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Who are the funniest KSP players on Youtube?


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  UpsilonAerospace said:
Thanks! I guess I'll have to wait for a week or two before I can post there... I'm at about 960 subscribers right now :P

On an unrelated note, how many exclusively-KSP Youtubers are in the 1,000-sub-club? I'm thinking that the number can't be any greater than twenty or thirty, though I may be wrong. :)

Heh, I'll promote ya. :) added. Now that you're listed, feel free to move yourself anywhere to the appropriate sections or change your short parenthetical description as needed.

Edited by inigma
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  inigma said:
Heh, I'll promote ya. :) added.

Thanks, man.

I'm not entirely sure what you would describe my videos as, but they involve plenty of unique and sometimes bizarre craft (mostly of small size), as well as occasional bugs, KSP-themed music, and some lesser ongoing series-es. All in all, I basically do whatever comes into my head. You're right though; most to all of my videos are "short videos..." :)

While you're at it, can you include Wookiee for me? He has 1200-ish subscribers and drove rovers around Kerbin, once. I'm sure he would appreciate the additional views. Thanks -

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You could try THorLP's insane rockets division series. Episodes are kind of long and the humors is a bit on and off but the stuff he builds...

- - - Updated - - -

  inigma said:
I published a KSP wiki page for Youtubers to be published for all to enjoy


EnterElyisium should probably go in there somewhere too.

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  norcalairman said:
My 6yo loved that and your 4th of July video. You win!

Glad to here it! Hope you got a laugh or two as well. :)

  inigma said:
I published a KSP wiki page for Youtubers to be published for all to enjoy


Once again, my name is misspelled. XD Please fix?

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Why do people ask other people to edit a wiki article? *scratches head*

I didn't create the article so I could maintain it. :P If anyone sees something that needs adding or correcting, just go do it! :)

Edited by inigma
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  inigma said:
I published a KSP wiki page for Youtubers to be published for all to enjoy


Add me under EVERYTHING please... loljk...

I have a Youtube channel and I Namely do cinematics and challenges like "circumnavigationg kerbin by boat" for a video series as an example. Place me where you want :P.

ALSO I STREAM! So please put me in the stream column if you're doing that additionally...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember that there was a featured video from the devs. I think at the time when they only did the Tuesday notes, where it had a kerbal amusement park video. Was awesome. I've been looking all over for the past 20 minutes and can't find it. If someone recalls this and has a link post it. I think it would be a great way to get kids interested in the game.

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[spam Alert!]

Hey folks, I also make YouTube videos! I make them short (generally less than 5 minutes) and 100% family friendly. I have just over 900 subscribers at the time of writing and have been making videos for a while. You can see some of the videos I make in my signature.

I make videos about glitches, SSTOs, trips to Tylo, and funny cinematics.

Anyhow, I'd also like to say that Bagel Rabbit, Xacktar, and Wookiee are some other awesome channels definitely worth watching. Just to chime in with what others have been saying.

Edited by Andrew Hansen
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