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Runway approach markers - Beacons

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Is it possible to make some sort of permanent targetable marker like a "Beacon" to help guide-in space planes to the runway?

Ideally it would be 100m or so _before_ the end of the runway (possibly on both ends?).

Others might like the center of the launchpad to be a target as well.

At the moment I use a flag planted via eva, but numerous times it has "walked" or been knocked over and has been out of place.

Perhaps a "Beacon" could be used in science contracts as another legitimate use?

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I would like a full runway lighting system as well as objects highlighted in the GUI HUD that are in a certain range of the approach vector. I would recommend a complete lightbar setup quite a ways out, but I'd probably skip the strobes and communication lights on these, because they would be unnecessary bloat. There should be 3 diffent ways to render of these approach lightbars for different distances to allow for better range ov visability. (The same should be done for KSC itself. One is a landscape decal that appears when the light in question exceeds view distance. Then is a greatly simplified "imposter" model for the long range, to allow for having some sort of model well beyond the clip plain for regular objects, finally is the standard model that is adjusted for LOD further by the game engine.

For angle systems, I would like to see a T-VASI type system, because it's easiest to use. I'd also like to see a single-light Pulsating VASI system on each of the helipads, and on the launchpad for good measure. This will allow experienced to easily approach them with VTOLs for nice swift landings, and it would make nice eye candy for regular players.

The desired flight angle range for each indicator position should be adjustable in .1 degree increments from a menu accessible at KSC. The managing of the visibility of the lights should be handled by a shader, so it even functions with just a decal, but there should be an actual model when you get down close to them.

The purpose of all of these lights are three-fold. They provide nice eye candy (we all love that), they provide reference for perspective when approaching KSC for all users, and provide quite accurate landing guidance for expert players.

I apologize if my words sound jumbled today, on top of being sick, I messed up the dosing on my meds earlier in the week, and between the two my thought process has become extremely jumbled.

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Yep, this ^ would be nice. I already did numerous landings and would still rly apreciate some markers on approach. Eyeballing is sometimes rly hard for me, especially when playing without quick saves in career. Shuttle missions can be very risky as they trait maneuverability for weight. A tiny margin for errors is the result with most of my crafts.

I just crashed a shuttle yesterday :( I wasn't straight (horizontal angle) enough on approach and rolled slightly to the left, leaving the runway after about a 100m and crashing horribly. I now use 2 flags instead of just one to get the angle right... but I still don't have a good idea on how determine my vertical angle precisely

Edited by prophet_01
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YES*1000 from me to most of the above!

A proper approach and landing on the main runway from either direction is far more difficult than in the real world, due to inability to properly see the runway until you're almost on top of it.

The silly boxy lights on the 4 corners of the runway need to go as well. I believe that they are intended to be (non-functional) PAPI lights, probably, but are in very much the wrong positions and configuration. The PAPI lights should be a single group of 4 safely offset to one side of the runway, and a safe distance past the threshold (providing safety margin to reduce the chance of touching down short of the threshold). Real world runways don't have big boxy, wing height obstructions tight against the side of the runway, it's just not safe.

With appropriate artificial enhancement to ensure visibility at a distance (since there would be too few pixels using normal rendering), working PAPI lights would be an excellent addition, and should be very easy to implement. It's a beautifully simple system that can be quickly and easily understood by new pilots, and exceptionally useful and effective.

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In this vein, I wonder what happens if you put some MK1's on a rover and point them towards the approaching planes at a 45 degree angle. Anybody done that?

Assuming that you mean the floodlights, they won't be visible until they are within 2.5km of the active craft, I believe. That's far too late for a proper runway navaid. Not sure if you're suggesting a 45 deg glide slope, but if you are, that's not a glide slope, it's a pre-impact trajectory… Glide slopes are around 3 degrees from horizontal.

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Assuming Not sure if you're suggesting a 45 deg glide slope, but if you are, that's not a glide slope, it's a pre-impact trajectory… Glide slopes are around 3 degrees from horizontal.

So THAT's what I've been doing wrong!:huh:

Seriously, I just suggested that because it would cover a large swath of incoming sky. You're right they should actually point lower.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So does anyone know where the resource for the existing runway lights are? Seems to me that the easiest way to crack this would be to use those as a starting point. I've tried various lights in mod packages, but they aren't bright enough and you suffer from part loading at 2.5 km. If they were written into the landscape, I'd love to see an ALS done this way, it shouldn't effect load time or create lag.

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Runway lights, yes please! I always fly diagonal to the runway cause it doesn't have lights... Never happened to me in a flight sim though.

While I also endorse the lights, the diagonal thing is easily sorted now.

Plant your flag or park your rover at the far (eastern) end of the runway. Set it as a target. If you're heading for the target, then you're heading for the runway, but if you're not on a bearing of 90° at the time then you're coming in at an angle. Fly to the side until the target is at 90°, then fly to it.

So long as both heading and target are at 90°, you're guaranteed to be coming in straight.

- - - Updated - - -

So does anyone know where the resource for the existing runway lights are? Seems to me that the easiest way to crack this would be to use those as a starting point. I've tried various lights in mod packages, but they aren't bright enough and you suffer from part loading at 2.5 km. If they were written into the landscape, I'd love to see an ALS done this way, it shouldn't effect load time or create lag.


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