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Best way to transport 10 ton weight to South Pole

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I'm trying to set up a base at the South Pole as a kind of training facility and practice for bases on other planets. I have three modules which I don't want to have wheels or engines, but I also have a 30 ton transporting vehicle which I will fly in by rocket, on a steep trajectory so I don't have to worry about air resistance effects (I don't have FAR).

Is it possible to make a plane large enough to transport 5-10 ton weights a quarter of the way around Kerbin? I have a 14 ton plane which flies easily. When I removed half the fuel and strapped on the smallest 5-6 ton module it could still take off but it did back flips because the COM was higher than the COL and COT. Maybe with adjustments it would work.

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I've done similar things, and have always found it easier to get the equipment into orbit, and then land them at a time and place of my choosing. :cool: Like you, I didn't want a lot of junk attached, so I used radial decouplers to mount landing engines and parachutes, so that I could get rid of them once I was landed. Are you running any mods, or all stock? Some pics of the modules you want to land might make it easier for others to come up with clever ways to transport them.

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I have never bothered with kerbin bases but I'd think a suborbital rocket would do the job. There is no need to orbit . And a plane for a cargo so big would be too much of a big job for me.

Edited by merlinux
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Well, some quick thinking of the options:

Rocket. Pro, easy to build and quick to fly. Con, hard to aim precisely. Though if you're a dab hand at landing at KSC you should be fine.

Plane. Pro, easy to land precisely and fairly quick to fly. Con, hard to build.

Boat. Pro, *maybe* easier to build than a plane. Con, only if you know the foibles of boatbuilding, and slow.

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So much depends not just on the mass of your payloads but their balance as well. Personally, I'd tend to go with a vertical-landing rocket but, again, it depends how important recoverability is for you. For plane designs you might like to look at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93779-SSTO-Spaceplane-Airplane-Design-Contest-II-Akademy-Awards, which includes my entry for carrying a detachable 40t load:


(.craft files for all the planes are included in that thread)

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  cantab said:
Well, some quick thinking of the options:

Rocket. Pro, easy to build and quick to fly. Con, hard to aim precisely. Though if you're a dab hand at landing at KSC you should be fine.

Plane. Pro, easy to land precisely and fairly quick to fly. Con, hard to build.

Boat. Pro, *maybe* easier to build than a plane. Con, only if you know the foibles of boatbuilding, and slow.

I'm not sure landing is a "pro" for planes. You can't land just anywhere in a plane, and something big enough to carry ten tons is going to be hard to land.

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  tsotha said:
I'm not sure landing is a "pro" for planes. You can't land just anywhere in a plane, and something big enough to carry ten tons is going to be hard to land.

He doesn't want to land "anywhere", he wan't to land at the perfectly flat South Pole. Besides, I can land a plane anywhere you can land a command pod. You just have to be creative about it.

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  airelibre said:
Is it possible to make a plane large enough to transport 5-10 ton weights a quarter of the way around Kerbin?

Short answer, yes.

Long answer yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaah!

EDIT : Although to be less trite, you may want to think about getting a rocket to put it into orbit then just drop it at the right point.

Sometimes the less pretty solution is the right one.

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  John FX said:
EDIT : Although to be less trite, you may want to think about getting a rocket to put it into orbit then just drop it at the right point.

Sometimes the less pretty solution is the right one.

Unless you just want the challenge :P Rocket or Plane either will work depending on your commitment is the one you should choose.

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As others have stated, rocket or plane are your best options and it's really a matter of personal preference. Myself, I'd do an orbital rocket; get up to a 100x100 polar orbit, then do your de-orbit burn when you're in the neighborhood of 30 degrees South headed southbound and you should wind up close enough to the pole for jazz. Ten tonnes is a pretty trivial payload for a rocket.

For transport plane designs capable of hauling ten tonnes, I'll suggest DocMoriarty's guide.

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Why bother going orbital? Sub-orbital or purely atmospheric is all you need - just get high enough to be out of the low-atmosphere drag and 'circularise' only to the extent that your orbit line passes over where you want to land.

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  juanml82 said:
An atmospheric plane will take a lot more gameplay time to reach the south pole than a suborbital rocket. And most of that time is making sure the plane is flying straight and level, so I'd go with a rocket.

In principle, yes. But if the vessel is supposed to be capable of a return to KSC, planes start to look a lot more interesting. If all you want is suborbital, even a spaceplane can get you there pretty quickly -- and allows for a pinpoint landing to boot.

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The thing about a plane is, if you make a good SSTO capable of a quick suborbital / upper atmo hop to the pole, it's a very handy and cost effective way to haul a base over... and I would argue a plane is more pinpoint than a parachute, as you can just land where you like and taxi the last few meters if you miss.

However, firstly you have to return the plane to KSC to make use of the reusability, which takes time...secondly, if you crash the plane you have lost a lot more money than if you crash a simple suborbital polar rocket (I.e. a couple of SRBs stacked).

Also, as stated previously, it takes time to build/design... but if you don't mind the above, I would vouch for a plane, they are fun and feel more involved than just pressing space a few times to stage and open the chutes.

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  Pecan said:
Why bother going orbital? Sub-orbital or purely atmospheric is all you need - just get high enough to be out of the low-atmosphere drag and 'circularise' only to the extent that your orbit line passes over where you want to land.

Going orbital would allow you more control the timing of your descent - you can do it at your leisure and have the ability to "go around again" if you're not comfortable with the way things look on the first attempt. Get into a 100km orbit, then do a retro burn at the north pole until the periapsis - which should as a result be over the south pole - is at about 44,000 meters, and you shouldn't have to burn again provided you packed enough chutes; the drag will put you down right over the pole (or at least close enough for jazz).

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Using a spaceplane to send a base to one of the poles sounds like an interesting challenge but it also sounds pretty hard. You could stick the base on top of the plane but then the CoT wouldn't be in line with the overall CoM which would be problematic when the air gets thin. Also, how would you get the base off the top of the plane?

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  Redshift OTF said:
Using a spaceplane to send a base to one of the poles sounds like an interesting challenge but it also sounds pretty hard. You could stick the base on top of the plane but then the CoT wouldn't be in line with the overall CoM which would be problematic when the air gets thin. Also, how would you get the base off the top of the plane?

The link I provided in my first post on this thread - the one with DocMoriarty's guide - provides a pretty good answer here; you wouldn't stick the base on top of the plane, you'd design either a front-loading or top-loading transport plane, and attach the base components as a sub-assembly to the completed design. Land, drop it off, fly the plane back to KSC (or recover it there at the pole for less return on the investment).

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Not a plane dude. An 18 wheeled TRUCK WHOOOO!


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I've been developing a big cargo space plane around the MK4 cargo fuselage. Still tweaking some things, but I've successfully delivered 30 tons of fuel to my station in a 150k orbit. I think it should be able to handle 50 tons to 100k orbit with enough fuel to deorbit and land. Should be able to deliver that same payload to either pole without much issue.

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  TheFlyingPigs said:

Whoa, dude - your computer blew whole chunks of Linux everywhere; I'd get it checked out...

  Beachernaut said:
I've been developing a big cargo space plane around the MK4 cargo fuselage. Still tweaking some things, but I've successfully delivered 30 tons of fuel to my station in a 150k orbit. I think it should be able to handle 50 tons to 100k orbit with enough fuel to deorbit and land. Should be able to deliver that same payload to either pole without much issue.

Hey, no fair with the 0.25 parts already... :D #hitsthedownloadbutton

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