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Munar Landing Cinematic


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Oh. Wow. This is the most amazing video I have ever seen. Bravo sir. Bravo.

Thanks Misterspork! Maybe I\'ll do another in this game, seeing all the awesome content in each update!

It cant be that good...*watches video

how the.....what did you use to make that

Haha! Thanks, I used Sony Vegas 11, and I reversed and sped up actual Apollo 11 audio to give the Kerb\'s their voices on the radio. :)

Wow, amazing first post! Nice use of the camera tool in KSP. Really shows that we can work with what we got. Just a question, what was the song/intrumental in the background?

Thanks! Yeah, the camera tools are only limited to the imagination, just like KSP. :D The audio was 'Julie and Candy' by Boards of Canada.

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It cant be that good...*watches video

how the.....what did you use to make that

my thought was , ah yer another KSP video, Now that I\'ve watched it...

This is great work. Attention to details are great. Keep it up.

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I felt you used aloooooooot of blur to counter the jaggies, when simply forcing anti-aliasing in the first place might have been far more effective.

A video of a game in 1080p with no anti-aliasing tends to ruin any great camerawork and editing skills, of which you have loads =/

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yeah! very nice, interesting use of alternative screen capture techniques!

If you dont mind me asking, how did you go about the music? I discovered FRAPS about a week ago and the first effort I made with a random ancient music track, I got a DRM warning from youtube which kind of scared me off.

Is it considered fair use or do people get permission for that kind of thing?

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yeah! very nice, interesting use of alternative screen capture techniques!

If you dont mind me asking, how did you go about the music? I discovered FRAPS about a week ago and the first effort I made with a random ancient music track, I got a DRM warning from youtube which kind of scared me off.

Is it considered fair use or do people get permission for that kind of thing?

Youtube\'s DRM stuff generally only blocks people in certain countries, and isn\'t a HUGE issue normally. With that said, on YouTube, look up Michael Donner Music - He allows usage of his soundtracks (which are production quality, as well as seriously OMFG insanely good), so long as they are used ONLY on YouTube. Outside of YouTube, you have to purchase a license for his soundtracks.

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mmm I am a total noob at this lark, guess its a case of schmoozing the rights holders

I think this forum should have a videos sticky thread and this one should be at the top of the list. I like the assymetric shots, is it just me or does it have a curiously Homeworldy feel?

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I recognized a lot of Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 audio there. 'We\'re getting a picture on the TV' towards the beginning, said by Bruce McCandless on Apollo 11 (He was CAPCOM). And then, 'You got a good picture, huh?' -Buzz Aldrin.

Right at liftoff, I heard Jack Swigert (might have been Jim Lovell. Can\'t remember as I type this comment) say, 'Ok Houston, we\'ve had a problem here. OR 'Houston, we\'ve had a problem.'

A lot 'Roger' and stuff and then a whole mess of reversed audio. Very good movie.

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