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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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Sweeeet mother of kraken. Those things are...se- *ahem* attractive. I really love how the cupola has covers now. Lovely MK1-Lander can too, makes them much nicer on a space station. Also love the high def and more subtle Ion engine and xenon tanks.

Question: Will Ion engines get fairing now?

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Sweeeet mother of kraken. Those things are...se- *ahem* attractive. I really love how the cupola has covers now. Lovely MK1-Lander can too, makes them much nicer on a space station. Also love the high def and more subtle Ion engine and xenon tanks.

Question: Will Ion engines get fairing now?

Yes, and while we're on the topic of fairings, all the engines have new fairings that are manufacturer specific, so you can now tell the difference between Rockomax or Jeb's Junkyard engines now (nothing more specific though).

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Oooh nice. I wonder how that would look for a craft using engines from different manufacturers though, would the thing still look smooth with minor differences on the engine fairings, or would the differences be more prominent?

It's just a small strip of color at the bottom of the fairing, so nothing to obtrusive.

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What part's are having problems?

The RCS thruster issue could be caused by the load order of the cfg's, but they shouldn't be doing that... I'll look into it.

Unfortunately, It isn't possible to remove any specific part because the parts share from several large texture maps, and removing that map removes it for all the parts that use it. However, in the next update, I'll be putting the extra parts cfg files in a separate folder for easy removal. Hopefully that will help with that problem.

For now, you'll need to edit the cfg's manually (deleting whole entries as necessary).

And to those who wonder about my absence, here's what I've been working on :


I think the size (mb) of the mod is getting smaller...

The capsule cover/ascent shroud doesn't fit on the capsule with a docking port on top. Its pretty easily fixed by messing with it using the adjustment tool. Still right out of the box it doesn't fit right. Also I might be in the minority (most importantly its your preference not mine) but I don't really like the four nozzle srbs. It seems unrealistic and I don't like the way it looks. Thats just me. However this entire pack is wonderful and look of the SRBs will not stop me from using this into the foreseeable future.

FYI that Cuppola looks FANTASTIC!

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I noticed in the 1.7.2 update a bunch of parts are messed up. In the VAB/SPH all docking ports, and the science lab are unclickable as if they are null-reffing but I checked the debug menu and they aren't. Outside of the VAB/SHP everything works fine. I love this mod and hope this gets addressed soon!

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I noticed in the 1.7.2 update a bunch of parts are messed up. In the VAB/SPH all docking ports, and the science lab are unclickable as if they are null-reffing but I checked the debug menu and they aren't. Outside of the VAB/SHP everything works fine. I love this mod and hope this gets addressed soon!

I had that problem too. A save and a reload fixed it. Would be nice if it has didn't happen in the first place though...

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What part's are having problems?

The RCS thruster issue could be caused by the load order of the cfg's, but they shouldn't be doing that... I'll look into it.

Unfortunately, It isn't possible to remove any specific part because the parts share from several large texture maps, and removing that map removes it for all the parts that use it. However, in the next update, I'll be putting the extra parts cfg files in a separate folder for easy removal. Hopefully that will help with that problem.

For now, you'll need to edit the cfg's manually (deleting whole entries as necessary).

And to those who wonder about my absence, here's what I've been working on :


I think the size (mb) of the mod is getting smaller...

I disagree completely with making the lander can and lander legs white. Completely. I very much dislike that idea. And I still see multiple nozzles on the RT-10 which makes me sad, and it's still not yellow. I like the KS-25 and the KR-2L a lot, and I hope the KR-2L is very very chromatic and shiney in game.

I think the Mainsail looks good, but a version that doesn't have a boattail and looks more like the stock one would be nice as well.

I think the Launch Escape Tower should be made longer to hold more fuel and have a longer burn time.

Also, what about the LV-T15 and the L-V2 Liquid Rocket Motors?

- - - Updated - - -

Also I might be in the minority (most importantly its your preference not mine) but I don't really like the four nozzle srbs. It seems unrealistic and I don't like the way it looks. Thats just me.

I agree. The RT-10 should look more like it does in the stock game, I think it's been modified too far away from the original design.

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I like the white lander can. I've been using KSPRC's since it came out, makes a standard lander look super snazzy. These are all KSPRC textures (apart from the engine and fuel tank) and taken about 10 months ago, but I really like a white, professional-looking lander can.


If you don't like the white, what colour or style would you want on it instead? The landing legs I don't mind as much though.

Also, yes, if the scale is right, that is indeed a 2.5m SRB.. I'm liking the 0.625 one as well, not so much sold on the 1.5m two-segment one, looks out of proportion (though, it looks to be the stock RT-10, so fair enough). But dat ion engine doe..

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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The creator of this Add-On has the liberty to do whatever they want and we have the gratitude to be pleased with whatever is produced. As a follower of this thread, I am seeming to find your posts a little self-entitled and obnoxious. Ven's work looks really good and I would be happy to use it whatever the decision is made with the direction of the artwork.

If I didn't like it, I just would simply not use it or make my own. Come on, be grateful for all the time and hard work that is put into this.

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The creator of this Add-On has the liberty to do whatever they want and we have the gratitude to be pleased with whatever is produced. As a follower of this thread, I am seeming to find your posts a little self-entitled and obnoxious. Ven's work looks really good and I would be happy to use it whatever the decision is made with the direction of the artwork.

If I didn't like it, I just would simply not use it or make my own. Come on, be grateful for all the time and hard work that is put into this.

If you've been following the thread, you'd also know that I think the parts do look very beautiful in general. There's always room for criticism. You mistake criticism for anger. Of course mod-makers have the liberty to do whatever they want with their mod. But what if there is something better that could be done?

But we don't have to be pleased with everything. If Ven decided to make a fuel tank a blue cylinder with a smiley face on it, should be still be happy? I don't think so. Now, obviously, nothing Ven has done is anywhere near that. Ven's models are an improvement on stock graphically, but aesthetic design is a different thing entirely, much more subject to opinion.

Tell me, have you ever made art Poodmund? If you can't accept criticism you can't be an artist. You don't have to follow criticism, but you can't ignore it, at least when it is constructive. And you think I might be being a bit harsh right now? Well that's just what happens when you call people self-entitled and obnoxious.

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I also think the somewhat gray lander can looks better, but it's not a huge deal. The white landing legs don't bother me, because the whole parts pack will have a consistent visual style when everything's done.

However I do want to second concern about the top window on the new Cupola obstructing the use of docking ports etc on that node. Don't get me wrong, I really love the new window covers, I just wonder if maybe there should be a different style cover on the central window to accommodate this usage case. Also, I want to second the request for retaining the current Mainsail engine (sans boat-tail) as an alternate version. The new one looks cool, and we already have alternate versions for the skipper and 909, so it won't be the only dupe engine.

Great work again, Ven! Thanks for helping us play KSP in hi-def. XD

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If I didn't like it, I just would simply not use it or make my own. Come on, be grateful for all the time and hard work that is put into this.
There's always room for criticism. You mistake criticism for anger. Of course mod-makers have the liberty to do whatever they want with their mod. But what if there is something better that could be done?

Tell me, have you ever made art Poodmund? If you can't accept criticism you can't be an artist. You don't have to follow criticism, but you can't ignore it, at least when it is constructive.

While it's true that you need to be open to criticism, the criticism that I have received is dwarfed by the sheer amount that I level at myself. For every piece I make and show, six others get thrown in the bin because their "crappy" or not "good enough".

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And those are just the examples that I could find.

Criticism, no matter how it is phrased is constructive in some way. It may not be in the way that they intended, but it still ends up with an improved product by the end.

The worst type of criticism is the one that goes unsaid. Like saying that you have issues with certain parts, but will talk about them another time... twice.:mad:

Your tearing me apart! Have they noticed the hard specular edges in the center of panels? Noticed the texture bleeding in the old MK1 tanks? Or that the bumpy yellow mesh looks like absolute crap?! Tell me already!!


- - - Updated - - -

I also think the somewhat gray lander can looks better, but it's not a huge deal. The white landing legs don't bother me, because the whole parts pack will have a consistent visual style when everything's done.

However I do want to second concern about the top window on the new Cupola obstructing the use of docking ports etc on that node. Don't get me wrong, I really love the new window covers, I just wonder if maybe there should be a different style cover on the central window to accommodate this usage case. Also, I want to second the request for retaining the current Mainsail engine (sans boat-tail) as an alternate version. The new one looks cool, and we already have alternate versions for the skipper and 909, so it won't be the only dupe engine.

Great work again, Ven! Thanks for helping us play KSP in hi-def. XD

Mounting docking ports on the Cupola? or using them as pseudo-decouplers? for the latter, the hatch isn't overly thick, so it shouldn't cause too much of a problem.

Unfortunately the mainsail model is going to be used in the NASA LFB, and Without making an entirely new engine from scratch, the mainsail is likely to keep its shroud.

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Mounting docking ports on the Cupola? or using them as pseudo-decouplers? for the latter, the hatch isn't overly thick, so it shouldn't cause too much of a problem.

Unfortunately the mainsail model is going to be used in the NASA LFB, and Without making an entirely new engine from scratch, the mainsail is likely to keep its shroud.

Using docking ports there is the main thing I'm talking about, because when the cupola window covers open, the top one looks like it would swing out pretty wide. If you had a docking port there, the cover would swing out and clip way through it and look goofy.

While we're levelling unsaid criticism, the new lights that are on the docking ports are a bit wide, if that makes sense. The smaller rectangular ones were nice.

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