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Mk2 Lightning Cockpit for B9 Aerospace v1.3 (FAR drag fixed)


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  K3|Chris said:
What's with all the B9 hate? If it's too heavy for you remove the parts you don't use, all HX parts are in one folder, the other sizes aren't hard to find either, they're clearly labeled.

B9 is great. Ive used it before, but I have other mods I use now... and in this case... all I want is this cockpit... I dont want any of the B9 parts... so Id be downloading B9... to get the dependancies only... and thats just a hassle...

EDIT: That being said... I just looked at B9... and seeing that you only support NEAR or FAR has immediately turned me off of anything that involves the pack.

Edited by Avalon304
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  BahamutoD said:
It's not just you, but its not everyone (at least I can get the crew out on my side). I haven't a clue whats causing it yet..

We saw this on the KSOS, back when the Super 25 was in development. In that situation, when the shuttle had a payload in it, crew couldnt exit the craft because the hatch was blocked. When the craft had no payload the hatch worked fine. I cant remember what was done to fix it, but I think it involved moving the hatch location.

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  Avalon304 said:
B9 is great. Ive used it before, but I have other mods I use now... and in this case... all I want is this cockpit... I dont want any of the B9 parts... so Id be downloading B9... to get the dependancies only... and thats just a hassle...

EDIT: That being said... I just looked at B9... and seeing that you only support NEAR or FAR has immediately turned me off of anything that involves the pack.

I wasnt overly thrilled it relied on FAR or NEAR either but am learning to live with NEAR, I absolutely love B9 Pack its a shame there couldn't have been 2 versions 1 for stock aerodynamics and one for the die hards who want realism

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  Virtualgenius said:
I wasnt overly thrilled it relied on FAR or NEAR either but am learning to live with NEAR, I absolutely love B9 Pack its a shame there couldn't have been 2 versions 1 for stock aerodynamics and one for the die hards who want realism

FAR actually makes plane building easier. It allows you to use common sense instead of "KSP-sense". My first plane that was good for anything was built with FAR.

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  Dragon01 said:
FAR actually makes plane building easier. It allows you to use common sense instead of "KSP-sense". My first plane that was good for anything was built with FAR.

Your a Die Hard Dragon01 so you would love Far but for us simple folk stock aerodynamics is all we need

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  Virtualgenius said:
Your a Die Hard Dragon01 so you would love Far but for us simple folk stock aerodynamics is all we need

No, not even simple folk should suffer the atrocity that is stock aerodynamics model. :) You can use NEAR, too. The earlier you get used to it, the better, especially since the stock aerodynamics are going out of window after 0.90.

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  Avalon304 said:
B9 is great. Ive used it before, but I have other mods I use now... and in this case... all I want is this cockpit... I dont want any of the B9 parts... so Id be downloading B9... to get the dependancies only... and thats just a hassle...

I don't really get that, the cockpit on it's own is pretty pointless.

  Avalon304 said:
EDIT: That being said... I just looked at B9... and seeing that you only support NEAR or FAR has immediately turned me off of anything that involves the pack.

That's a badly phrased part of the thread, I'll ask em to adjust it, our stock craft files only support FAR/NEAR because we didn't want to spend the time making them work in FAR, NEAR and stock, we'd have to make separate alternate versions for stock, and we're not interested in bloating the ship list that much nor does any of us play with stock aero, stock aero is frankly a waste of time with airplanes, you don't notice it as much in a rocket, but stock aero in a plane is real goofy, but B9 still works as well as is possible in stock aero.

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  K3|Chris said:
[...]stock aero is frankly a waste of time with airplanes[...]

this bit is important. you should read it again. if you are flying airplanes, stock aero is not helping. if you ONLY fly rockets, then you have no specific benefit for switching to FAR/NEAR, but if you ever fly a single aircraft, then you should just go get FAR (or near, if info-rich GUIs scare you) and just stop the pain. you're only hurting yourself by doing it the hard way.

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  Dragon01 said:
No, not even simple folk should suffer the atrocity that is stock aerodynamics model. :) You can use NEAR, too. The earlier you get used to it, the better, especially since the stock aerodynamics are going out of window after 0.90.

Well, 0.90 is... quite far away, especially ate the rate at which Squad releases major updates....

  K3|Chris said:
I don't really get that, the cockpit on it's own is pretty pointless.

Why would it be pointless on its own? Its a Mk 2 cockpit that looks like it would mesh well (outside of texture issues) with SpacePlane+ (or if youre on 0.25 the now stock parts). I have pWing if I need to make my own wings, and a couple different engines. So why would I need all of B9s plane parts? Additionally I fly the KSO shuttle as my "rocket" program, so I have no need to build rockets, so I wouldnt need B9s rocket parts (if there even are any, its been a while since Ive looked indepth into the pack.).

  K3|Chris said:
That's a badly phrased part of the thread, I'll ask em to adjust it, our stock craft files only support FAR/NEAR because we didn't want to spend the time making them work in FAR, NEAR and stock, we'd have to make separate alternate versions for stock, and we're not interested in bloating the ship list that much nor does any of us play with stock aero, stock aero is frankly a waste of time with airplanes, you don't notice it as much in a rocket, but stock aero in a plane is real goofy, but B9 still works as well as is possible in stock aero.

Fair enough, if the parts still work in stock but you just arent supporting the stock craft files then I can understand that.

  AetherGoddess said:
this bit is important. you should read it again. if you are flying airplanes, stock aero is not helping. if you ONLY fly rockets, then you have no specific benefit for switching to FAR/NEAR, but if you ever fly a single aircraft, then you should just go get FAR (or near, if info-rich GUIs scare you) and just stop the pain. you're only hurting yourself by doing it the hard way.

I fly a space shuttle the KSO) in stock aero and its a brick, but so was the real one... and I had several fighter jet type planes (which I used with BDArmory, since removed due to a bug.) and I had no issues with stock aero. I dont need realistic aero dynamic modeling (and in fact the KSO shuttle doesnt support FAR or NEAR), so I fly just fine in stock with no issues beyond being bad at actually building planes. I have 0 reason to install FAR or NEAR. It does nothing to help me, and will hinder my space program more than it will help. If the KSO supported FAR or NEAR I would consider it (additoinally I run 64-bit... and they dont run on that)... but until that point, they are both no good.

Additionally... I did not meant to crowd this thread with mostly off topic discussion (if youd like to continue this please PM me). I feel it would be best to return the topic of discussion to the cockpit. Sorry Baha.

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I really, really love this cockpit. The visibility is just amazing. :) It'd be great if you could also make a 1.25m version of it, or at least a similar one with such a high visiblity. Also wouldn't mind a 1-Kerbal version.

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I really like this cockpit :)

However, I seem to be having serious aerodynamic issues with this and FAR (v1.2 of this and v0.14.3 of FAR). Maybe it's something specific that changed about FAR, but the cockpit is generating a lot of drag and I seem to be putting myself in uncontrollable spins very easily.

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