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[1.1.2] EVA Follower [v1.035, 20 May 2016]


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What is EVA Follower

This mod allows you to order kerbals around, make them follow you, or make them patrol the area.



Disclaimer; The trailer is full of cliche editing; Only the last part shows a little of the mod.

Originally based on the source of Fel.



  • Order kerbals around to follow you.
  • Make kerbals patrol around the area!
  • Patrol walking or running.
  • Control multiple kerbals at a time.
  • Take off helmets on kerbin.
  • Persistence





Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work in career mode ?

- Yes.

Will they follow you with their jetpacks (where possible)

- No, I would like to be able to do that. (Planned)

Will they climb ladders ?

- No, They will release ladders when there asked to do so.

Will they continue their patrol routes after re-loading the game?

- Yes, however revert flight is still not figured out, so if the game saves between that, the kerbals are going to listen to commands from an alternative dimension.

  On 6/12/2016 at 8:11 PM, Algiark said:

Just wondering, what use does the patrol function has, apart from looking cool?


- Movies


Dropbox: Release v1.035 ( 20.1kB )

Curse: Release v1.035 ( 20.1kB )

Github: Release v1.035 ( 20.1kB )


Release v1.033 ( 18.30kB )

Release v1.032 ( 20kB )

Release v1.031 ( 19kB )

Release v1.03 ( 17kB )

Release v1.02 ( 17kB )

Release v1.01 ( 8kB )

Source Code: Github



v1.033 Compatability to release 1.1

v1.032 Compatability was patched by Fel. Increased running speed and selection box can be dragged from any direction.

v1.031 keybinding in config.

v1.03 Recompiled against 0.25

v1.02 Percistence, Select and move multiple kerbals,

v1.01 Bug Fix. When going back to space center, the monobehaviour got destroyed.

v1.0 Initial version.


How to install

Extract the content to your KSP root.


Known issues

  • Not seen an "Flight Revert" event in the game API; it will NOT recover the kerbals follow/patrol/order rules post-flight;
  • The send command requires a middle mouse button! So if you don't have that, your out of luck. Next patch I make sure it is bindable in the configuration file.
  • Your able to select kerbals in space, and you shoudn't



This work is shared under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

Components and included code & content may come under their own license. Please check their documentation or their sites.

Edited by MSD
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It is a patrol he is walking. I am going to work on ways for kerbals to "re-route" there targets, if they arent able to climb or if the target is to high ( he will continue running into the wall ). If thats work, I can see giving them a explore option so they can wander off on there own.

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Omg this is ****ing great! So many ideas in my head haha. I hope to see a strategy type concept come out of this someday. Like point and click to command other Kerbals to preform actions. With how many different intractables that mods add now days it would fit in perfectly!

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  Valgort said:
Say, does patrolling do take place after re-loading the game?

No; No persistence yet, it is planned, same goes for the followers.

  Camacha said:
Where does that fuel truck come from? I would really like to tinker with that.

The fuel truck is from the KSO package. You only need the last part, Phase 4.

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No. The focus for now is on kerbal movement and behaviour. Following a vehicles should be possible thought.. except not for long I guess :D

I would like to support jetpacks and ladders, in the next update you can order kerbals around; but right now the kerbals are not space-aware at all, so ZOMBIE kerbals are still out there!

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Never mind it works actually the kerbals never followed me before! :) K can u help please the kerbals were doing all that good stuff but when I restarted flight they do the exact same as the original mod nothing no follow or patrolling.

Edited by Teto
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Right now there is no persistence... so you need to re-enable them als followers. You want that after you quit the game and reload it, they continue in there old pattern right ? (thats what I'm working towards. )

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