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[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)


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Absolutely wonderful! Thanks so much!

You are very welcome. :)

I just wanted to report, that the StockPlusController.zip gives me the message it would be broken after download, and ist size is increased to before, is everything ok with it?

It's just a small text file, so that doesn't sound right. Which link did you use? The drop box or the Git?



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Anyone else experiencing kerbals going on EVA having their temperatures rise from normal to around 64% critical temp in a matter of seconds? I didn't start seeing this until the most recent update.

They aren't exploding or anything, though that might be kinda funny if they did.

I also have this happening regardless of location.

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Amazing work Claw, thank you so much!!!

I have, however, run into a problem with the HighestSpeedFix. Whenever I launch a craft straight up and go over 750 m/s (the default speed limit in the F3 screen), the Flight Log immediately indicates a max speedof 1501 m/s (whereas the actual speed is ~767 m/s, see image below).


Sometimes the Flight Log records the correct speed, but mostly it jumps straight to 1501 m/s as soon as the craft goes over 750 m/s. Since this is twice the original F3 Flight Log max speed of 750 m/s, it might be related to the native issue? The craft itself might be part of the problem as it is a multi-rocket I use for stock aero testing purposes*. I've uploaded the craft file here if you want to have a look at it. To launch: throttle up full, activate SAS and press SPACE. After launching switch to the other rocket with "]".

This is with StockBugFixModules v1.0.4c.2 and ModuleManager 2.6.8. Additionally, I have AsteroidDay, Kerbal Engineer Redux and TAC fuel balancer installed, let me know if you need any other information.

* Doesn't seem to be related to the craft, launched a simple rocket and experienced the same problem...

Edited by Yakuzi
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Claw - MASFix is throwing errors in the editor when the stock airbrakes are selected.

With StockPlus enabled it throws an "object reference not set" error. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ipevp610595ihq8/MASFix%20Plus%20Enabled.txt?dl=0.

And with StockPlus disabled it throws a "look rotation viewing vector is zero" error. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ntu07za29uy020u/MASFix%20Plus%20Disabled.txt?dl=0.

When I encountered this error I re-downloaded from both Dropbox and Github and deleted the items in the StockPlusFixes folder before re-installing. I am a little surprised this hasn't been reported yet (unless I missed it) so maybe its a mod incompatibility issue? Thanks for taking a look at this.

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I also have this happening regardless of location.

Hmm. I might need to know what other mods you guys are running. I've been fiddling with this for a while and still haven't seen it on Kerbin, Minmus, Mun, or around Duna...

Sometimes the Flight Log records the correct speed, but mostly it jumps straight to 1501 m/s as soon as the craft goes over 750 m/s. Since this is twice the original F3 Flight Log max speed of 750 m/s, it might be related to the native issue?

Ah, yeah I'm seeing it too. So what happens inside KSP is that at 750 m/s, KSP switches velocity modes. Seems that for a frame, both velocities are 750ish m/s. Since those two speeds get added together (even is stock code), it is causing a spike in the speed. I'll have to look into smooting that off.

Claw - MASFix is throwing errors in the editor when the stock airbrakes are selected.

I haven't heard other reports. I'll check it out. Thanks for the report! :)

I just read last week's Dev Note, and I noted that extensive thermal fixes are planned for 1.1, thanks to NathanKell.

It also talks about what the nature of the bugs are.

NathanKell and I have worked together pretty closely for quite a while now. In fact, he is the one that helped me get started modding. I have high hopes for the termal system. :D



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I have a problem with Overheatfix. It seems to run on opposite day on my build, causing a weird thermal issue with EVA'ed kerbals:

To be more specific, I was in Low Kerbin Orbit. EVAing from a standard Mk1 Command Pod would cause the kerbal to heat up to orange/red levels. (~500 according to the debug menu). Letting go of the capsule dissipates this heat quickly. Uninstalling FAR does help, but it still causes ~300 according to the debug menu, while under both a clean install (no mods, download fresh from Steam) and my current build without OverheatFix, it's only in single-digit levels.

My mod-list: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26985795/ksp%20opposite%20day.ckan (doesn't include StockBugFix or StockPlus because I had removed it for testing before producing the modlist) ; also have MRSLite manually installed (tanks removed), as well as tanks pruned using AutoPrune.

My output_log.txt: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26985795/output_log.txt

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I seem to be having an issue where my toolbars have all disappeared. Don't know if it is something I did or if it is interacting badly with one of my mods. Any help would be appreciated. Mods installed:

-Asteroid Day


-Interstellar Fuel Switch




-MagicSmoke Industries

-Near future (construction, props, spaceships)




-Universal Storage

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I have a problem with Overheatfix. It seems to run on opposite day on my build, causing a weird thermal issue with EVA'ed kerbals:

Uninstalling FAR does help, but it still causes ~300 according to the debug menu, while under both a clean install (no mods, download fresh from Steam) and my current build without OverheatFix, it's only in single-digit levels.

Ah, well it might be a combination of FAR and the Overheat fix then. I have no idea what FAR changes that might affect the heating in stock. You aren't the first to report heated kerbals, but a FAR interaction might be part of it. Thanks for the logs, I will dig in when I get a chance.

Also, kerbals shouldn't really be single digits anyway (depending on where you are). But 500+ is still an issue. :P

I seem to be having an issue where my toolbars have all disappeared. Don't know if it is something I did or if it is interacting badly with one of my mods. Any help would be appreciated. Mods installed:

-Asteroid Day


-Interstellar Fuel Switch




-MagicSmoke Industries

-Near future (construction, props, spaceships)




-Universal Storage

I'm not sure if you omitted my mod by mistake, or if it's because you aren't using it. This particular thread isn't for general addon troubleshooting (there is a whole forum for that). And you'll likely get better assistance there. Especially if you include log files.



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I have no idea what FAR changes that might affect the heating in stock

Here is ferram4's explanation on this:

So the basic problem seems to be that stock utterly sucks at handling parts with very low skin thermal masses; it doesn't have an overall cap on the amount of temperature change between physics frames for skin temperatures, so it can oscillate out to infinity if the skin thermal mass is small enough that the temperature change puts it well above / below the parts it's connected to. Then that difference continues to grow over time.

The main reason that FAR seems to exacerbate it is that FAR sets the skin area (and thus, the skin thermal mass) from what's actually exposed (as well as setting the stock "shielded" flag if it is completely shielded), as opposed to stock that basically does all-or-nothing, only getting minor changes from stack-attached parts, not surface attached. Adding a very quick hack to make the skin area never drop below what stock would calculate should make the problem smaller.

It won't go away, because it's a stock bug, so don't get your hopes up. All of these issues are likely to continue, because it's a stock bug. And remember, I can't fix a stock bug.

I too, with FAR installed, have experienced very warm kerbals upon going on EVA.

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I omitted your mod from the list because I thought it would be evident that I was using it since I was posting in your thread. Secondly a log file wouldn't of done any good as there weren't any errors, the game ran perfectly fine minus no toolbars. Thirdly please don't assume that since someone has a low thread count that they are new and don't know what they are doing(assumptions are why I don't use the forums). Lastly I resolved my issue by using the modmanager2.6.8 dll from another mod that I use. When I added your fixes in I overwrote the one that was already there and for whatever reason it removed, or hid my toolbars.


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Here is ferram4's explanation on this:

Well I suppose this is the problem then. Yes, it is a stock bug. The values are clamped, but clamped improperly (hence the bug). For most parts, it's fine because the clamp doesn't come into play. So rather than do noting, I've have fiddled with some of the factors for small parts to allow them to heat up, but also prevent them from overheating.

So if FAR also fiddles with the thermal values (for occlusion), then I don't know if these two mods will be compatible. I don't know how much my mod is adjusting kerbals at the moment, but the best I can do is disable it for kerbals. That would fix the overheating and prevent the thermal bar popup when using with FAR, but there might be other, less obvious issues in the background to be on the watch for.

I omitted your mod from the list because I thought it would be evident that I was using it since I was posting in your thread. Secondly a log file wouldn't of done any good as there weren't any errors, the game ran perfectly fine minus no toolbars. Thirdly please don't assume that since someone has a low thread count that they are new and don't know what they are doing(assumptions are why I don't use the forums). Lastly I resolved my issue by using the modmanager2.6.8 dll from another mod that I use. When I added your fixes in I overwrote the one that was already there and for whatever reason it removed, or hid my toolbars.


In that case I apologize. Please understand that I spend nearly all of my time in the support forum, so assuming that people know things without asking is also problematic, and I get general bug help requests in all of my major threads, as well as via PM and email. I don't mean to offend by asking questions and pointing out where things are, just trying to understand before I spend time downloading a mod list to replicate a problem. Also, it's difficult for me to know that there aren't any errors in your log if I can't see the log, or am not at least told so.

I do appreciate you telling me about a possible MM .dll issue. I apparently also had some corruption issues with the StockPlusController during the last upload. So I will check it out. Thanks for letting me know.



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I installed the wheel fix module (and only that module), and it seems to have attracted a Kraken. So apparently, I can't use rovers without the bug fix (no brakes), and can't use them with it because it breaks... :P

This thread has craft file and video/description of the problem.

Aviation Lights (AviationLights 3.7)

Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.6)

Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 2.1)

Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.7.4)

Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.2.0)

Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.4.0.0)

Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 0.5.4)

Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux

Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.2.2)

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.4)

MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2 2.5.3)

Menu Stabilizer (MenuStabilizer 1)

Modular Fuel Tanks (ModularFuelTanks 5.6.0)

Module Manager (ModuleManager 2.6.8)

Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 0.4.3)

Precise Node (PreciseNode 1.1.3)

QuantumStrutsContinued (QuantumStrutsContinued 1.3)

SCANsat (SCANsat v14.2)

ScienceAlert (ScienceAlert 1.8.9)

Stock Bug Fix Modules (StockBugFixModules v1.0.4c.2)

Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (StationPartsExpansion 0.3.3)

TAC Fuel Balancer (TacFuelBalancer v2.5.1)

Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager 2.4.2)

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Claw, I noticed your neat little parachute spread function in the stock plus mod causes drag chutes behind a plane to drag through the ground. Any way to correct this behavior? I had two stack drouges in symmetry mounted to some fuselage on either side of the main body of a Mk1 plane when this happened. Of course these were placed in Mirror mode.

Edited by Alshain
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Does the wheel fix work on existing craft that were launched without the fix installed?

Yes, it works with already launched (in-flight) vehicles. I believe I put a self adjustment on there for some of the brakes, but you might have to right-click on them to adjust the brake torque for any that are in-flight.

I installed the wheel fix module (and only that module), and it seems to have attracted a Kraken.

I see your thread and mod list. What would help me out the most is if you could post a log file, preferably one where the bug happens early on (so there isn't hundreds of MB to dig through). That would help me narrow it down a lot faster. Or (ideally) if you could copy KSP to a new install, add the stock bug fixes, then put in the other mods a few at a time to see if that narrows it down. But I kinda do need at least a log file to get started.

Because of how I try to act on the stock code in a non-interference basis, sometimes other mods pull stock parts out from under my code. So I need a little more info to help find where that's happening so I can add some safeguards.

Claw, I noticed your neat little parachute spread function in the stock plus mod causes drag chutes behind a plane to drag through the ground. Any way to correct this behavior?

I'm guessing that these parachutes were probably on the underside of the plane. Right now they basically deflect away from their mounting point, perpendicular to the airflow. So mounting on the underside of a plane is an issue for this method. I'll have to think about how to deal with this without causing other parachute configurations to go wonky on landing.



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I'll have to think about how to deal with this without causing other parachute configurations to go wonky on landing.

Could add a button in the right click menu in editor that defaults to 'deflect' on which would be the 'normal' behaviour and if you click it to turn it off, the chutes revert to stock straight line? So you could mount a couple on the underside and turn off deflection in the editor so it'd look right?

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I'm guessing that these parachutes were probably on the underside of the plane. Right now they basically deflect away from their mounting point, perpendicular to the airflow. So mounting on the underside of a plane is an issue for this method. I'll have to think about how to deal with this without causing other parachute configurations to go wonky on landing.

No, they were stack chutes (Ven's Stock Part Revamp Mk26) mounted on either side of the engines. You keep thinking about it, I'll do some more testing.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, I can't seem to make it happen again. I only saw it once and it was on the Island runway, but even still it looks wrong as a drag chute. Drag chutes shouldn't be angled from the plane, they should be straight back and stock already does that. In my subsequent tests, your mod is making them angle upward now (I don't know why I saw them in the ground earlier).

Fortunately, Drag chutes are only deployed after touchdown in real life. What I would do if you can is if the crafts state is landed (i.e. it is moving along the ground) do not apply your parachute effects, let stock handle it. They should extend straight back.

- - - Updated - - -

Made it happen again! It seems to be almost random. EDIT: Not random, it was the nacelle position, underside did indeed put them in the ground, level or above put them upward. /EDIT It will extend up from the plane or down from the plane. Ideally it wouldn't do either.



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Hey Claw, I have another overheat issue for ya, except it's coming from a mod, the anchor hub from RoverDudes MKS. You'll have to construct it in the field to reproduce, but I'll give you a video showing how.

Required mods:



MKS and Karibou Expedition Rover plus the dependencies included in the download of the two.

Craft file: http://sta.sh/01h8qxf8wfqa

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Could add a button in the right click menu in editor that defaults to 'deflect' on which would be the 'normal' behaviour and if you click it to turn it off, the chutes revert to stock straight line?

Perhaps I'll make it a slider instead. So you can decide how much you want them to deflect (more or less, as you desire).

Hey Claw, I have another overheat issue for ya, except it's coming from a mod, the anchor hub from RoverDudes MKS.

Huh, interesting. I'm not sure if that's some weird variation of the existing bug, or something new.

Thanks for the video and craft file. Not sure when I'll get to this, since my regular life is a little busy at the moment. But I do appreciate you narrowing down the mods and providing a succinct video. :)



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