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[11/26/15 Update] Say Hello to the Light-Green Group!


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*awkwardly i don't have one of thoose and never will* gnagnagna ,'')

[SIZE=1]btw @ mad whenever i fix some irl stuff i sink i could may be maintain the white list for fun i ll pm you whenever i m sure i can do that long run ,'')[/SIZE] Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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With the new forum software, will the concept of "light green bars" still exist? Or will the "Rep-O-Meter" be replaced by something else...? Only time will tell, but I'm predicting that the concept of "light green bars" wlll go away.

R.I.P Light Green group. You will be remembered as a remanant of an older era.

:hailprobe:. they\'re. April 2013.

And now... Edited by Norpo
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I'll do my best to get the final update out. If anyone would like to speed the process, the only thing limiting it is the descriptions. If anyone wants to step up and write some descriptions for users, please PM me. I would like to see the final update include all descriptions. If we lose the "light green group" to the new software, I want it to be fully remembered.

Anyone wanna help? :)
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[quote name='Alshain']You can still have the LGG, the name just won't have the same meaning. The values however should remain across to the new forum software (which you already have in the OP).[/QUOTE]

This is true. We might need a new name then. Any suggestions?
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[quote name='Mad Rocket Scientist']500+ Group?[/QUOTE]
Kinda...bland. Although it might have to do. Any other suggestions?

Should we keep the number at 500 though? The list is getting huge. It could be better to up the lower limit. Although that wouldn't really be all that fair either. Gah. Decisions suck. :P
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[quote name='Endersmens']Kinda...bland. Although it might have to do. Any other suggestions?

Should we keep the number at 500 though? The list is getting huge. It could be better to up the lower limit. Although that wouldn't really be all that fair either. Gah. Decisions suck. :P[/QUOTE]
>.999K? I know, it's even worse.
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