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0.15 Easter eggs? (Obviously possible spoilers inside)


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So, according someone at the KSP subreddit, there\'s a KSC on the Mun. The OP hasn\'t responded yet as to whether this was a glitch or something he can repeatedly find, but I\'m willing to bet there\'s more things on the Mun and even Kerbin that are just waiting to be found (going straight to the ice caps when I\'m off work...). Has anyone found anything amazing yet like the Munar KSC?

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i\'ve run about three small ships out looking, i\'m trying to get a cart out there, but i\'ve never been able to get a cart safely to the mun

Are you using the cart part plugin, or the katerpillar wheels plugin? I think that using the wheels plugin would be better since you could get a lighter and more customized load.

I will be attempting this as well, now that I have learned that there are easter eggs :D

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That was me finding it on my first trip to the Mun in 14.2. It doesn\'t seem like a bug, but more like a Easter egg. It\'s really not hidden, it\'s near the equator, on the edge of a big crater. I don\'t want to say more, because it\'s part of the fun of finding things! :D

Here\'s another view:


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One thing is sure, the orientation is not the same. My last picture is pointing east, slightly slanted towards the south. On Kerbin I would be looking north to have the same view of the KSC.

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As a side note, that KSC will be removed in the next patch. It wasn\'t meant to be in the release.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

It seems it\'s just an accident and will be removed soon. So we have to find it fast, before it\'s too late :)

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