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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017


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  On 7/28/2017 at 4:48 PM, Muttzor said:


The node inside the J deployment bay at the bottom doesn't work right. If you attach to it, you will get drag. The INSIDE nodes on the ENDs of the bay work though. Hope that helps!


Thanks for that! Indeed it's a bug,

to fix it, go to: OPT/Parts/main/j_3m_depBay.cfg
go to line 61, change the LAST "node_stack_top" to "node_stack_connect01"

    node_stack_top2=0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    node_stack_bottom2=0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
    node_stack_top=0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
    node_stack_bottom=0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
    node_stack_connect01=0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, -1, 1

then it should be fine.

I spend the last couple of days play through a career campaign with couple of mods, and i think OPT parts still need some minor balancing.
Especially the new RCS ports, i was using them on a mun return capsule and 4 of those OPT rcs was all i need to get a small craft home, that's definitely over powered haha.
So ill be making a patch to adjust those along with some tech tree adjustments asap.



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  On 7/28/2017 at 10:43 PM, K.Yeon said:

Thanks for that! Indeed it's a bug,

to fix it, go to: OPT/Parts/main/j_3m_depBay.cfg
go to line 61, change the LAST "node_stack_top" to "node_stack_connect01"

    node_stack_top2=0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    node_stack_bottom2=0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
    node_stack_top=0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4
    node_stack_bottom=0.0, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4
    node_stack_connect01=0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, -1, 1

then it should be fine.

I spend the last couple of days play through a career campaign with couple of mods, and i think OPT parts still need some minor balancing.
Especially the new RCS ports, i was using them on a mun return capsule and 4 of those OPT rcs was all i need to get a small craft home, that's definitely over powered haha.
So ill be making a patch to adjust those along with some tech tree adjustments asap.




Thank you!  Will cut down on part count next time I want to cram VTOL engines in those things, since I won't have to awkwardly center the mounts using structural parts connected to the end nodes.

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I've followed the installation video just fine and KSP works pretty good without OPT. When i installed OPT, it crashes on startup. Now, i looked into error.log and it said "mono.dll" on the first line i read, so from a previous issue in this thread that had been resolved involving mono.dll, i thought i just had an outdated mod installed, however in that case KSP should simply crash even without OPT. Now there was in fact an outdated mod installed which is planetshine, that was never updated since the 1.2 version works in 1.3 as well. Wondering if this was causing issues, i removed planetshine and the game still crashed on launch, so now i'm clueless. Help please.

I've put both crashlogs in a zip file and uploaded them to mega: https://mega.nz/#!3ZV3DQwA!6ZEiMbVuFZY22-8gamShLcGgRIn0-deumjduXyaWtbc

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@KeksOfWisdom You too seem to have multiple MM installed. Ensure that there is only ever one of this dll, and that it is the latest version for your version of KSP. There's apparently a version 2.5 of it along with 2.8.1. The errors are centered on your visual mods (EVE in particular). So check those if you still have problems after dealing with MM.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Patch 2.0.1

Nothing too significant, just some balance for career and science game play. Isn't really needed if you are happy with your current game play.

Note that if you are playing a science or career game play, your existing in flight craft will not be affected HOWEVER crafts inside VAB, SPH may show as "this craft contain invalid or locked parts".
You need to research relevant parts in the tech tree to unlock them again.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Major nerf to all OPT RCS parts, they all have specific impulse of 350 (down from 550) and requires electric charge.
If you have CTT, all OPT engines other than j aerospike will be in the Experimental aircraft engines
Also fixed the bug where any parts attached to the vertical node of J deployment bay doesn't get shielded.

Detailed changes:

  Reveal hidden contents

Download links:
https://spacedock.info/mod/1028/OPT Space Plane

At least one of the links should be working.



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  On 7/29/2017 at 3:42 AM, K.Yeon said:

Patch 2.0.1

Nothing too significant, just some balance for career and science game play. Isn't really needed if you are happy with your current game play.

Note that if you are playing a science or career game play, your existing in flight craft will not be affected HOWEVER crafts inside VAB, SPH may show as "this craft contain invalid or locked parts".
You need to research relevant parts in the tech tree to unlock them again.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Major nerf to all OPT RCS parts, they all have specific impulse of 350 (down from 550) and requires electric charge.
If you have CTT, all OPT engines other than j aerospike will be in the Experimental aircraft engines
Also fixed the bug where any parts attached to the vertical node of J deployment bay doesn't get shielded.

Detailed changes:

  Reveal hidden contents

Download links:
https://spacedock.info/mod/1028/OPT Space Plane

At least one of the links should be working.




hmmmmm Still seeing drag inside those bays @K.Yeon.



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  On 7/29/2017 at 11:19 AM, stali79 said:

hmmmmm Still seeing drag inside those bays @K.Yeon.


Bro.... it looks like you use tweakscale on those engines again haha. Those ARI engines looks much smaller than 1.25m diameter. So it's the exact same problem as before with tweakscale, which i cannot fix.

If you found another problem just try it with clean install first.
If it works with clean install but not with some mod, probably the best figure it out by uninstalling mods one by one until the problem is gone so you can report exactly what mod is conflicting with OPT.


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Did some debugging and found the issue. Its the game itself. The screenshots are my hammerhead relaunching from sph and had lots of drag. Built a test plane with the same setup for the d.bay and discovered no drag.it LOOKS like ksp doesnt update part data for premade ships such as my hammerhead. Whiiiiiiiich means i have to pull her apart :(


EDIT: I honestly thought that part updates would carry through to exising ships rather than the part having to be readded


EDIT2:  All we need now is a Ventral/Drop bay and some TB2 wings and the mod will be perfect :)

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  On 7/29/2017 at 3:24 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@KeksOfWisdom You too seem to have multiple MM installed. Ensure that there is only ever one of this dll, and that it is the latest version for your version of KSP. There's apparently a version 2.5 of it along with 2.8.1. The errors are centered on your visual mods (EVE in particular). So check those if you still have problems after dealing with MM.


MM was not the issue but i just made a fresh install of KSP and installed the visual mods and OPT first then all the other stuff and now it works.

Well, thanks anyway.

Edited by KeksOfWisdom
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I see what looks like mirrored cargo bays in that picture. Cargo bays cannot be attached directly in mirrored mode or one will attach "backward" to the wrong nodes (inside instead of outside nodes) and cause immense drag.  Don't know if that's part of your problem, but if you are rebuilding that beast, you'll likely have to deal with it.  6th post down on here for longer explanation and fix:


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  On 7/30/2017 at 10:12 PM, IcedLance said:

CKAN still says v2.0.1 is KSP 1.2.2 compatible, for 1.3.0 it only displays OPT Legacy parts. Also it's missing dependencies. (I guess they're optional?)


Well it is. OPT contains no plugins and works in nearly all versions of KSP. None of its dependencies are bundled anymore, except Firespitter for fuel switching. That's the best I can tell you as I don't use CKAN.

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Using this for the first time, I've built a K-based plane that's flying well and has plenty of cargo room, very nice, thank you very much for the mod efforts.

I'm having one problem though - if a MechJeb unit is attached to this plane anywhere, the engines will start on the runway but they drop instantly to 0% and they won't respond. Speaking of which, these are J-92 Nebulas. Take off the MechJeb unit, they start and function fine.

I discovered this as the cargo container has three modules destined for a space station, each of which has RCS and some mono, an HECS or OKTO2, and the standard 1970s transistor radio-looking MJ unit. At first I thought it was the probe cores, that somehow the game was getting confused about which was the master vehicle it was starting and which were attached. But as I tested I finally realized it was the MJ units, if one was attached either directly to the plane or to an object attached in the cargo bay, engines no wanna work.

Looking at the log I see mostly unrelated stuff but it eventually starts repeating these two over and over:

[EXC 16:36:41.015] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	JSI.RPMVesselComputer.onVesselWasModified (.Vessel who)
	EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data)
	Part:SendEvent(String, BaseEventDetails, Int32)
[ERR 16:36:41.020] Exception handling event onVesselWasModified in class RPMVesselComputer:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at JSI.RPMVesselComputer.onVesselWasModified (.Vessel who) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

But that looks like the JSI mod having issues with Procedural Parts, not your stuff. I'm not seeing any mention of OPT in the errors.

Oh and I am running 1.30 + OPT 2.01.

I'd love to say it doesn't matter, but this is 316.98 tons on the runway, I'd really rather not tackle trying to dock that at my station solo.

Edited by vossiewulf
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@vossiewulf With what insight I have I can say that this helps a lot, if only in that other players have posted similar issues "OPT spaceplanes throttled up and not moving." I think some mention something about wheels but I doubt anyone has mentioned having a MJ controller on their planes. Well I'm sure the main dev will make sense of it. :) Thanks very much for your report.

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I've been up to serious mischief with engines again. The ones firing here used to be stock NERVs but are now the ARI-73. Radiators not necessary. 

Let's just say they'll no longer be redundant and easily ignored next to the prettier ARI-75.



Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  On 7/31/2017 at 12:07 AM, vossiewulf said:

Using this for the first time, I've built a K-based plane that's flying well and has plenty of cargo room, very nice, thank you very much for the mod efforts.

I'm having one problem though - if a MechJeb unit is attached to this plane anywhere, the engines will start on the runway but they drop instantly to 0% and they won't respond. Speaking of which, these are J-92 Nebulas. Take off the MechJeb unit, they start and function fine.

I discovered this as the cargo container has three modules destined for a space station, each of which has RCS and some mono, an HECS or OKTO2, and the standard 1970s transistor radio-looking MJ unit. At first I thought it was the probe cores, that somehow the game was getting confused about which was the master vehicle it was starting and which were attached. But as I tested I finally realized it was the MJ units, if one was attached either directly to the plane or to an object attached in the cargo bay, engines no wanna work.

Looking at the log I see mostly unrelated stuff but it eventually starts repeating these two over and over:

But that looks like the JSI mod having issues with Procedural Parts, not your stuff. I'm not seeing any mention of OPT in the errors.

Oh and I am running 1.30 + OPT 2.01.

I'd love to say it doesn't matter, but this is 316.98 tons on the runway, I'd really rather not tackle trying to dock that at my station solo.


Try turning MechJeb off on all parts except the one you really want to be in control. (there's a button in the context menu)

The exception in onVesselWasModified isn't going to be responsible here and it happens exactly once whenever a ProceduralPart is on a vessel that is being loaded. (once for each PP). Apparently KSP hasn't initialized something yet when that event fires because it's firing before anything has updated. Next PP update will defer the event firing until the ... third ... FixedUpdate frame. (the event is necessary to force the FlightIntegrator to update the part's thermal graph, otherwise it will treat it as if it were never rescaled)

Edit OH.... and if turning extra MJ units off doesn't help then go into Utilities and turn off intake management. It might have closed all your intakes and then throttled the engines down, assuming they were airbreathers.

Edited by Starwaster
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  On 7/31/2017 at 10:25 PM, Starwaster said:

Try turning MechJeb off on all parts except the one you really want to be in control. (there's a button in the context menu)

The exception in onVesselWasModified isn't going to be responsible here and it happens exactly once whenever a ProceduralPart is on a vessel that is being loaded. (once for each PP). Apparently KSP hasn't initialized something yet when that event fires because it's firing before anything has updated. Next PP update will defer the event firing until the ... third ... FixedUpdate frame. (the event is necessary to force the FlightIntegrator to update the part's thermal graph, otherwise it will treat it as if it were never rescaled)

Edit OH.... and if turning extra MJ units off doesn't help then go into Utilities and turn off intake management. It might have closed all your intakes and then throttled the engines down, assuming they were airbreathers.


Thanks for the help. I already reproduced it with a single MJ unit, but I'll try again just to be extra sure. 

The intake management though is a good guess as that's how it acts, like air-breathers with no air - they turn on but just idle.

BTW this forum framework usually has image functions and file attachment, neither of which I see - are they just really paranoid here and I'm still denied certain functions because I'm new, or am I missing them somewhere?

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1) Reproducible with a single MJ unit. As mentioned I'm using the basic unit, I don't have the pod version you get late, so I don't know if the units themselves behave differently in this respect.

2) You were right, it's the intake management. Disable intake management and we have a flyable plane again. Wonder why it's slamming the intakes? Interestingly in this state the "prevent jet flameout" utility is active, so it's aware at some level that the jets on this vessel don't have enough air, and yet it has the air intakes closed. Actually that sounds more like someone is firing the wrong event or the listener logic is wrong.

Thanks, I can now use MJ on my giant spaceplane. However I'm pretty sure this affects all the OPT planes, not just the K, think I had it happen to me on a J but I thought I was having an intake air problem. And if that's the case, how did no one notice? They all fly their 300 ton spaceplanes in pure manual station rendezvous and dockings?

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  On 8/1/2017 at 1:19 AM, vossiewulf said:

1) Reproducible with a single MJ unit. As mentioned I'm using the basic unit, I don't have the pod version you get late, so I don't know if the units themselves behave differently in this respect.

2) You were right, it's the intake management. Disable intake management and we have a flyable plane again. Wonder why it's slamming the intakes? Interestingly in this state the "prevent jet flameout" utility is active, so it's aware at some level that the jets on this vessel don't have enough air, and yet it has the air intakes closed. Actually that sounds more like someone is firing the wrong event or the listener logic is wrong.

Thanks, I can now use MJ on my giant spaceplane. However I'm pretty sure this affects all the OPT planes, not just the K, think I had it happen to me on a J but I thought I was having an intake air problem. And if that's the case, how did no one notice? They all fly their 300 ton spaceplanes in pure manual station rendezvous and dockings?


To eliminate the Mechjeb part issues completely, use this in addition to mechjeb. 


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