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[1.0.2] Naten's Active Texture Management Configs [v0.1.4]


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This mod contains config files for Active Texture Manager, a mod made by rbray89. It fixes issues with certain parts, and their part folders' names being changed, which causes ugly rendering of those parts with Active Texture Management.

Screenshots! (before and after)

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  Naten said:
I threw together a quick fix for [the mod's] Squad config. Its code does not work alone, it needs the overrides from the config in BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/.

Place the folder in the .zip file inside your GameData folder. The folder in the .zip file is called "Naten", so the GameData folder structure should be something like this: GameData/Naten/...

Also includes another config to prevent compression of strategy icons in the admin building.

The original config references the old names for the part folders for the RCS fuel tank and the winglet. To fix really ugly rendering of these parts, the normal list has been corrected.

Thanks rbray89 for the configs included in your mod that I based my fixes off of, and for the mod that I supply these fixes for.

The mod also includes fixes for Ferram Aerospace Research and Tac Life Support, to prevent the toolbar icons from being compressed into a pixelated mess. More fixes will come soon!

-Naten :)

Download the fix here.

I am NOT, in any way, shape, or form, nor do I claim to be, the creator, owner, or contributor to Active Texture Management.

This is an add-on to the Active Texture Management plugin, which is NOT mine, and I do not claim any form of ownership of the mod. This additional set of config files is simply to improve one's experience with using rbray89's amazing mod, and to fix certain parts looking awful, like the 2.5m RCS fuel tank.

License (MIT):


This is Active Texture Management's license, and to comply with MIT, I stuck with the same license. Though this is not code, it still could be considered part of rbray89's mod in certain cases. If I am wrong, please tell me so I can use a proper license, I suck at mod licensing! :wink:

Edited by Naten
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-Added a config to not scale the static solar panel's textures, by request
-Fixed ferram aerospace research override config to be more like the TAC life support one
-Ferram aerospace research toolbar icon overrides
-Squad agency icon overrides
-TAC Life Support toolbar icon overrides.
-first Squad overrides

Edited by Naten
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Of course! I will add pictures once KSP loads. :)

EDIT: Screenshots added! :)

The TAC life support icon fixes config simply makes the TAC window button be marked with an override that makes Active Texture Management not compress it, since compression is not needed, and since the image that is used as the icon button's texture is at such a low resolution already, it makes it horribly pixelated, and in my eyes, awful and ugly. Basically, all of these configs are eyesore fixes.

Also, for some reason, FAR's toolbar icon is a black square for me if I don't have my configs installed. It seems the configs fix this issue, too. ;)

Thanks and cheers,

-Naten :)

Edited by Naten
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  Naten said:
Of course! I will add pictures once KSP loads. :)

EDIT: Screenshots added! :)

The TAC life support icon fixes config simply makes the TAC window button be marked with an override that makes Active Texture Management not compress it, since compression is not needed, and since the image that is used as the icon button's texture is at such a low resolution already, it makes it horribly pixelated, and in my eyes, awful and ugly. Basically, all of these configs are eyesore fixes.

Also, for some reason, FAR's toolbar icon is a black square for me if I don't have my configs installed. It seems the configs fix this issue, too. ;)

Thanks and cheers,

-Naten :)

Veeery nice :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Over in the KSP Interstellar thread, there's been reports that ATM is causing problems with KSPI's warpdrive effect. I've experienced it personally, the effect is supposed to be red and blue, but with ATM installed the effect is still there, and it's the right shape, but the textures are all black.

Apparently, there's a way to fix this with an ATM config. Usually I can fix config problems on my own, and then post what I did to fix it. However, I have no idea what I'm doing with ATM configs, so in this case, I'm seeking external help.

Here's the start of the posts in the interstellar thread that describe the problem. Total of 5 relatively short posts on issues that ATM causes with KSPI.

3 of them on the issue with the warp effect, then one on a problem with radiator heat glow appearing wrong, then a post with a tip about how to fix the warp drive effect.

By the way, keep up the good work! These graphical issues might not crash the game, but fixing them does make the game look a lot better.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the fix! certainly makes the difference. I have textures in a texture replacer folder (reflective visor and others from proots work until a 0.90 eve/renaissance pack is done) and some other icons id like to write exemptions for with ATM. can you post a basic 101 on how to approach the problem?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Naten,

I have added some more configs to fix icons for:

B9 Procedural Wings


Distant Object Enhancement








...and few others

You can download the fix from here:


All i request that you in the original post put attribution that I have contributed with these configs, otherwise feel free to use it.

Let me know when you integrate my CFGs, then I can take down dropbox link



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Not to be a nay sayer, but why not submit these to rbray to include in ATM..

That aside thanks for these


I've submitted these via pm to Rbray but here is a small collection of missing or improved upon config files. I do not claim to have authored them all..


The 'improved' have mostly just had Overides or normal added... cheers

BoxSat prototypes.cfg

Edited by Aivoh
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folder = MechJeb2

enabled = false



texture = MechJeb2/Parts/MechJeb2_Pod/model001





compress = false

mipmaps = false

scale = 1

max_size = 0

make_not_readable = false




Yet ATM still pixelates mechjeb icons. It keeps making a texturecache for mechjeb2... what am i doing wrong. This is really frustrating, messed with configs for past hour or so, nothing will fix it. Every other icon is no pixelated, only mechjeb icons.

There must be something overriding the config for it to keep making texturecache for mechjeb2... any ideas? It boggles my mind why the dev of ATM thinks compressing very small icons is needed, it aint! God, so annoying.

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This works fine for the icons, but mess up the pod. I guess I am missing the pod, you are missing the 'enabled = true' field.



folder = MechJeb2

enabled = true





compress = false

mipmaps = false

scale = 1

max_size = 0

make_not_readable = false




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  lodestar said:
This works fine for the icons, but mess up the pod. I guess I am missing the pod, you are missing the 'enabled = true' field.

Thanks mate, this fixed it for me.

No idea what caused it because before posting here I did have it on "true" before changing it to "false" on enabled part to see if it changed anything.

I pasted your config into the file, saved and it worked. The only difference from my testing is "texture = MechJeb2/Parts/MechJeb2_Pod/model001" is remove from the config file... odd, but no more pixelated icons at half res settings. Thanks mate, I'll upload all my whole config folder to fix ATM issues with pixelated icons and misc other stuff, just let me know.

None of it is my work apart from a few config tweaks, the rest is just a merging of everyone elses contributions.

EDIT: I'll post it anyway, all the configs I use for my current mods as of today.


Gets rid of pixelated icons. No credit to me, most are all the merged ones in this thread plus few random ones. Cheers

Edited by Icarus II
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  • 1 month later...


I am finally working on this...as this was the last on my to-do list...I am going over the ATM thread to finish...

Thanks for the CFGs...

Also dont forget there is a MAIN CFG file for ATM; I changed everything to false for flags/props/icons and added an Agencies cfg as well.

Cmdr Zeta

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  Nansuchao said:
Welcome back, and thanks for taking care of this. It's very very useful!

You're welcome, and thank you for the support! :D

  callmewoof said:
Thanks! In that case, are these up to date? Or should I wait until your next update?

Well, some part texture patches may be obsolete. However, the toolbar icon textures still are compressed.

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