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Remote Tech 2 - Dishes and multiple connections?

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Simple question I can't find the answer to and can't tell if my tests are successful or not...

Can a dish pointed at a celestial body, assuming there is range and line of site, make contact with all other satellites in that body at one time or is it one satellite to one satellite?

Edited by Friend Bear
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Or if there is something about relays I am just not getting, let me know.

I see on their wiki site that a relay only needs one dish, so I assume the antenna they also say to include is in range of the center or something similar?

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It can with all other satellites inside its cone of view. If the satellite is too near a planet, not all the things orbiting it will be near enough to the center of the planet (what the satellite with the dish aims at) for them to be in-cone.

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Also don't forget that both satellites need to be able to communicate with each other...the relay is not just one-way.

So let's say your commsat around Minmus has a Comms DTS-M1 (range 50,000 km) pointed at Kerbin. Your commsat around Kerbin is within the cone of the Comms DTS-M1, but it only has a Communotron 32 (range 5000 km). You would not have a working relay, even though the satellite around Kerbin is within the cone, since the Kerbin sat cannot return signals to Minmus.

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