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[1.1] ART Hatches for CRP; Does this still even work edition [23 april 2016]


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I made Asteroid Recycling Technologies Hatches for most of the Community Resource Pack resources, AND THEN I MADE MORE WITH NEW DIRTS! AND THEN I DID IT AGAIN! AND THEN I FIXED A BUNCH OF MY MISTAKES AND ADDED AN AGENCY! And then i slept the sleep of forever waiting for x64 stability on windows. AND THEN I MADE A NEW EDITION! I also made a nice, easy to use, modular Gimp file with which textures can be quickly reproduced.


It's been three quarters of forever since i maintained this, so no support at all for 2 year old editions designed to run on 0.25. DELETE ALL the existing files, because you're probably not using it anyways (even if you have ships in the air) and use the new configs.



Current Version:
  • 3.0 Does this still even work? edition (for KSP 1.1 and CRP 0.5.0)


All textures are original, and are produced from either original sources, or public domain images. Colors are chosen to match emission spectrum, common experience, or existing colors for other mods. This is released under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Exceptions for Rover and Squad, who have all rights, unrestricted.

Textures included:

A lot! see the included spreadsheet for coverage details: here's a picture:



  • CRP resources NOT included:
    • Karbonite & Karborundum: Rover's problem. let him handle those. 
    • Antimatter: KSPie has special code for this resource. Generic tanks are not supported.
    • ChargedParticles: should be provided by KSPi reactors and should decay instantly, so no point in having a big asteroid sized box to put it in.
    • ExoticMatter: is only used by KSPie warpdrives, and requires special handling
    • IntakeAtm: not technically a tankable resource. should be provided by air intakes in non-reactive atmospheres, and should decay instantly, so no point in having a big asteroid sized box to put it in.
    • IntakeLqd: not technically a tankable resource. should be provided by liquid scoops in non-reactive oceans, and should decay instantly, so no point in having a big asteroid sized box to put it in.
    • LqdHelium: Cryogenic coolants. KSPie has special code for this resource. Generic tanks are not supported.
    • Megajoules: not technically a tankable resource. should be provided by KSPi generators and other power sources and should decay instantly, so no point in having a big asteroid sized box to put it in.
    • ThermalPower: not technically a tankable resource. should be provided by KSPi reactors and should decay instantly, so no point in having a big asteroid sized box to put it in.
    • VacuumPlasma: a "free" resource generated and used by KSPi QVP thrusters to produce propulsion. virtual particles only exist for a few Planck seconds, so no point in having a big asteroid sized box to put it in.
    • StoredCharge: Near Future Capacitor technology. NFT has special code for this resource. Generic tanks are not supported.
    • WasteHeat: not technically a tankable resource. abstract warmness has no physicality, so no point in having a big asteroid sized box to put it in.
  • Resources available upon REQUEST:
    • A whole bunch that were added between 0.2.2 and 0.5.0. i'll get to these as i have time
    • Plutonium-238: unused, i think? It should be tankable, if someone wants this, i'll look into it.

Known Issues:

  • KSP loads everything into texture ram. maybe this has changed in Unity 5, i donno. i've left a few textures from previous editions in the textures folder, so maybe this will waste memory?
  • Nothing else to see here. Let me know if you find any!

Change Log:

3.0 Does This Still Even Work? Edition:
	Awoke from the torpor of eternities due to the clarion call of KSP unity 5 stable x64 windows edition. 
	Modified Several Resource definitions that were changed during The Long Sleep (LqdDeuterium for Deuterium, etc). turns out CRP v2.2 and CRP 5.0 changed A LOT. who knew?
	Removed Deprecated Resources BioMass, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Ore. reused their textures for replacement resources (Organics and Metallic Ore).
	started breaking out storage systems out by CRP maintainers, use case, etc, and added NEEDS clauses for the various packages. (i.e. seperate RealFuels hatch :NEEDS[RealFuels])
	Felt smug about 5th release.

2.0 I'm So Clever Edition:
      Reworked Folder structure
      CRP specific part allows modular patches (for other fuel systems, hint hint)
      (Optional) agency config and logo

1.2 Spare Uraninite Edition:
      Added SpareParts, Uraninite (UO2)
      Adjusted texture display names for readability.
      Tested 0.25 compatability with CRP 0.2.2. results were to no ones great surprise. 

1.1 New Dirt Edition:
      Added Substrate, Ore, Minerals, Metals, LiquidHydrogen (1H+).
      Felt smug about two releases.

1.0 Uninteresting Name edition:
      initial release sporting 19 hatches

Rover Approved:

RoverDude said:
Very cool :) And btw, that was precisely the intent of this pack. We provide a few basics and samples plus a template, and encourage people to go to town.
Edited by AetherGoddess
Updated for 3.0 because Does This Still Even Work? now with spelling
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Quick note on .25, since this is a totally texture and config thing, i'm dependent on Rover for compatibility. i DOUBT there are any problems (because just textures and configs; none of that should have changed) but i'll notify and update when i can test. works fine, nothing to see here.

Edited by AetherGoddess
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♫i'm adding to your cognitive load♫

♫during this critical time♫

♫with my pointless and unnecessary♫


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Actually, I think that pumping WasteHeat into an asteroid would be an interesting idea. You can use an asteroid as a heat sink IRL. I suggest you consider adding this.

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Actually, I think that pumping WasteHeat into an asteroid would be an interesting idea. You can use an asteroid as a heat sink IRL. I suggest you consider adding this.

there just isn't much use in doing so, since you would still need radiators to eliminate the waste heat eventually. IRL they can slowly radiate their heat away, but that takes a specific module in game that isn't compatible with the FS tank switching.

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An asteroid would last you for quite a while, though, depending on your reactor output. I think that even without radiating heat away, it could be interesting, though it really should be able to radiate, if slowly.

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Actually, I think that pumping WasteHeat into an asteroid would be an interesting idea. You can use an asteroid as a heat sink IRL. I suggest you consider adding this.

Sooooooo there are two problems with this:

  1. Wasteheat isn't pumpable. I've personally used trigger's Alternate resources panel to move it around, but unless you're using this (arguably cheaty) method, there's no way to move waste heat around. this is probably by design.
  2. It wouldn't radiate. heat radiation requires the FNRadiator module from KSPI.
  3. Even if i did create a new part with FNRadiator, it would need to dynamically discover the asteroid size and configure the RadiatorArea value. This would require a plugin.

that being said, it does have a certain appeal. i might see about trying to put together a pull request to Rover's mod to add a FNRadiator modules to asteroids that are attached with the ART Jaw, and update the value of FNRadiator based on size minus converted space.

Here's an example FNRadiator config for the small Radial Radiator from Wave's KSPiLITE:

name = FNRadiator
isDeployable = false
convectiveBonus = 20
radiatorTemp = 2000
radiatorArea = 50
originalName = NaK Loop Radiator
upgradeCost = 5
upgradedName = Graphene Radiator
upgradedRadiatorTemp = 3500
upgradeTechReq = experimentalElectrics

name = WasteHeat
amount = 0
maxAmount = 400000

so the radiator temp would need to be something low, like 350 or 400; getting a unconsolidated mass of rock up to 2000 degrees seems problematic, but i can't tell if this is in Kelvin or Celsius or Fahrenheit or what. The radiatorArea and resource maxAmount would need to be dynamic: the example part is 0.02t (20 kg) and is about 1 m by 0.3 m by 0.3 m, but is supposed to have lots of folded fins to increase the surface area. i'd say radiatorArea is probably equatable to m2, and MaxAmount is just unreasonably large, because it works out to 20,000 per kg, and that seems high.

Edited by AetherGoddess
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I'm not sure if I will be making anything for the public or if I will keep this for personal use until RoverDude releases Hydrogen producing stuffs - but figured I should post here first as the graphics are blatantly copied from your ART Hatches textures.

*I keep messing with Module Manager in the hope to create something back for the community (tinkering with the idea of re-engineered parts under a 'Tuning Company Flag') - so if I was to release this, I would need your permission first so as to reuse your 'standardised' resource colour coding and then ask RoverDude afterwards.



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