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What would you want in the next update (0.90)?


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I want rails and trains, to build a hype train.

[edit] Seriously speaking: FAR and probably DRC integrated, but there is an immense amount of real-life features that the team still can add to increase the interest drammatically. That's what they were doing. Under-the-hood changes are not so impressive to public.

Edited by Kulebron
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Fix the pesky bugs where you can't click on an orbit after a burn, or can't select on your current orbit when you have two showing up due to an encounter. I know they are minor (in the sense that they're not too hard to get around) but they drive me nuts :cool:

But more seriously, I'm not sure I "want" anything in the next update. I kind of have a wishlist of things, the two bug fixes above included, but there is nothing that i'm like "THEY MUST DO THIS NOW." It sounds like we'll be getting a Final Frontier-like system and new biomes in 0.26, both of which will be awesome. It would also be nice if we got some new Mk. 3 plane parts (though the last thing I saw about that made it sound like they were hedging on how soon we would get those). I'm curious as to what the feature that is taking up the art department's time up is about, and for which the code behind the destructible buildings is a base for.

I suppose from a selfish modding (or self-modding) standpoint, I would love an easier way to customize the tech tree, but I have a feeling that's not a high priority thing at the moment.

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Most of my hopes are in "do not even think about it" list and probably unrealistic, but I am very happy if they put biomes on planets as rumored. And more scientific stuff would be nice. Different things in different places. You could make liquid chemistry on shorelines, drill mineral samples on rock outcrops, search microbes from Laythe and have other planet specific advanced science when you have enough points from a certain planet.

For example. There are scientifically interesting elements with funny names beginning K. They give science points depending on how abundant that stuff is. There are negligible concentrations in most places, but couple of very rich deposits in some biomes on some planets. Some elements are possible to find by using mapping orbital spectrometer, but some need rover exploration or low altitude flight in atmosphere. Or even boats. The Mobile lab could have separately purchaseable options to investigate these elements. Maybe 1-3 at a time.

Such a system could have versatile set of functions at relatively low programming costs. Same program code could be used to handle many scientific resources and they would not need separate parts with laborious 3D-models and textures. But maybe this is one kind of resource management stuff, which is not allowed to suggest. And in any case 0.26 will be too soon and we know already that Squad have already other large projects.

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Added to my perennial request for a resource mining system, I would like:

- First and for all, better usage of the current Unity engine. It would help a lot with the x64 shenanigans and would add some nifty possibilities for modders ( like different Views in different screens ... there is already a mod for that, but it is basically two simultaneous KSP instances synched up via TCP/IP , that ,while opening a lot of possibilities ( LAN multiplayer, anyone ? ;) ), is quite wasteful in terms of resources compared with using a native Unity supported feature )

- Some work in the UI logic ( and in the UI look, if you can find the time for that ). The UI in general is plagued with various levels of mismatching stuff and it is definitely not user friendly. For just two personal pet peeves, there is the tweak control of fuel, RCS, whatever, that is done via discrete increments in a bar. Why can't we simply type the value we want? I might want to open my parachute at something between 50 and 350 m of the surface or have exactly 32,4 L of LF in a tank, thank you :/ The second is the fact that, when you crash a ship and open the choose autosave window via Alt-F5, the Crash report window gets in top and you can't push it to side or put it behind the autosave one. That is bad design , Harv ;)

- Tweak the surface related stuff. This means both retextures to planets ( I can't stand the intersecting full crater rims in the Mun ... it simply doesn't work like that in RL ), fix the rover wheels issues ( especially the locked suspension after a bump syndrome ) and the terrain glitches that plague any planetary surface you want to rover in ( like the invisible bumps and the areas where gravity pulls to anywhere besides straight down ). This one I reckon it probably is Unity related, but with some luck, Unity 5 will help with that ...

- Balance better the contracts and the science output in the game. Yeah, I know that there is people that is of the opinion that the science outputs of instruments is OK in magnitude everywhere. I'm not one of those :/ Contracts in Normal mode are also out of the scale IMHO ( others might disagree , though ... )

OK, I think I made a shopping list instead of a resume of desired features for next patch :D But I would be very happy if atleast two of the above point would be addressed in 0.26 ,since all of them are in line with the stuff SQUAD has been making since 0.22

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- Multi-monitor support (e.g. map view on one, craft view on other)

- Better orbit predicitions with changes of SOI

- Weather!

The Better SOI thing would be nice. I was trying to get back to Kerbin with limited fuel from Laythe. At first I thought I had it until a sudden run through someone's SOI that the game didn't bother telling me about completely undid a burn I had made, only to be later bailed by by Laythe ejecting me from Jool in such a way that I could get home (again, without the game telling me about it ahead of time).

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- Multi-monitor support (e.g. map view on one, craft view on other)

- Better orbit predicitions with changes of SOI

- Weather!

The multi-monitor support would be very high on my list, however i fear it isn't even on squad's.

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The multi-monitor support would be very high on my list, however i fear it isn't even on squad's.

I assume that is because it is one of those features that everyone would be happy to have, but that is not actively requested as much as that...

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I assume that is because it is one of those features that everyone would be happy to have, but that is not actively requested as much as that...

Probably because people don't really think about it, there isn't a mod for it. If only i had the time.

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I would like small rover tires that can retract like the plane tires sorta. this whole cargo bay stuff is new to me, but it already seems to be hard to fit a rover in there.

and on that note, some kind of rover science, or maybe just rep. I mean anytime curiosity finds something on mars we hear about it on the news amirite?

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I would personally like performance boosts, lagging on my beast of a machine is ridiculous.

Seriously what do you build that a gtx 760 and an i5 can't handle?

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