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Episode Five: Arboreal Invaders | It's Hardly Rocket Science

Capt'n Skunky

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The bios on the site aren\'t correct. We\'ve made some changes and I haven\'t updated it. Was hoping to get some new artwork for their profile pics but Sordid been dragging his feet. :P

It\'s fixed now.


Capt\'n Skunky

Kerbal Comics

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I\'m glad everyone likes it. It\'s shame because there\'s always one idiot on reddit that gives us crap over it.


I mean, I can handle the criticism, but that guy just chafes my ass.


Capt\'n Skunky

Kerbal Comics

I know how you feel but for me its normal but for this How is it awful its either he\'s Butthurt,Troll,or just plain stupid Because apparently lecorboosier is one of thoose
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I\'m glad everyone likes it. It\'s shame because there\'s always one idiot on reddit that gives us crap over it.


I mean, I can handle the criticism, but that guy just chafes my ass.


Capt\'n Skunky

Kerbal Comics

What an ignorant ---- he is!

Keep up the great work! These comics are just awesome!

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It\'s shame because there\'s always one idiot on reddit that gives us crap over it.


I mean, I can handle the criticism, but that guy just chafes my ass.

I think I agree with some of his points on a basic level, but he\'s too busy being an asshat to articulate them in a constructive way.

To be fair, it is clear that the team in general is inexperienced at authoring comics, but why anyone would hold that against you five strips into the your first comic ever is beyond me.

His point about Bill and Bob being indistinguishable actually reminds me of a comic strip I drew in grade school about two space aliens who observed Earth, made witty (for an eleven-year-old) comments, and had silly adventures. The two were physically identical and could only be identified by their personalities. After a few experimental strips similar to your own, one became a sarcastic jerkass and the other a ditzy loon, much like Bill and Bob currently.

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Meh, all I see is a wall of text with zero explanation whatsoever on what can be done differently. He has zero credibility on what he says unless he can bring forth the intestinal fortitude to say something helpful.

I\'m pretty certain though, that\'s about as likely as it would be for a shark to bust through the floor under me in the middle of Iowa.

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