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Eerie Spacewrecks


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The 'Moretz' Class Vessels (named after the popular Actress) were the first of trillium powered starships capable of reaching any planet in the solar system and back home before needing to be refueled. Built in orbit in three stages, they class was not designed for atmospheric landing and takeoff - they were capable of carrying up to three smaller craft for planetary landings. The class was also equipped with four outer docking rings to allow the transfer of crew and fuel via shuttle/tankers.

Though they sturdy and capable craft, the class tended to wobble at max speeds. This was due to an imbalance of its engines during fabrication. Despite this flaw, five Moretz Class Starships were built and were were instrumental establishing the first colonies beyond Duna. Before being retired, three of the five ships of the class were lost due to the before mentioned flaw in their design. Two exploded while in transit with the loss of all hands. Another was severely damaged when one of its engine nacelles tore away while maneuvering into low orbit around Moho. Unable to stabilize the ship, the crew was able to slow the vessel at it descended helplessly towards Moho's surface. Despite severe damage upon landing, the crew survived. To this day, the ship rest eerily on the planet's surface - a solemn reminder of the hazard of space exploration.


Strewn across the surface of Duna, A few battered pieces is all that remain of this experimental craft.


Having lost an engine, this trillium powered shuttle drifts slowly out of the Solar System into interstellar space, its pilot our of reach and beyond any hope of rescue.


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I think you mean tritium. Trilliums are a genus of flower, whereas tritium is hydrogen-3 (a proposed component for more advanced propulsion). The image of an entire space fleet running on flowers, however, is kinda amusing.

I imagine that Kerbals might actually call it Trillium, just because

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I think you mean tritium. Trilliums are a genus of flower, whereas tritium is hydrogen-3 (a proposed component for more advanced propulsion). The image of an entire space fleet running on flowers, however, is kinda amusing.

Judging by the shape of the craft (the description mentions a missing engine), I think "Tylium" was intended.

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I would prefer to call it "Thrillium"

The engine that runs on a natural Thrill of any living being, that is put into the metal can somewhere beyond the point of sanity, in the interstellar vacuum...

I think I know how that engine exploded. Too much Thrillium was produced. Engine has exploded due to over-thrilling.

The issue is Jeb cannot ride such a vehicle. Engines produce no thrust.

So specially for Jeb, there are the engine that runs on Badassium...

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Aww, i had a screenshot of one of my Mun landers abandoned on the surface, but i can't find it anywhere :( Anyway, that ship lost one of its three engines during botched landing. Aside from that small issue it was perfectly fine, and left with half of the fuel in tanks. I've evacuated the crew with automated rescue craft, and lander was left on the Mun as a memento:"Do not get cocky. Build your landers to be able to jettison outer engines, while still having TWR above 1 with one engine. Keep rescue ship on hand all the time."

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Yeah, I got some stuff in my old saves:


The "DeadSpace I" probe, that I shot out of the solar system. It ran out of power when it couldn't use it's solar panels anymore.


My Duna rover "Curiosity" flipped on it's side upon landing, so it was abandoned after one transmission.


The first time I tried a 3 man lander for the Mun, I ended up leaving a battered crew capsule on there forever. Kerbals were rescued in a seperate mission.


(sorry about the error on the top of the image. I messed that up in paint)

All that remained of my Eve plane, after it randomly lost a wing (on sock physics, mind you), and crashed into Eve killing the Kerbal on board.


The first try at a radio-tower for my Eve-Base wasn't able to move itself over the surface uphill, so it got stranded and abandoned. No Kerbals were on board though.


This spaceplane was left in Laythe orbit forever after a successful mission. The plane was never meant to return to Kerbin, as I had taken a separate return-vessel with me.


And this wreck was supposed to be a spaceplane that could SSTO from Duna. It would have, if it hadn't crashed on landing, due to Dunas athmosphere not cooperating.

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Well done ... right in the spirit of Stewart Cowleys Spacewrecks: Ghost Ships and Derelics in Space :)

That is where I got the idea. I have that book (somewhere) and after seeing how the big space ship soft landed on the surface on Moho, it reminded me of the pictures in the book and gave me the idea to take screenshots of some of my wrecks and abandoned craft.

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