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Realism Overhaul Discussion Thread


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On 1/11/2016 at 10:46 AM, MissMolly said:

Also I'm still get vapour in the lines when i try to hit the second stage, iv tried all morning with no luck. i can get it to work in sims but as soon as i do a real launch I'm hopped. 

Are you using ullage motors? Try putting some RCS on and thrusting with that a bit then start your engines, that helps.

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I'm having an odd issue with my installation of Realism Overhaul, probably linked to one of the suggested compatible mods.  A lot, if not all, of the stock parts, plus parts from Universal Storage and DMagic Orbital Science, are being thrown into the basic research node and are thus unlocked from the start.  I'm also using RP-0, so I'm not sure if it has something to do with that instead.

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Tree.cfg is there.  Also, forgot to mention that all of the research nodes from Interstellar are there, while Interstellar is not actually installed.  The nodes are empty but still present.  Is that something to do with Interstellar Fuel Switch?

I launched Kerbal again, and those parts are still there on the tech tree.  I guess I just wasn't expecting to start out with so many parts unlocked.

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It seems that IFS was installed as a dependency for Near Future Construction, which I believe was on the suggested part packs list.  Removing it didn't remove the Interstellar nodes, however.


EDIT:  I looked back into my GameData folder after uninstalling literally every mod, and for some reason CKAN hadn't deleted some old files.  Will retry installation.

Edited by brokenbow1
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Ah, I was unclear. Try just the required mods. Don't add others. If CKAN will let you get away with not installing it, don't. There are literally dozens of mods that RO vaguely supports (hence being on the 'suggested' list) that RP-0 very much does not support.

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I have a question that I think you could answer easily. I had started to play Realism Overhaul and I decided to send a probe to venus. However, when I scaped from the Earth's sphere of influence and I got away a lilltle bit (1Gm) I realised that the connection was lost. I had the HG-55 High Gain Antenna (Asteroid Day mod) in my probe. I chose it because in the description said that the range was ~340Gm but its real range is 1Gm... I realised that also the Pioneer 10/11 Dish (in the description says ~1500Gm) has a range of only 20Gm...  And the same happens with the conmmutron-88...... :( antennas.png?dl=0 I attach an image where the difference between the description and the real values is shown. https://www.dropbox.com/s/r19q8qqbgrlol7e/antennas.png?dl=0

I thought that I have some config file wrong. I have installed everything from ckan. The Thank you so much for your help!!! 

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@Chamo7 there's a difference between effective range and nominal range. See this: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/FAQ

21 hours ago, Chamo7 said:

However, when I scaped from the Earth's sphere of influence and I got away a lilltle bit (1Gm) I realised that the connection was lost.

In that case, I have to ask: was the antenna active and did it have a target? You need to set a target for dishes, merely turning them on won't do.

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1 hour ago, Laie said:

@Chamo7 there's a difference between effective range and nominal range. See this: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/FAQ

In that case, I have to ask: was the antenna active and did it have a target? You need to set a target for dishes, merely turning them on won't do.

Thank you so much :) the problem was that the antenna was targeting one of the geo communication satelites because I did not know that difference of remote tech :)


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Hi rocket people!

Does anyone know of a way to get remote tech's flight computer to fire the rcs thrusters in a certain direction? I'm trying to stabilize my fuel prior to my AJ10 Upper Stage Mid firing and using rcs seems a good alternative to having ullage engines for each of it's three ignitions.

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13 hours ago, Joshua42 said:

Hi rocket people!

Does anyone know of a way to get remote tech's flight computer to fire the rcs thrusters in a certain direction? I'm trying to stabilize my fuel prior to my AJ10 Upper Stage Mid firing and using rcs seems a good alternative to having ullage engines for each of it's three ignitions.

Currently, this is impossible. You can use however solid motors to achieve that (stage them as a liquid - fueled engine).

Future versions of RT will include "engine" maneuvers using the RCS but it is (probably) slated for KSP 1.1.

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4 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

Is there mod, that just balances fuel tanks and engines to be usable in RSS?

So basically real world like parts, not just whole overhaul.

Search the forums for SMURFF. It pretty much does just what you're looking for.

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The internet says the Saturn 1 was 6.5m in diameter, but I couldn't find if that means the first stage rocket body or if the diameter is supposed to include the S1 fins too?

Since RO's H1's don't seem to fit in Frizzanks excellent Saturn 1 engine mount (which measures roughly 3.74m), then I'm inclined to believe that Frizzank must have manufactured this part for good ole' fashioned KSP and not RO, is this correct?


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@cytosine RO patches FASA, it's one of the many part packs RO supports. frizzank did indeed design his parts for regular KSP usage, but RO makes them real scale etc. Under RO, the Saturn I/IB first stage is indeed ~260in (I believe the base diameter was slightly more than 260in and the diameter around the cluster slightly less; 260in / 6.604m is the nominal diameter for the S-I/S-IB as well as S-IVB stages).

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9 hours ago, NathanKell said:

@cytosine RO patches FASA, it's one of the many part packs RO supports. frizzank did indeed design his parts for regular KSP usage, but RO makes them real scale etc. Under RO, the Saturn I/IB first stage is indeed ~260in (I believe the base diameter was slightly more than 260in and the diameter around the cluster slightly less; 260in / 6.604m is the nominal diameter for the S-I/S-IB as well as S-IVB stages).

Ok, that is good to hear.  I guess my install is bunked then.  Everything else (like the ASAS and S-IVB plate) appears to be 6.6m, but my S1 engine plate is the same size as the 'Early Saturn Instrument Unit (3.9m)'.  The S1B fins look funny when attached to my puny S1 plate:

Maybe I am using the wrong S1 engine plate?  I took this screen-shot in sand-box mode, but didn't see any other S1 engine plates.  Or maybe RP-0 is affecting my install?  Not sure what other mods might be tweaking the RO tweaks.  I also recently ran the Auto-Pruner, but don't see how that would have anything to do with it...


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So, I'm having some trouble figuring out an ideal launch trajectory.

I know that it says to not worry about circularizing after Apogee, but I keep falling into the atmosphere. Is it worth saving the ∆V to do this, vs. my frustration? How do I solve this?

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@Dman979 You need to do two things to circularize after apogee:

1. Lofting trajectory. Establish an initial apogee that is higher than your desired orbital altitude. Since you're circularizing on the way down, you want to hit your desired altitude when you reach orbital speed.

2. Pitch up after apogee such that you hit 0 m/s vertical velocity when you reach your desired orbital altitude (and when you reach orbital velocity, which should be the same time).


@CliftonM doesn't sound like delta V is the problem here; the problem is insufficient time in space (can be solved by a higher-TWR, i.e.e shorter burn time for same dV, upper stage, or better vertical velocity control by pitch contorol).

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