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Favorite Fictional World (from books,games,etc)


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point of this is just to post what your favorite fictional world in gaming, literature or otherwise...

to define world, its just basic setting for a story/game/or other fictitious medium that you know of which could be stretch from a village, a city, a planet, a region, or even a universe....

i might as well say my favorite which is, from gaming, the city of Rapture from Bioshock (please 2k let Rapture stay dead, it deserves the death it had for it was a perfect ending), because it truly struck home for me, the art and the emotion of the game which deserved a better fate than having Irrational games dissolve (i'm still grieving over it especially after burial at sea)

now discuss about you're favorite fictional worlds

no going off topic or attacking/mocking other posters please

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The Dwarf Fortress world seems like a good place to start. It's brutal, unforgiving, and somewhat barbarian, but it has that viking vibe, you know? You can go around with your fellowmen slashing werewolves, dragons, and vampire lords, camping in caves, hunting Yak cows for dinner, and raiding towns like the BAMF you are.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can remember for now. I just finished a 2-hour game after a peasant struck me (a grand master swordsman/wrestler) in the head while I was asleep, ripping my brain to pieces.. ;.;

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My favorite fictional world (worlds, really) is the Intersolar Commonwealth, from the books Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained by Peter F. Hamilton. In those books, and some other related works, humanity colonizes the stellar neighborhood not with starships, but wormholes linking them directly. Once connected, one travels between stars by train. How neat is that? Everyone is effectively immortal, too, and directly linked to the future internet, called the Unisphere.

I'd love to live in that future.

PS I'm also pretty fond of Tolkien's Middle Earth, and John Varley's Eight Worlds milieu, as found in his short fiction.

Edited by pebble_garden
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It would be easy to say Star Trek (high tech comfort) or Star Wars (high tech comfort + mysticism) since technology and comfort are such a lovely things. But the Luna colonies in Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress really appeal to my libertarian instincts. It's a frontier, but not completely new. Dangerous, but not too dangerous. And very family oriented, even though families on Luna are very different from current western world people are used to.

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Tolkien's Middle Earth. There is so much depth and lore, with a whole mythology. Complete with whole languages to boot.

Other than that... some fictional worlds I know a bit about but have not read the books by the authors:

Larry Niven - seems to be very interesting. I especially like the motif of primitive descendents living among the ruins of the advanced technological civilisation of their forbearers. Since it echoes real history when civilisations fall (to an extent).

H. P. Lovecraft - I really dig cosmic horror. Have seen a few Lovecraftian themed movies.

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The world of Dere (in the english version "Ethra") of the RPG "The dark eye" (DSA) (german made RPG that is as widespread in germany as D&D is elsewhere), because DSA was my first RPG and the world is extremly well fleshed out.

The universe of Battletch for similar reasons (i.e. the universe being very detailed/well done) ... despite the fact that 12-20m high bipedal battle robots don´t make all too much sense :D

Edited by Godot
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Another vote for Intersolar Commonwealth here - because Ozzie! Also space travel by train and some truly ott weaponry - what's not to like.

I'm also rather fond of the worldbuilding for the Wheel of Time and The Name of the Wind. I like the rational magic in both worlds.

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Macross/Robotech universe.

Mankind has united under one banner, in order to preserve itself. Scientists have successfully reverse engineered alien technology and provided a means to protect itself. Colonies on other worlds in the far reaches of space are established, giant robots and music is what saves us.

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  pebble_garden said:
I forgot to mention another of my favorite fictional worlds -- The Verse, from Firefly/Serenity.

loved firefly and the Verse although i have been confused by how they showed the alliance and the independent planets since it showed as only like a few planets in a single system instead as dozens of worlds. i should also mention it would suck fighting reavers and also this

  KSK said:
Another vote for Intersolar Commonwealth here - because Ozzie! Also space travel by train and some truly ott weaponry - what's not to like.

i am also fond of the Intersolar Commonwealth although i have not read Judas Unchained yet due to already burning through about 6 books (this was in the last 2 months! and i only read at school due to getting back into minecraft) in the mean time and i just started the mars trilogy about a week ago so i have yet to read it.....

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