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[1.2 - 1.4] Modular Rocket Systems v1.13.2 (2018-03-12) - Stock-alike Parts Pack


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Or actually you know what - this looks similar to the other problem that I saw yesterday: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125159-plane-cargo-bay-heat-insulation?p=2013334&viewfull=1#post2013334

So maybe or maybe not your bug. I'll continue investigating.

EDIT: Actually, although it wasn't the same problem, I was able to repro it using the stock Rockomax adapter, so it's adapter problem, not the mod parts. Then I'll ask somewhere else. And sorry for the false alarm.

See below

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Actually, it's more interesting than that. With Rockomax adapter (the one with the same shape), at roughly the same speed same altitude, I'm seeing about 3e4 conv flux. It's still higher than other parts, but still much less than 1.8e5, so its temperature wasn't able to get to 2k. Interesting - this may be a thermal balancing problem of the part. I guess maybe its higher thermal mass contributes to the unusual high conv flux?

EDIT: correct two numbers above - what I meant still stands.

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Actually, it's more interesting than that. With Rockomax adapter (the one with the same shape), at roughly the same speed same altitude, I'm seeing about 3e5 conv flux. It's still higher than other parts, but still much less than 1.8e6, so its temperature wasn't able to get to 2k. Interesting - this may be a thermal balancing problem of the part. I guess maybe its higher thermal mass contributes to the unusual high conv flux?

Yeah, there's nothing special about that fuel tank, and it has all the default thermal settings (mostly not defined, thereby using the defaults). I think it's an artifact of how the new thermal system works, and the main thing that would be influencing it (as far as this part is concerned) would be the mass.

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I see this mention in the notes about an "Animated Decouplers" thingie... except I can find nothing when searching for that on either of the two common mod release sites, nor on these forums.

It's on GitHub, and in CKAN.


Once it really starts working nicely with the ModuleCargoBay functionality for aerodynamically shielding things, I suspect more and more mods will use it as a dependency. So I'm really glad it's in CKAN already. :)

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Posted update:

1.7.1 (2015-06-19) - Tweaks
- Reduced texture resolution of 2.5m "low profile" decoupler by half (75% reduction in the texture's memory requirement).
- Increased the suspension strength of landing legs.
- Tweaked thermal properties of landing legs.

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I gave the MRS pack a try today. First thing I noticed was that MRS Guidance Nose Cone doesn't actually have a functional antenna, even though it's supposed to have an always-on omni (it's not connected). Did I miss something?

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I gave the MRS pack a try today. First thing I noticed was that MRS Guidance Nose Cone doesn't actually have a functional antenna, even though it's supposed to have an always-on omni (it's not connected). Did I miss something?

Nope, it's just supposed to be a relatively simple control point. No antenna included.

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Update posted. We'll probably find a few things here and there later, but the basic rebalancing should be good.

The emitter rescaling doesn't seem to work, so for now the mini turbo jets have nice big exhaust. ;)

1.7.2 (2015-06-22) - KSP 1.0.3 balance updates
- Updated thermal settings for many parts.
- Modified quad-nuke's heat generation to match stock.
- Updated 0.625m jet engine performance to match stock (defined as 0.3x stock 1m jets).

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Having a very odd issue in both 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 now, I have an MRS Reaction Wheel 3.75m on my station and it's suddenly producing a massive amount of heat just sitting there, til it explodes. Using the debug menu, I noticed that it's condition flux is rapidly approaching 15-20 digit numbers until my entire station is literally overheated to the point of exploding. I'll do some more tests on the launchpad with just the reaction wheel, but it seems to be the focal point, because once it explodes, the surrounding parts cool down.

Time warping cools it, but as soon as it hits physics again, it will begin rapidly heating.

Edit: Rest of testing done, not the SpaceY reaction wheels, seems to be a combination of the OKS Orbital Shipyard and the NearFutureTech 3.75m command pod.

Edited by IggyHitokage
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Having a very odd issue in both 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 now, I have an MRS Reaction Wheel 3.75m on my station and it's suddenly producing a massive amount of heat just sitting there, til it explodes. Using the debug menu, I noticed that it's condition flux is rapidly approaching 15-20 digit numbers until my entire station is literally overheated to the point of exploding. I'll do some more tests on the launchpad with just the reaction wheel, but it seems to be the focal point, because once it explodes, the surrounding parts cool down.

Time warping cools it, but as soon as it hits physics again, it will begin rapidly heating.

Edit: Rest of testing done, not the SpaceY reaction wheels, seems to be a combination of the OKS Orbital Shipyard and the NearFutureTech 3.75m command pod.

Very strange. So it only happens with those other parts? I'm wondering if something else placed in the same location might behave similarly? I can't imagine what it might be, since those parts don't have anything particularly special about them. They don't have any specific thermal settings on them, just relying on the defaults.

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Very strange. So it only happens with those other parts? I'm wondering if something else placed in the same location might behave similarly? I can't imagine what it might be, since those parts don't have anything particularly special about them. They don't have any specific thermal settings on them, just relying on the defaults.

I'll try a few other combinations of sandwiching the 3.75m reaction wheel together with other parts, looking like I'm gonna have to rebuild my station in 1.0.2 and import it to 1.0.3(4) now though.

Edit: After a few dozen tests, I can get it to explode with the same parts (OKS Orbital Shipyard - MRS 3.75m Reaction Wheel - Heavy Command Center (3.75m NFT command pod)) with two SpaceY 3.75m ring reaction wheels in symmetry around the MRS reaction wheel. It only explodes one out of every 2-4 tests and no other parts seem to trigger it. The NFT command pod also has two attach surfaces on the bottom, one ontop of the built-in heatshield and directly against the pod, directly against is the only one that causes it to explode so far.

Very bizarre, but oh well, won't stick those parts together again!

Edited by IggyHitokage
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I'll try a few other combinations of sandwiching the 3.75m reaction wheel together with other parts, looking like I'm gonna have to rebuild my station in 1.0.2 and import it to 1.0.3(4) now though.

Edit: After a few dozen tests, I can get it to explode with the same parts (OKS Orbital Shipyard - MRS 3.75m Reaction Wheel - Heavy Command Center (3.75m NFT command pod)) with two SpaceY 3.75m ring reaction wheels in symmetry around the MRS reaction wheel. It only explodes one out of every 2-4 tests and no other parts seem to trigger it. The NFT command pod also has two attach surfaces on the bottom, one ontop of the built-in heatshield and directly against the pod, directly against is the only one that causes it to explode so far.

Very bizarre, but oh well, won't stick those parts together again!

Yeah, it makes me wonder if it's the heatshield component or something. The NFT pod might have some unusual thermal settings that's influencing it.

Just one of the many weird things that can arise when using multiple mods, I suppose. :)

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Yeah, it makes me wonder if it's the heatshield component or something. The NFT pod might have some unusual thermal settings that's influencing it.

Just one of the many weird things that can arise when using multiple mods, I suppose. :)

Sadly, after importing the "fixed" station, something else decided to explode in physical time warp. At this point, it's lost to the Kraken. :P

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Sadly, after importing the "fixed" station, something else decided to explode in physical time warp. At this point, it's lost to the Kraken. :P

Yeah, sadly that happens sometimes. Doh!

Just wanted to say thanks! This is a very nice pack that fills in gaps left by stock parts.

My pleasure, glad you're enjoying it! :)

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Just a small heads up, I'm not sure what you can do about this:

I accidentally installed both the full pack and the lite pack using CKAN. I ended up with very strange problems, such as when trying to add a part in the VAB, it would snap, and then just float, with the snap node disappering.

I know that you can put stuff into the netkan file to prevent this, just a suggestion.

You might want to put in a warning to people to avoid installing both at the same time.

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Just a small heads up, I'm not sure what you can do about this:

I accidentally installed both the full pack and the lite pack using CKAN. I ended up with very strange problems, such as when trying to add a part in the VAB, it would snap, and then just float, with the snap node disappering.

I know that you can put stuff into the netkan file to prevent this, just a suggestion.

You might want to put in a warning to people to avoid installing both at the same time.

I've opened a ticket to have the netkan data updated: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/issues/1674

The good news is you can uninstalled one of them and keep using the other. If you've used parts that aren't in the Lite version, you might want to uninstall Lite and stick with the full copy. It shouldn't break your saves, as both sets use the same internal item IDs for the parts (which is why they interfere with each other).

I have an idea for a new part: a Mk2 to 1 x 1.25m + 2 x 0.625m adapter. Any chance of something like that being added to this mod?

I know one of the other Mk2 part packs has exactly that, but I don't remember which one off the top of my head. I've thought about adding spaceplane parts, but my thinking is that if I do that, it'll probably be another pack devoted to that. But then, several popped up that do precisely that, so maybe not... Heh. :) So I'm still a little undecided on what to do.

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Ever since updating to 1.04, my MRS-based engines haven't been producing any exhaust plumes. I've tried completely removing and reinstalling the mod, but it hasn't fixed it.

That basically means that ModuleManager thinks that HotRockets is installed. One of your other mods must be tricking it. Without tracking that down, there are two ways to fix it:

1. Install HotRockets


2. Delete "MRS_HotRockets.cfg" from inside the MRS folder

Either of those should get you working again. :)

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That basically means that ModuleManager thinks that HotRockets is installed. One of your other mods must be tricking it. Without tracking that down, there are two ways to fix it:

1. Install HotRockets


2. Delete "MRS_HotRockets.cfg" from inside the MRS folder

Either of those should get you working again. :)

Had not heard of that mod before.

Looks cool, but installing didn't fix the issue with MRS. Deleting the config did, though.

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Had not heard of that mod before.

Looks cool, but installing didn't fix the issue with MRS. Deleting the config did, though.

OK cool. Yeah, something was probably severely interfering with HotRockets then. When all else fails, taking out the MRS config should always work. Glad to hear things are working again.

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