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Language similarities


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Many languages have words, that can mean few different things, like rock(music) and rock(just a rock)

Word from your language | Meaning1(English) | Meaning2(English) etc.

I'm first, so:

Zamek | Castle | Lock | Zip

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The Swedish word gift, pronounced 'yift', can mean both poison and married.

A few examples:

Giftförsäljaren försörjer sig på att sälja gift.

The poison vendor sells poison for a living.

Giftförsäljaren är gift med en annan giftförsäljare.

The poison vendor is married to another poison vendor.

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No, i mean words, that look the same, you say it the same, but it means different things like saw(past form of see or saw for cutting things)

And that would be a homonym, just like Aqua said.

"In linguistics, a homonym is, in the strict sense, one of a group of words that share the same spelling and pronunciation but have different meanings."

- Wikipedia

Anyway, here's more Swedish! The word finne can mean both pimple and Finn, i.e. a person from Finland.

Jag såg en finne klämma en finne på tunnelbanan igår.

I saw a Finn pop a zit on the subway yesterday.

Finnar får inte fler finnar än andra människor.

Finns don't get more pimples than other people.

Edited by Felsmak
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literally | in a literal manner or sense | used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true

cleave | to divide by or as if by a cutting blow | to adhere firmly and closely

Do you want words with different pronunciations? There's wind and wind, or bow and bow and bow and bow.

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Aside from the Russian ÷ðüþú, which is a cognate of the first Polish word here, I'm also a fan of the word 'üуúð', meaning either 'pain/anguish' or 'flour'.

And there is always my old enemy from Latin class volo (I fly) and volo (I want). Omina (signs) and omnia (everything) is also annoying, but it's not strictly a homonym.

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