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HypePlane Mechanical Tour

The Jedi Master

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Thank you for choosing HypePlane. For many months, a HypePlane was thought impossible, but we have evidence that this was a lie perpetrated by Gregox to make everyone ride his HypeTrain. Evidence that we can't show you right now. But I can answer a few common questions.

How does the HypePlane work?

The HypePlane runs not on refined Hype, like the HypeTrain, but on pure, crude Hype (sometimes referred to scientifically as HYPEOMGNEWUPDATEOMG!!1!!12ONE). This gives it a lot more speed and power than the HypeTrain.

What about safety?

Here at Jedi Airlines, safety is our top priority. The pure Hype is not pumped into the ship directly, but in fact is absorbed, much like a solar panel absorbs the power of the sun. This ensures that the ship will not explode suddenly, as many users of crude hype often do.

What about the HypeSuperluminar Drive?

The HypeSuperluminar Drive is a highly experimental drive engine. It is not used in normal HypePlane operation, only when it becomes clear the update is releasing that day. Admittedly, the HypeSuperluminar Drive is somewhat dangerous in that if the prediction is wrong, it will overload and explode, disintegrating everything for five miles. Thus, we will make sure to be careful. Promise.

How many people can the HypePlane fit?

Approximately seven billion people. Yes, we can fit everyone on Earth. Any extra space is used for in-flight entertainment.

How much does it cost to ride on the HypePlane?

Actually, for today only, if you get a HypePlane ticket, we will pay you $100 billion. That's how awesome we are. You have to lose a dollar and sign a disclaimer form to ride right next to the HypeSuperluminar Drive.

Ask any additional questions below.

To mods: It's all in good fun, so please don't lock us? :)

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HypeTrain is far better!

The HypePlane is a scam!

Hype-powered flight is nearly impossible! And what would happen if there was a sudden drop in Hype? It would fall out of the sky! Unless, of course, it uses normal propulsion, so it's NOT a HypeTrain!

EDIT: I have discovered, through an enormous feat of genious, the HypeFlight is possible! BUT! The problem that persists is that if Hype drops, you fall from the sky, and you can't hold nearly as many people in the plane as you can the train!

Edited by GregroxMun
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My god, these are out of control. Please stop. This isn't doing anything but cluttering up the forums. If I where new, and wanted to see what off topic was. And saw this. I would conclude that this game was nothing but a child's game.

Dude, why so serious? This is all in good fun!

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Dude, why so serious? This is all in good fun!

I usually let these things slide. But this is out of hand. I cannot fathom what is going on. Whether it's a joke, a parody, or people are trying to get attention. I find that this brings the forums out of control, real quick. And the fact that we have a official thread on the matter, makes me think that KSP isn't going the way it was described when I bought it. It makes this look like a joke.

And with that, my rant is over.

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Good, no more rants from him, eh?

This is the forum for a game about little green men launching spaceships to fictional planets. So, yeah. This is a joke.

A game that's advertised as a tycoon style game. A game that I haven't got my money's worth yet. It's really annoying that I see these threads popping up every day. It just makes the game look bad

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Quietly steps up onto the podium and sits in the chair behind the sign reading "Reactor Engineer".

Yes, this is certainly exciting! Coming up with a solid-state thermoelectric generator and reactor housing robust enough to handle the incredible temperatures and pressures of pure Hype plasma, yet light enough to fly on an aircraft, was certainly an imposing engineering challenge. Breakthroughs in the study of HypeDynamics via observation of HypeTrain activities and other Hype Events finally lit the way to what we've chosen to call "Hype Automoderation". An entirely distinct concept from the "Moderator Thread-Lock" fail-safe mechanism mandated for all Hype constructs by Federal law, Hype Automoderation is an effect generated observationally when Hype is generated from a large number of sources simultaneously, serving as a restoring force which keeps the Hype laminar and directed, flattening out turbulences as they nucleate and keeping the Hype flow from becoming chaotic. We've successfully manipulated this effect to contain all of the Hype brought in by the HypePlane's collection arrays to the reaction assembly, which powers the engines and HyperSuperluminar drive with direct HypeCharged particle streams and the rest of the plane's systems through a hefty thermo/photoelectric assembly. It's a relatively delicate balance and can be upset just as easily as any other system of its complexity, but you have my utmost confidence that it is as stable as it possibly can be, and in any case, it's hard to conceive of a failure of a magnitude too great to be shut down by the MTL fail-safe. Still, let us hope that never happens. I can't express how satisfied I am that this effort made it so far, and my team and I are proud to have contributed to this monumental project.


Highlight below:

Disclaimer: This is not an attempt to jack the thread, nor is it endorsed by the original poster. This refers to my comments on Thermal HypeReactor power on the HypeTrain thread, and I thought it would be fitting that my own "research" in the field would play a part in the construction of a HypePlane. If I'm wrong about this, let me know.

Edited by GreeningGalaxy
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