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How would you go about destroying my boat?

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So, I made this boat and rode it into the water, then I went on EVA less than 1km from the space center shore. The boat was left behind... but it looks ugly there and I don't want to recover it! I want to destroy it myself!

There's just one problem with that. I can't.

I tried a missile. I missed every time.

I tried a plane. I got painfully close but still kept missing.

I tried a rocket. I missed even more.

So, I'm looking for the KSP forums' advice on this... unique... question. There's a small boat less than 1km from the KSC shore. We need to obliterate it. Anyone got any ideas?

(Mods: I promise I'm not trolling. If you want to move this post, go ahead)

Edited by Nikola7007
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if you have Mechjeb you can put yoursellf on a suborbital trajectory (you don't even need to leave the atmosphere) then set the boat as your target, and then use MechJebs S.A.S.S to point your rocket at your target, then light up the engines and hopefully Boom goes the dynamite.

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Make an SRBM with a cluster bomb warhead. Basically you make a rocket that releases a lot of debris before impact. Say, add a lot of decouplers with small fuel tanks and fire the decouplers a few seconds before impact. You may need a couple of attempts, but it shouldn't take a lifetime to destroy it like that. Though it might take multiple hits.

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Keep trying! I think your idea is right. Bombing it. But precision comes with practice! You could build another boat and ram the one you have sitting there. It's hard to get enough speed though.

Or build some sort of cannon and shoot at it from the shore! Again practice....

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The safest way to get rid of it (and you can't miss) is to go to Tracking Station and use its powerful Recover laser beam.

Apart of that, I had quite a good experience and fun steering a simple missile consisting of BACC solid booster, a reaction wheel, battery, and probe core. It gets a few attempts but it sure is possible to hit a target with it.

The downside of destroying a boat this way is, it is messy and leaves a ton of debris behind.

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I have a feeling you guys are waaaaaay overestimating me.

I tried to make another, bigger boat which could fit right over the first one, and then bomb it with fuel tanks and sepratrons. Except I couldn't control the boat well enough...

As for hovering over the boat, that was a pretty good idea but I can hardly even land on the VAB, so... yeah

Looks as if moar missiles is the way to go here, at least for my situation. Keep it going though, these forums are so creative :D

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Love the asteroid idea.

Build an attack plane with mounted missiles (an I-beam with sepatrons set at a five or ten degree angle in rotational symmetry, so they spin on launch, mounted to the wings on small decouplers). Cruise missiles (drone core, stack intake part, jet engine, three or four control fins) also do the job.

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  Nikola7007 said:
So, I made this boat and rode it into the water, then I went on EVA less than 1km from the space center shore. The boat was left behind... but it looks ugly there and I don't want to recover it! I want to destroy it myself!

There's just one problem with that. I can't.

I tried a missile. I missed every time.

I tried a plane. I got painfully close but still kept missing.

I tried a rocket. I missed even more.

So, I'm looking for the KSP forums' advice on this... unique... question. There's a small boat less than 1km from the KSC shore. We need to obliterate it. Anyone got any ideas?

(Mods: I promise I'm not trolling. If you want to move this post, go ahead)

Well, the serious answer is to delete it in the Tracking Station.

The more fun answer is to get better at aiming missiles. Try this one...



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  Nikola7007 said:
So, I made this boat and rode it into the water, then I went on EVA less than 1km from the space center shore. The boat was left behind... but it looks ugly there and I don't want to recover it! I want to destroy it myself!

1. Get the TAC Self-Destruct mod.

2. Get KAS if you don't already have it.

3. Build another boat equipped with 3 TAC Self-Destruct charges that can be grabbed by an EVA Kerbal who is in the water next to the boat.

4. Send 2nd boat out to 1st boat.

5. EVA the Kerbal, grab a charge, attach it to 1st boat, and activate the self-destruct funtion from the right-click menu. 1st boat is now gone.

6. Swm back to 2nd boat, grab another charge, and keep it on your back.

7. Activate self-destruct on the 3rd charge, which is still attached to the 2nd boat. 2nd boat is now gone, leaving just the Kerbal with the last charge on his back.

8. Activate the self-destruct function of the charge on the Kerbal. Kerbal is now gone.

No mess, no smell, no bodies to hide. Everything gone.

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  Nikola7007 said:
Someone needs to make a mod that can spawn premade ships or asteroids, that would be pretty cool.

Hyperedit is fairly close; you can teleport a 100 ton NRAP (or whatever ship you feel like) to directly above your target at any height you choose if you want to.

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