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Mk3 Spaceplane Bits

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We know that Squad are working on making the Mk3 Spaceplane range less useless. We also know that they're integrating SP+ and cargo bays. This strikes me as the perfect opportunity to combine the two, resulting in something like this:



What would you like to see done with the Mk3 line? Do you think that there's any chance of two parallel sets of large spaceplane parts, one Shuttle-style and the other more SP+ in theme?

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Gerry Anderson was such a visonary. I really love his designs. Especially those of Moonbase Alpha - Space 1999...

I dont think, that 2 sets of the same part with different visuals will be integrated into KSP... that is not the style of KSP and definitely a job for the mod community.

For the Mk. 3 parts i want a cool cockpit interior for IVA missions, a cargo bay, passenger module, inline docking port just as in the Mk. 2 series and some adapters to clip on different configurations of engines, probably a radial mounted adapter, that allows engines to be fitted to it, instead of having a radial attachable engine.

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We know that Squad are working on making the Mk3 Spaceplane range less useless. We also know that they're integrating SP+ and cargo bays. This strikes me as the perfect opportunity to combine the two, resulting in something like this:



What would you like to see done with the Mk3 line? Do you think that there's any chance of two parallel sets of large spaceplane parts, one Shuttle-style and the other more SP+ in theme?

If you really want it i could make something like that out of stock parts, probably will not fly very well will have to be a VTOL, ill make it one of my next projects.

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If you really want it i could make something like that out of stock parts, probably will not fly very well will have to be a VTOL, ill make it one of my next projects.

Well, the VTOL is in canon at least:


Okay, okay, I'll stop spamming Gerry Anderson pics.

But really, with some appropriate large Spaceplane bits and a mild tweaking of Fine Print contracts, KSP would make a fantastic Thunderbirds simulator...

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sorry couldn't help myself, i made a recreation of thunderbird 3 once, and it made orbit, without contracting from asthetics..... but it was a one way trip as I recall.

edit: on regard to the official topic of this thread, I think we should be able to some things like making a tail with an elevator at the top, some more little design tricks that you might see on a plane... etc.

Edited by Nemrav
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Kinda OT, but, has anyone else ever wondered what the harmonica between the vertical stabilizers is supposed to be for?


It looks sort of like an intake. Perhaps is not only the KSP players who resort to sticking intakes on every horizontal surface? :P

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Here is me loloking for a schemtaic for TB2, and guess what I find.


You guessed it fellow Kerbalnautse Thunderbirds are back in 2015 and created by Weta, thats the same people who were behind Lord of the Rings.

This had better be real, this had better be real, this had better be real...

In all seriousness (not that the above wasn't serious), I'd love to see some new Thunderbirds come about. Oddly enough, I was wondering what a visually updated Thunderbirds would look like just this morning. That concept art is pretty much spot on for such an update.

TB2 was always my favourite :)


Uh, as for the topic of this thread, well... I don't know. I'm not sure an up-sized MK2 range of parts calling themselves MK3 would be quite what we're looking for. The MK3 range has always been there to simulate the style and shaping of the Space Shuttle (I believe), and the update to the parts brings the range closer to that aesthetic. MK3-sized MK2 parts are probably best left for mods.

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Here is me loloking for a schemtaic for TB2, and guess what I find.


You guessed it fellow Kerbalnautse Thunderbirds are back in 2015 and created by Weta, thats the same people who were behind Lord of the Rings.

Not sure about that flat-topped TB2. Curvy and bulbous was kinda the point on that one.

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Oh man that music, anyone remember the end screen from the original movie with the marching band? In anycase TB2 does look off in that picture, though who knows, it might look better from a different angle. Personally I liked the look of the TBs in the live action movie, as cheesy as it was.

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