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[11/26/15 Update] Say Hello to the Light-Green Group!


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Update will come tonight. Columbia, I have a great description for you already, don't worry. Just haven't posted it yet. Tonight's update will have descriptions for all who came on the last update. New members of the group may or may not have a description, depending on time. :)

Edited by Endersmens
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Update will come tonight. Columbia, I have a great description for you already, don't worry. Just haven't posted it yet. Tonight's update will have new descriptions for all who were already on the list. New members of the group may or may not have a description, depending on time. :)

oh that sounds delightful

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Guys I'm really sorry. Thing have been...interesting lately. I've been scrambling to figure out how to get my SAT score to colleges before November 1st, since I'm taking the test next weekend. Among other things, I have been busy lately. If someone wants to PM me 8 hours from now to remind me, I can run the program then, but not after 7pm EST.

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Guys I'm really sorry. Thing have been...interesting lately. I've been scrambling to figure out how to get my SAT score to colleges before November 1st, since I'm taking the test next weekend. Among other things, I have been busy lately. If someone wants to PM me 8 hours from now to remind me, I can run the program then, but not after 7pm EST.

It's alright, real life comes first and no pressure, the community appreciates your contributions to the collective :D

Right, community?


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I've been adding descriptions every night. A lot of the newer ones include a link to something that person has created, eventually I'll try to add links to every description if that's what you guys want.

Best of luck! :)

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I've been adding descriptions every night. A lot of the newer ones include a link to something that person has created, eventually I'll try to add links to every description if that's what you guys want.

Thanks! If you get around to redoing mine, Eve: Order Zero is the current comic to link to. (I no longer have an "ongoing" mission to the Red Planet :)) Links to all the D,OB! stories appear in the OP of the Eve thread so it's one-stop shopping.

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Thanks! If you get around to redoing mine, Eve: Order Zero is the current comic to link to. (I no longer have an "ongoing" mission to the Red Planet :)) Links to all the D,OB! stories appear in the OP of the Eve thread so it's one-stop shopping.

I was planning on it. :) It's amazing how many people have something very notable to link. I wasn't expecting it, but every single new person on the list has at least one outstanding thread on this forum. Whether it be a story, a mod, a craft, or just a good thread, every one of them has one. I guess that's part of the reason why they're part of the light green group.

You guys are awesome! Keep it up. :D

And if you aren't on the list yet, that doesn't mean you aren't awesome, because you are. It just means not enough people have found you yet. Stay great, KSP Forum! :D :D :D

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