (I believe) there's one 512x or 256x texture map per part, But when I do it there's only one 512x map, reducing the overall amount of ram required to load those parts.

I use ModuleManager to avoid conflicts with mods like Taverio's Pizza and Aerospace, which Before a switched to MM, caused several issues.

  Dr. Jet said:

3) MK1 Cockpit - you have modelled a very nice air intakes, but right now they are useless as the part still don't have the ModuleResourceIntake module.

Okay, i'll ad them.

  Dr. Jet said:

4) Mainsail Engine - pipe that looks like main fuel feeder (in center) is too thin and too short for that role and does not reach tank. By closer looking I see that actual fuel feeder in your model is suited on side and is coupled with extra pressure vent... But then this small pipe in center is just useless and confusing.

It's just there to fill space honestly, having a bare top didn't look right.

  Dr. Jet said:

5) Aerospike. Stock model was better (IMHO). Also flame plume should not be emitted from the spike edge (stock Aerospike have the same error). Use fxOffset to move FX a bit up and make the plume actually engulf the spike as it works IRL.

Maybe I could make it into a linear Aerospike, then I can afford to go crazy with the working bits and colors.

  Dr. Jet said:

7) BasicJet - Spike is quite a strange subpart for low-speed jet. It's more likely to see one on TURBOjet IRL. But I have to admit, emissives look much better with it than without. What is really annoying - it's a PINK "beware" lines. Use some other color, PLEEEEAZE? Warnings should be red or black&yellow.

Stupid overlay is being stupid, I'll fix that.

  Dr. Jet said:

9) TurboJet - The single really awful part in pack. awful in both colors. Especially the emissive. And what was the reason of changing nozzle from questionably realistic to this... weirdness? I thought it was to simulate a working vectored thrust nozzzle by using ConstrainLookAt modules, but no, it still follows gimbal as one part.

I agree with the emmissive part, It still needs some work. I could make each petal gimbal independently, and add a few pistons to the outside, but that might cause some oddness when they move.

  LitaAlto said:
Between the lighted docking ports and the fact that I've been using MRS Stockalike with its cleaner textures, I'm giving this a serious go.

Are the textures in DDS format already or will I need to convert them if I want to use this with DDSLoader?

Their either .mbm or .Tga, so you'll need to convert them yourself.

If I may ask: is it really that easy to change the textures to .DDS? Just convert and play?

  Black Science Man said:
Thanks. I'll try it out.

Edit: It doesn't seem to be working at all. There's only 2 or 3 parts with their models changed.

Edit 2: Is there any way Ven could repost the 0.24.2 version? Is there any demand for it besides me? The folder structure for .25 is totally different.

I hope that this'll work for you, I had to chop up a few things (two RCS tanks are absent here), but it should work.

1.5 (.24 edition)

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  Ven said:

Their either .mbm or .Tga, so you'll need to convert them yourself.

If I may ask: is it really that easy to change the textures to .DDS? Just convert and play?

Yup. There is also a handy converter in the tool section, it does everything for you. Just remember to add the plugin, and enjoy the extra loading speed ;)

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  Ven said:
Their either .mbm or .Tga, so you'll need to convert them yourself.

If I may ask: is it really that easy to change the textures to .DDS? Just convert and play?

Well, you do also need DDSLoader to use the .DDS, so I guess I answered my own question. :P

But yes, there's now a very simple app to auto-convert textures to .DDS, and it works great. I'll run them on your parts tonight and let you know how it goes.

(And I see Sage beat me to replying.... :blush:)

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  Xmander said:
Alright I will try that thank you

Xmander, did you get everything installed ok? Also, are you playing on OSX by any chance? The default behavior on OSX is to completely replace the destination folder with the original, so it's in effect deleting and replacing instead of merging.

Also, if you're on Windows, you're not deleting the stock Squad folder first, right? You should just be dragging the new Squad folder over the stock one and then replacing the folders & files as they come up.

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  Ven said:
I Use MODEL{} to designate a single texture across several parts, In the stock game (I believe) there's one 512x or 256x texture map per part, But when I do it there's only one 512x map, reducing the overall amount of ram required to load those parts.

I use ModuleManager to avoid conflicts with mods like Taverio's Pizza and Aerospace, which Before a switched to MM, caused several issues.

So... What's the trouble? When you don't touch config leaving is pure stock with a "mesh=" - it should still display texture as you don't change it's name in .mu. When you touch config and replace mesh with model{} - in most cases you don't need to specify a texture - it will use the same file from the same folder. BTW... can't remember Taverio's Pizza pack fiddling with I-beams.

Maybe I could make it into a linear Aerospike, then I can afford to go crazy with the working bits and colors.

What for? Linear Aerospike is just a SINGLE working model while circular aerospikes are handmade and tested by rocket enthusiasts in all world.

BTW my part pack has an adapter for stock or stock-ish circular aerospike to use it in upper stages. Linear won't fit. :P

I agree with the emmissive part, It still needs some work. I could make each petal gimbal independently, and add a few pistons to the outside, but that might cause some oddness when they move.

It will, believe me. :confused: I fiddled a lot with constraints while experimenting with wheels. If you still want to replace stock model - just make more petals, place them overlapped and a bit cone-oriented (in-flight position) - like this.


It's a real russian 1.27m turbojet AL-31FP. See a petals base? It's a coil dipped in another coil thus leaving no gaps when gimballing. Symmetrical petals are just controlling the nozzle shape (Bahamuto Dynamics animation module if you want implement this in KSP) - and exhaust direction is controlled by petal base (stock gimballing animation). This or something similar will look good and realistic.

If I may ask: is it really that easy to change the textures to .DDS? Just convert and play?

Extremely easy when you have corresponding tools. I was using this batch file.

SET localdir="%1"
SET DDSTool="C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\DDS Utilities\nvdxt.exe"
SET mbm="C:\Users\User\Desktop\PNG Tools\mbm2png.exe"

FOR /R "%localdir%" %%F IN ("*.mbm") DO (
CALL %mbm% "%%F"
IF EXIST "%%~dpnF.png" ( del "%%F" )
FOR /R "%localdir%" %%F IN ("*_NRM.png") DO (
CALL %DDSTool% -dxt5nm -outsamedir -quality_highest -nomipmap -flip -file "%%F"
IF EXIST "%%~dpnF.dds" ( del "%%F" )
FOR /R "%localdir%" %%F IN ("*_NRM.tga") DO (
CALL %DDSTool% -dxt5nm -outsamedir -quality_highest -nomipmap -flip -file "%%F"
IF EXIST "%%~dpnF.dds" ( del "%%F" )
FOR /R "%localdir%" %%F IN ("*.png") DO (
CALL %DDSTool% -dxt5 -outsamedir -quality_highest -flip -file "%%F"
IF EXIST "%%~dpnF.dds" ( del "%%F" )
FOR /R "%localdir%" %%F IN ("*.tga") DO (
CALL %DDSTool% -dxt5 -outsamedir -quality_highest -flip -file "%%F"
IF EXIST "%%~dpnF.dds" ( del "%%F" )

Just set proper paths for where you keep nvdxt.exe and mbm2png.exe then drag any folder you want to convert on your .bat

Guys in DDSloader thread have released some python script for even more automation, but I haven't tested it. Batch works fine.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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I posted this on the MechJeb forum, but after some further testing, it looks like it's this mod that's causing this:


(Note the acceleration values and TWR in the MechJeb display)

The LV-T's and new Mainsail, Skipper, and Poodle replacement engines all exhibit this behavior. The Aerospike and the engines that were left stock don't. KW engines don't.

I looked through the new configs but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, and I don't know enough about Module Manager to see what the new Revamp MM cfg is doing.

After noticing the behavior last night, I installed Revamp on a clean install of KSP (only other mods being Toolbar, ATM, and MechJeb) and I'm seeing the same behavior.

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