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Community Mun Base 2.0

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Hi Seanoog, in case you or anyone else is wondering, the USS Palomino is based on the ship of the same name from the old Disney movie \'The Black Hole\'

I found Samstarman5 had made a ship and I felt I had to make a stock version, his vessel can be found here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5566.0

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@ Luigibro606, we are flying version 0.14.3 so far, if you can work your debris clearing magic with only stock parts then thats great, but so far the three pilots have managed to land without much trouble, the mod base had a few orbiting debris though.

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please remove me from the list, i am off on holiday, and wont be able to fill in my slot :/ sorry, but i just remembered.

Removing you from the list. Please request another flight, when you return.

May I please be added to the Stock base list, thanks!

Adding you now.

@ Luigibro606, we are flying version 0.14.3 so far, if you can work your debris clearing magic with only stock parts then thats great, but so far the three pilots have managed to land without much trouble, the stock base had a few orbiting debris though.

I cant imagine the debris, will cause any trouble. They will be loaded/unloaded when flying past them, an soon should be removed by putting Debris value to Zero, within settings.

In actual fact, I like them, reveals a little about the lifter stages, of each rocket.

My lifter stage, floated off into Solar orbit, to be eventually deleted. 8)

Just thought I\'d share a screenshot after I had been playing around on the stock base. I landed my lander on sal_vager\'s lander :D

Like you do, when your bored! Apotheosist, you are aware there is an ENTIRE Mun, to land on?

PS: Keep that Persistance file too your self. An GREAT Job! :o 8)

UPDATE: Presently waiting for GOOMH, to fly his mission...

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I wish that the Katerpillar wheels were vanilla :(

I\'d love to put a rover on the Mun to drive in circles around all the debris lol.

I think that, after I do my landing on the stock one, I\'ll do the modded one and put a rover on it.

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I wish that the Katerpillar wheels were vanilla :(

I\'d love to put a rover on the Mun to drive in circles around all the debris lol.

I think that, after I do my landing on the stock one, I\'ll do the modded one and put a rover on it.

I wish the cart would become a stock part, I have no trouble getting it to the Mun and back even without SAS or ASAS and the lights are really handy, I kept falling over with the crab wheels though.

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I wish the cart would become a stock part, I have no trouble getting it to the Mun and back even without SAS or ASAS and the lights are really handy, I kept falling over with the crab wheels though.

The thing you need to do is widen the base. I attached the wheels onto the ends of 3 radial decouplers so that the rover had a wider base.

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The thing you need to do is widen the base. I attached the wheels onto the ends of 3 radial decouplers so that the rover had a wider base.

Can you reach a high enough speed with the crab wheels for a ramp style launch though? It\'s a lot of fun :)

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Hey Seanoog, I think I\'ll take a spot on the stock base.

Adding you now.

I\'d have a go at the Modded Base, except I am alergjc to Mods. 8)

- Come on guys, there has to be more eager explorers to land on the Modded Community Base.

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I thought I\'d provide some (unnecessary) navigation and landing aid. A topography of what I\'m calling Moonbase Sierra (\'S\' for stock).

The moonbase is in the big patch of green in the middle and the nearby crater is down near the blue zone.

The first image is a top down. You can see if you drift to far off base you\'ll end up in the gully or on a sloped hill.

The 3rd images as 3D view of the slope. It\'s quite gentle so it looks quite flat (because it is!).

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I thought I\'d provide some (unnecessary) navigation and landing aid. A topography of what I\'m calling Moonbase Sierra (\'S\' for stock).

The moonbase is in the big patch of green in the middle and the nearby crater is down near the blue zone.

The first image is a top down. You can see if you drift to far off base you\'ll end up in the gully or on a sloped hill.

The 3rd images as 3D view of the slope. It\'s quite gentle so it looks quite flat (because it is!).

Thats great!

How did you extract the 3D rendering of there terrain?

togfox, do I have your permission, to include both pictures in my original post to help inform future pilots? (Credit, will be given of course)

Right Now I\'m in orbit trying to get my orbit over the site precisely. I\'m about 1-2 Km off atm but soon I\'ll go into land.

Good to know your working on your landing approach, take your time. ;)

-Carrys on working on my secound lander! But I have some time, by the looks of things!

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I\'d just like to remind everyone to try to keep space clean. I made sure the lower stages of my rocket entered the atmosphere. I do believe, however, that when i posted the persistence file, they were still orbiting. I played around some more on the persistence I posted, and decided to speed up time to get their orbits to degrade and eventually fall to kearth. I left it for quite a while, but they were still orbiting. I eventually figured out that it seems the atmosphere only affects them when the part is targeted. So I went to map view and clicked all the debris one after the other and waited for them to fall. Someone might want to do that.

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