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[WIP] Infernal Robotics Robotic Arms


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So, we all have been using Infernal Robotics and it's myriad of parts. The one thing I've always read in the thread and elsewhere is "gee, I really love these parts but golly the joints just wobble, is there anything you can do to fix it?" Short answer is Unity just won't be nice. So I've been off and on for roughly a month in conjunction with getting parts to move in the VAB/SPH a new Infernal Robotics ARM mod. I've been sharing my progress on the modders irc channel but I figured I would give a preview here of what is coming.

What makes this special? The beauty is anyone who is a modeller (who follows some simple rules) can now make a full robotic arm part along with some simple CFG parameters will have a fully working robotic arm! RoverDude was gracious enough to give me a model to use as a test case so I know exactly how to write the documentation up for others to make their own robotic arms.

Here's a video of the WIP(with debug coordinate information present)

The hierarchy in blender is (each part must have it's origin set at it's point of rotation):





name = InfernalRoboticsArms

transformName = model/HingeBase_001 ,HingeMiddle_001, Arm_001, HingeBase_002, HingeMiddle_002, Arm_002, HingeBase_003, HingeMiddle_003, Arm_003, HingeBase_004, HingeMiddle_004, HingeTip_004

vector = f, u, u, f, u, u, f, u, u, f, u, u

speed = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0

forwardLimit = Full, 90, 90, Full, 90, 90, Full, 90, 90, Full, 90, 90

reverseLimit = Full,-90, -90, Full, -90, -90, Full, -90, -90, Full, -90, -90

cameraObject = HingeTip_004


As you can see I have the movement working well but I have just a few more major goals in order to release it out into the wild to a few modders who hopefully show an interest.

  1. A magnetize/docking utilizing either the "claw" ability or roll my own magnetize code similar to KAS.
  2. Provide a camera window so you can do accurate alignment to another craft/item/etc.

Just to demonstrate how versatile this is can also use Romfarer's awesome Lazor Robotic Arm pack's Buran arm with this plugin.

All you would need is an untouched model.mu from his pack and a CFG with these settings:




name = InfernalRoboticsArms

transformName = model/Buran/arm_base/Arm_base_rotate, arm_shoulder, Arm_shoulder_long, arm_elbow_long, Arm_whist, Arm_whist_rotate

vector = u, f, l, r, r, f

speed = 5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0

forwardLimit = 90, Full, 42, 107, 90, 90

reverseLimit = -90, Full, -212, -163, -90, -90

cameraObject = Arm_whist_rotate


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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Also does this or will it support gantries?

I haven't done one yet but I don't see why not. It's just a different transform manipulation. I will make a note to respond again with the results.

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So it comes as a single part with multiple joints? Can you put two or more joints at the same place, for instance make a kind of motorized universal joint that could move on two or more axis? Is there any method to control the joints individually through keyboard or action groups planned? Looks great by the way :)

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  Darren9 said:
So it comes as a single part with multiple joints? Can you put two or more joints at the same place, for instance make a kind of motorized universal joint that could move on two or more axis? Is there any method to control the joints individually through keyboard or action groups planned? Looks great by the way :)

No joints. It's ONE model with transform manipulations.

This is why Lazors robotic arms don't wobble at its "joints."

I will be expanding functionality and should hope to do multi axis manipulations aka ball joint. Keyboard and action groups will eventually be implemented I just want to get hard parts done first.

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OK, that did it. As soon as I'm through with my lab report, I'm going to start working on the 0.25 CSS update. :) BTW, is there any (easy to do with an untouched .mu) to also add a grabber at the end?

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I have no idea what im doing but i just replaced the lazor module in the CSS arm with your module thingy... booting up to see if it works (hint: it wont)

Yeah didnt even show up in parts list... Where do I stick the config?

Edited by montyben101
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  montyben101 said:
I have no idea what im doing but i just replaced the lazor module in the CSS arm with your module thingy... booting up to see if it works (hint: it wont)

Yeah didnt even show up in parts list... Where do I stick the config?

This is a SEPARATE mod that hasn't been released yet. I was merely demonstrating how easy it will be for molders to make their own arm part. I'd say it's only 50% done as I still need to get camera view, magnetize to other craft and a few other things finished.

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
You say this doesn't use joints. I presume that means you cannot surface attach parts to the sides of it then (making that the key difference between this and the rework for example)?

Pretty much. That's how the Lazor arms perform. This will at least give modders the ability to craft an arm that they always use and not have to build another one each time. I'm basically giving people both options. I am working out the math (which is a pure .....) of having just 1 joint at the "top" of the robotic arm so people can attach whatever item they wish to it.

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Would that be possible to assign attach nodes to specific parts of the arm? You know, for things like RPM cameras, additional equipment, etc. Also, I would prefer the "grabber" at the end to optionally be a separate part, if possible (with the arm's end only having an attach node). The arm could then be used with a variety of end effectors.

Edited by Guest
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  Dragon01 said:
Would that be possible to assign attach nodes to specific parts of the arm? You know, for things like RPM cameras, additional equipment, etc. Also, I would prefer the "grabber" at the end to optionally be a separate part, if possible (with the arm's end only having an attach node). The arm could then be used with a variety of end effectors.

The attach node at the end is my vision whether or not I can tackle the math is yet to be figured out. Attaching other stuff will not be allowed but I will give a how-to for modelers to add empty gameobjects of they wish to use RPM with their arm. Also later much later I will be adding support for CONTROLLING the robotic arms through RPM buttons so you can have a full IVA experience. I have a lot to do but baby steps.

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  sirkut said:
The attach node at the end is my vision whether or not I can tackle the math is yet to be figured out. Attaching other stuff will not be allowed but I will give a how-to for modelers to add empty gameobjects of they wish to use RPM with their arm. Also later much later I will be adding support for CONTROLLING the robotic arms through RPM buttons so you can have a full IVA experience. I have a lot to do but baby steps.

The issue I see with it is that you might have multiple cameras (say, effector and shoulder joint, as with CanadArm) on a single arm. I'm not sure if you can do that in RPM. My idea for the nodes would be to somehow "attach" them to a specific part of the arm. This should work the same as the end effector node, only moving around with a different part. Now that I think of it, something like that could actually allow making arms with multiple effectors, or, perhaps, where the effector and the mount are interchangeable (much like, say, on CanadArm 2).

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  Dragon01 said:
The issue I see with it is that you might have multiple cameras (say, effector and shoulder joint, as with CanadArm) on a single arm. I'm not sure if you can do that in RPM. My idea for the nodes would be to somehow "attach" them to a specific part of the arm. This should work the same as the end effector node, only moving around with a different part. Now that I think of it, something like that could actually allow making arms with multiple effectors, or, perhaps, where the effector and the mount are interchangeable (much like, say, on CanadArm 2).

Not happening. Modders can add transforms and I do believe RPM via a CFG the user can specify the name of the transform to look for as a camera just as you can cycle through the dockingNode (which all have the same transform name.)

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  MrMeeb said:
So does this mod also intend to fix the wobbling that has caused so many of us to loose shuttles while attempting to construct a space station? :wink:

It will behave the same way that the lazor robotic arms function which worst exhibit wobbling since it is done differently. You have prebuilt arms provided, I hope, by modders instead of building them.

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