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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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Okay, now that 1.9 is officially released, it's time to share my thoughts. Overall, I do love it, as always I have. But there are a few things I'd like to address, being the (hopefully constructive) critic that I am.

The Vector's Rotated Exhaust Bug

Right. Big issue. Not exactly game breaking, but it sure as hell totally disintegrates immersion. The KS-25X Vector's exhaust is being emitted at right angles to its thrust and model.



Standardized parts and how hard it is to tell them apart

Unrelatedly, you may have taken the part standardization a little bit too far. It's hard to tell the difference between the Big ASAS and the thin Rockomax Decoupler. So much of the parts look so similar now. Giving the ASAS some black and white stripes back would be nice. Also, why have you made the Delta-Deluxe winglet swept back? There's plenty of swept-back winglets already, I quite liked the... you know, DELTA wing shape. (Flat at the back)

The New (and old that I haven't talked about) Models, and how good they are

The command pods look absolutely magnificent (even though the Lander Can's flag is upside down! :P) I really do love the TKS-style of capsule! Great pod indeed. It's a nice break from the grey and white parts to see that green and red coloration. I do really love the much more Porkjet-Style textures for many parts (even though that thing I said above about some parts looking a little too similar) and hope that Porkjet can match this standard of quality when it comes time to revamp the rocket parts ;).

The Mainsail, 0.25, and 1.0

Another thing that is sort of ironic. I was one of the people who suggested that the Mainsail ought to be remodeled from the F-1B Engine to something else since it (when the change was suggested) didn't have F-1B engine like stats anymore, and that it should be changed into an RS-68 or something. You then made a wonderful model for an RS-68 like engine, boat-tail and everything. Problem is, the Mainsail once again (since being rebalanced in KSP 1.0) shares similar stats with the F-1 or F-1B type of Rocket Engine. Low Isp and High Thrust, so now the model doesn't fit any more! I think it could be remodeled to resemble the original Saturn Five F-1 engine (not F-1B). Bonus points for 1.25, radially attachable connector node (like the Vector) so that it can be nice and versatile like the Vector and Revamped Skipper.

EDIT: NathanKell brings up the point that the Mainsail is almost as efficient as the Vector. So I guess the efficiency basis argument doesn't make much sense when comparing the KS-25 to the RS-25.


A Part Request

A high thrust 1.25m level engine. A part that has similar TWR to 2.5m parts. Not anything as powerful as a Mainsail or Vector, but something with 450kN instead of 215 kN would be nice. Fill in the power gap. This might be a place to either thrown in a standalone Twin Boar F-1B Engine or to repurpose the RS-68+BoatTail model (if you choose to do the above Mainsail re-re-revamp).

The LV-T15

The LV-T15, when I suggested it, was meant to be a lower thrust, very cheap, and non-throttleable liquid-fueled engine. When it was implemented, it became an easily overheatable, cheap, high thrust liquid fueled engine. I'm not sure having a higher TWR actually makes any sense for it to be a prototype. It's an earlier technology, with poor turbopumps and a combustion chamber that can not handle such high thrust. And with a proper high thrust 1.25m engine, the LV-T15 wouldn't make sense if it would be vastly inferior even in thrust.


It is of course your mod. Don't take any of these suggestions as demands by any means. They're just my thoughts on how the mod could be improved. :)

Edited by GregroxMun
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  On 12/13/2015 at 10:05 PM, GregroxMun said:

Right. Big issue. Not exactly game breaking, but it sure as hell totally disintegrates immersion. The KS-25X Vector's exhaust is being emitted at right angles to its thrust and model.



Well it says "please remove" so I think the VSR version of the KS-25 wasn't intended to be updated? as we now got the stock one.

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Right now the Mainsail is nearly as efficient as the KS-25, actually, with a 310s vacuum Isp instead of the KS-25's 315. So RS-68 compared to the KS-25's RS-25 makes perfect sense to me (although as I've often said, the proper comparison for the Vector and Mammoth is the RD-191 and RD-171 respectively...which would make the Mainsail an NK-33 and the Skipper an NK-43).

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  On 12/15/2015 at 10:37 AM, FiiZzioN said:

I have to ask, is this mod the culprit? If not then I got some searching to do...

jZ9QYBh.png (1024×576)



Looks like a Ven's RoveMate mixed with a stock one, and I don't have the problem in my game.


But hey, why complain man? That's two rover cores for the price of one! 


EDIT: Looks like Lynnwoodm above has the same problem. Stock Mk1-2 and Ven Mk1-2 merged together. I would imagine whatever is causing it is the same between you.

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  On 12/16/2015 at 2:36 AM, GregroxMun said:

Looks like a Ven's RoveMate mixed with a stock one, and I don't have the problem in my game.


But hey, why complain man? That's two rover cores for the price of one! 


EDIT: Looks like Lynnwoodm above has the same problem. Stock Mk1-2 and Ven Mk1-2 merged together. I would imagine whatever is causing it is the same between you.


The problem was SDHI's umbilical texture and Ven's new texture, they were overlapping. Ixnayed on the mm umbilical patch, fixed it right up. I have the same part too. It only happens when you get Dr. Jet's Chop Shop. Not sure if it's intentional part by Dr. Jet or a texture overlap problem.

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  On 12/16/2015 at 6:16 AM, lynwoodm said:

The problem was SDHI's umbilical texture and Ven's new texture, they were overlapping. Ixnayed on the mm umbilical patch, fixed it right up. I have the same part too. It only happens when you get Dr. Jet's Chop Shop. Not sure if it's intentional part by Dr. Jet or a texture overlap problem.

  On 12/16/2015 at 9:24 AM, NathanKell said:

No, the issue has nothing to do with textures. The issue is that both VSR and SDHI add a MODEL node to the part config, assuming there isn't one already. Probably the best bet is for SDHI to only add its base pod MODEL node on :NEEDS[!VenStockRevamp]



Thanks for the help guys! It seems the culprit was ChopShop.

On a completely different topic, @NathanKell and @Ven, do you happen to know when some price balances will come to the new parts? For instance, the quad Nerva is $10k, the same as the regular Nerva. It seems that it should be $25k or more. Another not is it's lighter than I thought it would be, but that's just an observation. 

Once again, my jaw has hit the floor! This is some QUALITY work, I can't put words together to show how impressive this pack is. Keep it up!

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  On 12/17/2015 at 7:11 AM, gamerscircle said:

During 1.0.4, I have Ven' installed and just really enjoyed, but I also had the "real" parachutes installed before and then I was told that the two mods didn't play nice together, is that still true or was it ever true?


I've used RealChutes and Vens for the past 4 or 5 releases and never had any issues... I'm currently playing the game now and the docking port with parachutes plays just fine with RealChutes.

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I really wish someone made proper RPM configs, preferrably with ASET props, for all those awesome new IVAs.
Also, Shuttle cockpit needs a major overhaul, its dashboard is too small and is placed too low, which makes in unusable.

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  On 12/17/2015 at 9:50 AM, FiiZzioN said:

I've used RealChutes and Vens for the past 4 or 5 releases and never had any issues... I'm currently playing the game now and the docking port with parachutes plays just fine with RealChutes.


Okay, then perhaps I had another mod that was causing a problem, thank you for the reply and input.  Looking forward to using them again.

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  On 12/17/2015 at 5:54 PM, sashan said:

I really wish someone made proper RPM configs, preferrably with ASET props, for all those awesome new IVAs.
Also, Shuttle cockpit needs a major overhaul, its dashboard is too small and is placed too low, which makes in unusable.


Unfortunately, I'd suggest that people don't, because those cockpits will change when the new part-tools package is eventually released. 

I'll probably scrap most of them now that I think about it. :huh:

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I problem I found and was also reported over at ColorCodedCans by FiiZzioN:

Copied from ColorCodedCans:

  On 12/18/2015 at 3:29 AM, FiiZzioN said:

I'm currently running into the issue of when I use the smallest stock 2.5m tank (I forget the name) I get textures trying to overlap. I use VensStockRevamp and in the previous versions they worked fine together, but with the recent changes in Vens I think that tank is clashing again. I hope I provided enough info, but If you need anymore ask away :)


I believe this is a VSR issue and appears to be caused by  the fuel tank having duplicate entries in VenStockRevemp/Squad/Fueltanks.cfg

@PART[fuelTank4-2] {
    !mesh = DELETE
    %scale = 1
    %rescaleFactor = 1
    MODEL {
        model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Propulsion/X200-8
    %rescaleFactor = 1

Strider Out!

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  On 12/18/2015 at 1:18 PM, CaptainStrider said:

I believe this is a VSR issue and appears to be caused by  the fuel tank having duplicate entries in VenStockRevemp/Squad/Fueltanks.cfg

@PART[fuelTank4-2] {
    !mesh = DELETE
    %scale = 1
    %rescaleFactor = 1
    MODEL {
        model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Propulsion/X200-8
    %rescaleFactor = 1

Strider Out!


Thanks for that! Created a pull request that will remove the duplicate once merged. I didn't even think to look there before I went over to CCC! :confused:

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wanted to let you know of a glitch involving connected living space, and stock game for that matter, the parachute docking port does not allow kerbals to pass through, not sure if this is by design, or what, doesn't say on the parts label. I have no clue how you would fix this issue, but it would be just awesome if youd fix it ;)


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  On 12/18/2015 at 9:47 PM, stryker2279 said:

wanted to let you know of a glitch involving connected living space, and stock game for that matter, the parachute docking port does not allow kerbals to pass through, not sure if this is by design, or what, doesn't say on the parts label. I have no clue how you would fix this issue, but it would be just awesome if youd fix it ;)



I don't use CLS, but I think this will fix the problem. Just place it anywhere in your GameData folder and you should be fine. Here's the link to the config. The download button is at the top of the page in the middle of it.

Go here instead! This fixes this problem as well as much more!

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