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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017


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  On 2/18/2017 at 10:17 AM, K.Yeon said:

Hmmm, i must say the cockpit is quite aerodynamic, but you are right, it shouldn't glide as well as it does now...
Also i think all of the current cockpit have very over powered reaction wheel, and your craft uses the cockpit as the whole fuselage, it could be a factor why it's gliding well.

Now i have a few things that im certain that i will rebalance:
1, the lift values, will be lowered
2, the reaction wheel, it's pitch and yaw should be lowered
3, i will move the engine's CoM forward, (since the actual body of the 2.5m and dark drive engine isn't represented)


I think also that the calculated center of lift for each part, particularly the wings, is too far forward. I don't know how the mods or the game calculates the point that forms the moment of lift. but I have noticed using OPT wings on stock bodies that the CoL is shifted forward of where it would be using stock wings. 

It might be caused by the fact that the OPT wings are a single piece and most are very long lengthwise. But I'm guessing here as I have no idea how KSP calculates where the CoL will end up. All I can say is that compared to stock parts, the OPT parts CoL seem to be too far forward.

Edited by Magnavox
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Hello i have problem with i think newest release of OPT. Im stuck on loadin screen.

KSP 1.2.2

Here is log https://www.dropbox.com/s/fcse4fyxze8834c/output_log.txt?dl=0

List of mods.

ASET Avionics 1.0

ASET Props 1.3

B9 Aerospace 6.3.1

B9 Aerospace HX 6.3.1

B9 Animation Modules 1.0.5

B9 Part Switch 1.7.1

Community Cateory Kit 1.2.0

Community Resource Pack 6.5.0

Easy Vessel Switch 1.2.0

Extraplanetary Launchpads 5.6.0

Firespitter 7.4.2

Fuel Tanks Plus 1.11.0

RasterProp Monitor 0.28

KAS 0.6.2

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 3.3.1


Lithobrake Exploration Technologies 0.4.0


OPT 1.9.1


NearFuture Electrical, Solar, Propulsion,Construction, Spacecraft

ModuleManager 2.7.5


Edited by rozwell
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  On 2/22/2017 at 1:13 AM, rozwell said:

Hello i have problem with i think newest release of OPT. Im stuck on loadin screen.

KSP 1.2.2

Here is log https://www.dropbox.com/s/fcse4fyxze8834c/output_log.txt?dl=0

List of mods.

ASET Avionics 1.0

ASET Props 1.3

B9 Aerospace 6.3.1

B9 Aerospace HX 6.3.1

B9 Animation Modules 1.0.5

B9 Part Switch 1.7.1

Community Cateory Kit 1.2.0

Community Resource Pack 6.5.0

Easy Vessel Switch 1.2.0

Extraplanetary Launchpads 5.6.0

Firespitter 7.4.2

Fuel Tanks Plus 1.11.0

RasterProp Monitor 0.28

KAS 0.6.2

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 3.3.1


Lithobrake Exploration Technologies 0.4.0


OPT 1.9.1


NearFuture Electrical, Solar, Propulsion,Construction, Spacecraft

ModuleManager 2.7.5



Ok so far I see some things you need to check.


  Reveal hidden contents

Double check your ModuleManager


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

REALLY not sure why these errors are being thrown. On its own OPT should NEVER throw an error as it is simply a parts pack so there is something screwy with your install.


Do me a favour and fully delete your OPT folder and restart the game.  IF it load up ok then you will need to reinstall OPT and test again.  If you still get errors/stalls then start removing mods one or two at a time to narrow down where the issue lies.


Also before you do this debugging can you post your ksp.log please, this file is in the game's main folder.  The output log is good for crashes but doesn't log some startup issues, the ksp.log does this so it will help narrow down the issue.

Edited by stali79
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What it looks like to me is that the stock resources have been nuked. All of them. Either because some configs have deleted those resources or because the Squad folder itself has been tampered with. Or deleted.

Might be more useful to see the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file than ksp.log at this point.

Edit: Unrelated but you also have improperly installed Mk2Expansion parts. (they're installed in Mk2Expansion-1.7.26/GameData instead of the root GameData folder)

Edit 2: Yeah, your Squad folder is gone man. There should be 318 lines where it says it's compiling various squad parts (318 of them, natch) and they're just not there. No Squad folder, no Squad RESOURCE_DEFINITIONS and there are engines and RCS parts that are trying to compile but they're choking because ModuleRCSFX or ModuleEngines* is trying to set up the module with nonexistent propellant resources)

Edited by Starwaster
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Lol im just going to post this now before in a month from now and i get to the part in my tech tree for opt parts is there any random mods out there that refuse to work with opt wings and dont allow the control surfaces to work?     I say in a month because i work 12 to 14 some odd hours a day and play ksp maybe 1 to 2 hours a night ,  and i remember on my last ksp fail thru that mk4 parts caused conflict with opt parts and my log file didnt say diddly on it

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  On 2/23/2017 at 5:08 AM, NemesisBosseret said:

Lol im just going to post this now before in a month from now and i get to the part in my tech tree for opt parts is there any random mods out there that refuse to work with opt wings and dont allow the control surfaces to work?     I say in a month because i work 12 to 14 some odd hours a day and play ksp maybe 1 to 2 hours a night ,  and i remember on my last ksp fail thru that mk4 parts caused conflict with opt parts and my log file didnt say diddly on it


I am unaware of any incompatabilities with OPT and Mk4... I use both.

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  On 2/23/2017 at 5:19 AM, stali79 said:

I am unaware of any incompatabilities with OPT and Mk4... I use both.


Last time aka 6 months or more ago i had issues.   It might of been tweak scale or one of the other 60 something mods i had.    Im on a new career and ksp mod load out now with 104 mods.  Ive completely ditched ckan because frankly its junk and caused 90% of my issues.   Ive gotten better at tweaking configs to make mods compatible with each other if needed mostly with planet packs and remote tech.    So far im running very stable with only 4 CTDS to date mostly caused from minor things i did over stressing the game engine.    If i find any bugs with opt and the 104+ mods im currently running ill let ya know.   I was just wondering if any where known for fact to be problems

KSP: 1.2.2 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
000_AT_Utils - 1.4.2
Filter Extensions -
Toolbar - 1.7.13
USI Tools - 0.8.15
AutoAction - 1.7.2
B9 Part Switch - 1.7.1
Better Science Labs Continued - 0.1.8
CactEye Telescopes -
Chatterer -
Colorful Fuel Lines - 0.3.2
Community Category Kit - 1.2.2
Community Resource Pack - 0.6.6
CommunityTechTree - 3.0.3
ConfigurableContainers -
Connected Living Space -
Contract Configurator - 1.22.2
Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2
Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose - 1.2.9
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - 3.4.1
Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.2
CustomBarnKit - 1.1.10
DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.8.1
DMagic Orbital Science -
CapCom Mission Control On The Go -
Contract Parser - 1.0.5
Contracts Window Plus -
Progress Parser - 1.0.6
Easy Vessel Switch - 1.1.1
Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.6
Firespitter - 7.4.1
Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.4.2
RasterPropMonitor - 0.28
KAS - 0.6
Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.2
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.1
KerbalKonstructs -
Feline Utility Rover - 0.3
KIS - 1.3
KramaxAutoPilotContinued -
KSP-AVC Plugin -
XT Landertron - 0.14
Infernal Robots - 2.0.7
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.3
NearFutureConstruction - 0.7.5
NearFutureElectrical - 0.8.4
NearFuturePropulsion - 0.8.2
NearFutureSolar - 0.7.2
NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.6.2
EVAHandrailsPackContinued -
Final Frontier -
DockingCameraKURS -
Outer Planets Mod - 2.0
PartCommanderContinued -
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.4
PlanetShine -
QuickSearch - 3.1.2
RCS Sounds - 5.0
RealChute -
RealPlume - Stock - 0.11.4
RemoteTech - 1.8.4
AmpYear - 1.4.6
DeepFreeze Continued... - 0.23.3
ResearchBodies - 1.8.1
RetractableLiftingSurface - 0.1.1
SCANsat -
SETI-Contracts - 1.2.2
SETI-Greenhouse - 1.2.1
SETI-ProbeParts - 1.2.2
SETI-Rebalance -
SETI-RebalanceMaterialsGoo - 1.0.9
SETI-RemoteTechConfig - 1.0.9
RecoverableEmergecyKerbalTransport - 0.4.3
ShipManifest -
SpaceY Lifters - 1.16
StageRecovery - 1.6.8
StationPartsExpansion - 0.4.3
Stock Visual Enhancements - 1.1.6
Stock Visual Terrain - 2.0.2
SXTContinued - 0.3.3
TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.12
TarsierSpaceTechnology - 6.6.1
ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.4.1
TAC Life Support - 0.12.8
Trajectories - 1.6.6
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.4
Transfer Window Planner - 1.6.1
TweakScale - 2.3.4
USI Core - 0.3.8
Karbonite - 0.8.7
Konstruction - 0.1.11
UKS - 0.50.5
Universal Storage - 1.2.1
Unmanned before Manned - 1.2.2
EVAParachutesAndEjectionSeats -
VesselViewerContinued - 0.8.3
KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.12.6
Waypoint Manager - 2.6.2
WildBlueTools - 1.12
Buffalo - 1.2.1
Airships - 2.2.4
MCM - 2.1.2
Mark One Laboratory Extensions - 1.4.9
Pathfinder - 1.6.2
[x] Science! - 5.4


Current mod load out missing a few parts pack from avc but thats most of them......

lol correction its a 141 mods but AVC is missing more than a few.

Edited by NemesisBosseret
mod inaccuracy due to AVC
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Hello! First let me say I adore OPT, especially the J and K body types!

I do have a request though...

The Dark Drive is extremely overpowered where it currently is in the tech tree. Its performance is on par with things like Karborundrum Torch Drives, in the 4,000 science points tier of CTT, only without requiring an extremely rare and hard to get resource. I therefore suggest moving it to either Applied High Energy Physics, or Specialized Plasma Propulsion -and- if possible creating an actual Dark Goo resource, with some method of either generating it in situ, or making it very expensive to fill tanks with in the VAB/SPH. It shouldn't be as hard to get as Karborundrum, because those drives are even more powerful, so I think just a very expensive VAB/SPH fillable resource would be good.

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  On 2/26/2017 at 3:00 PM, FirroSeranel said:

Hello! First let me say I adore OPT, especially the J and K body types!

I do have a request though...

The Dark Drive is extremely overpowered where it currently is in the tech tree. Its performance is on par with things like Karborundrum Torch Drives, in the 4,000 science points tier of CTT, only without requiring an extremely rare and hard to get resource. I therefore suggest moving it to either Applied High Energy Physics, or Specialized Plasma Propulsion -and- if possible creating an actual Dark Goo resource, with some method of either generating it in situ, or making it very expensive to fill tanks with in the VAB/SPH. It shouldn't be as hard to get as Karborundrum, because those drives are even more powerful, so I think just a very expensive VAB/SPH fillable resource would be good.


Actually, that's a neat concept, but likely beyond the nature of this mod.

As it was never really designed with realism in mind, more towards Real-ish.


But your idea makes me think a sort of quest line series of Goo experiments via contracts would achieve what you're looking for.

And it would make the Goo canister experiment have some sensible backstory

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  On 2/26/2017 at 11:01 PM, Nothalogh said:

Actually, that's a neat concept, but likely beyond the nature of this mod.

As it was never really designed with realism in mind, more towards Real-ish.


But your idea makes me think a sort of quest line series of Goo experiments via contracts would achieve what you're looking for.

And it would make the Goo canister experiment have some sensible backstory


Well, the dark goo might be, though there are plenty of mods of similar scope that do add a resource and a way to process it.

But the tech tree placement is an easy one-line fix. Actually I've already changed it in my own install, and it goes a long way toward balancing it. As it is, it's actually significantly more OP and game-breaking than Space Opera, which literally uses Handwavium drives made of Unobtanium. Those drives are infinitely more OP of course (like, 90 million ISP OP), but they're in the final tier of the tech tree that cost a 10k each, and you need both, -and- you have to acquire the Handwavium fuel. So moving this to the 4,000 science tier seems pretty reasonable to me, and it's certainly not a hard fix.

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... I guess I should clarify my question, then, especially given some more experimentation I've just completed...

I am attempting to build a J-type fuselage, and have a J-type cockpit, the boarding ramp, and the OPT J Inline Docking Port, which stack neatly and without fuss. However, attempting to add ANY J-type parts aft of the Docking Port section will fail. THey simply won't attach, no matter how I spin them around and try to find the angle for the node. It's quite frustrating, to say the least... :huh:

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  On 2/28/2017 at 6:14 AM, MaverickSawyer said:

... I guess I should clarify my question, then, especially given some more experimentation I've just completed...

I am attempting to build a J-type fuselage, and have a J-type cockpit, the boarding ramp, and the OPT J Inline Docking Port, which stack neatly and without fuss. However, attempting to add ANY J-type parts aft of the Docking Port section will fail. THey simply won't attach, no matter how I spin them around and try to find the angle for the node. It's quite frustrating, to say the least... :huh:


what mods are you running, it sounds like something is conflicting with the snap nodes.

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AllYAllContinued - 0.10.2
Animated Decouplers -
AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.5.10
B9 Part Switch - 1.7.1
Bluedog Design Bureau - 1.1
Bon Voyage - 0.11.1
Community Resource Pack - 0.6.6
CryoEngines - 0.4.5
DarkSideTechnology - 0.4.1
DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.8.1
DMagic Orbital Science -
CapCom Mission Control On The Go -
Contract Parser - 1.0.5
Progress Parser - 1.0.6
Firespitter - 7.4.2
Flight Plan - 1.0.1
HeatControl - 0.3.4
Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.4.1
RasterPropMonitor - 0.28
KAS - 0.6
Camera Mode Persistence - 1.0.1
KerbalAtomics - 0.3.4
KerbNet Controller - 1.0.2
KIS - 1.3
KSP-AVC Plugin -
XT Landertron - 0.15
NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE -
Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.5.2
NearFutureConstruction - 0.7.5
NearFutureElectrical - 0.8.4
NearFuturePropulsion - 0.8.4
NearFutureSolar - 0.7.2
NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.6.2
EVAHandrailsPackContinued -
RCS Build Aid - 0.9.1
RealChute -
RealPlume - Stock - 0.11.4
ReentryParticleEffect -
RetractableLiftingSurface - 0.1.1
RLA_Continued - 14.0
RoverScience - 2.2
SCANsat -
RecoverableEmergecyKerbalTransport - 0.4.3
SmartParts - 1.9.3
ToadicusToolsContinued - 0.22
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.4
Transfer Window Planner - 1.6.1
TweakableEverything - 0.1.18
TweakableEverything -
TweakScale - 2.3.4
Universal Storage - 1.2.2
WildBlueTools - 1.12
Buffalo - 1.2.1
Deep Space Exploration Vessels -
MCM - 2.1
Mobile Emitter - 2.0
Mark One Laboratory Extensions - 1.4.9
Pathfinder - 1.6.2

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