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KScale64 v1.2.2 16th April 2017

Paul Kingtiger

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No issues or problems to report, I just wanted to say how exceptional this mod is in my opinion and how much I enjoy it. One thing I always want in kerbal is things to be very large scale. My bases, stations and ships are all as big as can be and I don't hold back, but one thing I was always finding is that the world itself seemed so small in comparison to how easy it was to get into orbit, to other planets, etc. Well, I can safely say that relaunching my all-in-one B9 HX station equipped with karbonite collectors for orbital refueling was quite the challenge. The station on normal ksp took about 2 mins of my time to get from KSC to the ideal orbital position, with 64k, I was still struggling in the lower atmos. and I loved it. The challenge is great and quite well balanced, where nothing is technically harder, it's just bigger. I just wanted to once again thank you for this great mod. Keep up the great work.

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Upon using 64K with SVE and scatterer, it would appear that 64K is incompatible with these visual mods, as there are black artifacts on the oceans and the surface pokes through the clouds in map view. If there is an additional step that I could take to make SVE and 64K work correctly with one another, I would appreciate the advice!

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5 hours ago, fallout2077 said:

Upon using 64K with SVE and scatterer, it would appear that 64K is incompatible with these visual mods, as there are black artifacts on the oceans and the surface pokes through the clouds in map view. If there is an additional step that I could take to make SVE and 64K work correctly with one another, I would appreciate the advice!

Unfortunately any rescale of the kerbin system pretty much guarantees artifact'ing and "static-y" looking clouds at a distance, at least it did in 1.0.5 as there was no workaround, so keep your fingers crossed for this getting fixed as people figure out just what they can do in 1.1 with Unity 5. 

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13 minutes ago, frencrs said:

Unfortunately any rescale of the kerbin system pretty much guarantees artifact'ing and "static-y" looking clouds at a distance, at least it did in 1.0.5 as there was no workaround, so keep your fingers crossed for this getting fixed as people figure out just what they can do in 1.1 with Unity 5. 

Actually it's possible to make any rescale work with EVE clouds, you just need to change the altitude parameters to match the rescale

I have no idea about scattarer, you will probably need to go into the cfgs and edit them manually 1 by 1

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6 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

Actually it's possible to make any rescale work with EVE clouds, you just need to change the altitude parameters to match the rescale

I have no idea about scattarer, you will probably need to go into the cfgs and edit them manually 1 by 1

Thanks, Sigma. I've actually been wanting to give your rescale mod a shot, but I've been intimidated by all of the parameters requiring editing.

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3 hours ago, Tellion said:

It should (someone correct me if I am wrong) come out to 9143 kg/m³


1 hour ago, Citizen247 said:

The density of the Earth is  5,515.3 kg/

...something doesn't seem right here :D 

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Might I suggest a version number bump.  The title "64K v1.1.4.0" really looks as if this is the version for use with ksp 1.1.  A bump to 2/3/4/5/6 would alleviate the problem now and forever.  And a bug release like ksp 1.1 is as good a time as any to change a number.

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Just in case any one was wondering, I tried using this on ksp 1.1 x64 win, with the updated version of kopernicus in the hopes that the configs didn't need any fiddling, unfortunately it does not work. Loading a game or starting a new one results in a pitch black screen instead of the KSC, the UI is still there but nothing in the game scene.

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8 minutes ago, Akira_R said:

Just in case any one was wondering, I tried using this on ksp 1.1 x64 win, with the updated version of kopernicus in the hopes that the configs didn't need any fiddling, unfortunately it does not work. Loading a game or starting a new one results in a pitch black screen instead of the KSC, the UI is still there but nothing in the game scene.

This is a currently known bug with Kopernicus.  It might work if you copy your 64k folder from a 1.0.5 install (but of course using the new version of Kopernicus).

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12 minutes ago, blowfish said:

This is a currently known bug with Kopernicus.  It might work if you copy your 64k folder from a 1.0.5 install (but of course using the new version of Kopernicus).

I guess I'm a little confused, you say I should try using the 64k folder from 1.0.5 isn't that the current version of this mod? Plus since as you say the problem is in kopernicus how will that change anything? Sorry if there is something obvious I'm missing here lol

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11 minutes ago, Akira_R said:

I guess I'm a little confused, you say I should try using the 64k folder from 1.0.5 isn't that the current version of this mod? Plus since as you say the problem is in kopernicus how will that change anything? Sorry if there is something obvious I'm missing here lol

You heard right.  The problem is in generating some cache files which get put in the 64k folder.  If those cache files exist already, then it will not try to generate them again (instead just using the existing cache) so you get around the bug.

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10 minutes ago, blowfish said:

You heard right.  The problem is in generating some cache files which get put in the 64k folder.  If those cache files exist already, then it will not try to generate them again (instead just using the existing cache) so you get around the bug.

Interesting and good to know!! I guess I'm making a new 1.0.5 install when I get home to try it out lol, never actually used 64k before, usually use kscale2 but that is to easy now and the mass fractions are too low.

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